But time will soon tell where we will all wind up at in heaven or tribulation. on June 25, 2021, There are no reviews yet. They started to argue right away. Any other prophet will have to come under Eph.4:11, New Testement prophet. Oh, how lowdown, how filthy. [7], Looky here today, what they're going on now. They have to have it. Because many people that I have approached for help through all these years have asked me the reason why I am in need the only one of Brother Branhams children, including grandchildren and in-laws, while all of them live in the luxuries and comforts that the world can provide.
The Sarah Branham Investigation Part 3 - The Investigation Begins I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. William Branham's estimated net worth in 1965, Sarah Branham's Open Letter to Message Believers, Response from Junior Jackson to Billy Paul Branham, LIFE.STORY_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ 53-1108A, DIVINE.HEALING_ DES.MOINES.IA SUNDAY_ 54-0620E, THE.WORKING.OF.THE.HOLY.SPIRIT_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK THURSDAY_ 56-0816, THE.FAITH.OF.ABRAHAM_ SAN.JOSE.CA FRIDAY_ 59-0424A, HEARING.RECOGNIZING.ACTING.ON.THE.WORD.OF.GOD JEFF.IN 60-0221, TO.TAKE.ON.THE.WHOLE.ARMOR.OF.GOD SANTA.MARIA.CA 62-0701, A.SUPER.SIGN_ GRASS.VALLEY.CA JJ 141 SUNDAY_ 62-0708, THE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME_ JEFF.IN 65-0725M, http://www.erieri.com/form990finder/details?ein=351609054, http://www.erieri.com/Form990Finder/Details/Index?EIN=452553164, http:///index.php?title=William_Branham_and_Money&oldid=26609. I heard the preacher say, "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust." Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. After reading the booklet I wrote an open letter an rebuked the whole thing and challenged them on their statements. Raymond (Junior) Jackson's response to her letter. Finally he gave in as mother had already agreed and left her there. Billy Paul time is running out. This has become obvious. Billy Paul, I am not picking on you. I have also put many up in motel rooms that could not afford to do it for themselves. Very clearly, and I say this before God Almighty, I saw a huge meeting where my father was preaching as usual. And most of my clothes and things are give to me. All these ministers became rich using my fathers name. Click on headings to expand them, or links to go to specific articles. Now almost 25 years later some still go on believing tat. Pearry Green and he sent me off with next to nothing. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. Mother told me that he had forged my fathers signature on that mentioned document to make an association that would give him power and access over the money my father left behind. I am asking myself what will be done with the large sum of money accumulated by now after the 26th of October, 1990. I remember that my father was very troubled before we left Tucson for the Jeffersonville meetings where he was to preach The trail of the serpent and expose names of the people of this message that were doing wrong including family members. So when I came home I met you and Bro. Since none of them have ever worked; why am I not included in this? As late as 1962, William Branham complained that he didn't have enough money to cover the expenses of his meetings. I feel I should expose publicly several things that have happened all going back since the days when my father was killed. Which he could become a prophet along with others. I'm telling you that for almost 25 years, you have played both ends against the middle, hoping to come out the winner. It's gone. Of which they said was unscriptural for there to be one. Branham's ministry left behind, as you do. italiano, I feel I should expose publicly several things that have happened all going back since the days when my father was killed. , And it would do you well to listen to the scriptures on this. Maybe you don't consider her children as nieces and nephews of yours, but I am sure that Bro. Just then it happened. That never will be accepted by the true bride of Jesus Christ. Ikinyarwanda, We traveled until we stopped at evening time to eat.
Translate page into: I can't afford it; I haven't got money like that. To his surprise, he found an unusual lack of accountability for such "non-profit" corporations. And it belongs to them, not me. They are hiding behind some statements my father made in this regard, not mentioning the fact that he himself drew a salary from the church. When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. I remember that my father was very troubled before we left Tucson for the Jeffersonville meetings where he was to preach The trail of the serpent and expose names of the people of this message that were doing wrong including family members. When Jim Bakers ordeal first started. I want people to be able to enjoy the fellowship of each other no matter what their financial status may be. Tagalog, Such as in 1 Cor. 2013 equivalent dollars $3,244,321 USD in 1965 would equal approximately $30,518,349 USD in 2022 equivalent dollars. I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. I can't afford it; To Take on the Whole Armor of God (62-0701). There you told me how wrong it was for me to allow that spirit to go ahead. And take stuff like that of the evil, lowdown, smart, intelligence, and let them write it off for television programs which corrupted the world, sent women to the dogs. Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. Branham said. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. I felt very sad in my heart for her and her family. Raymond (Junior) Jackson's response to her letter. We're just trying to do the best we can. The Anointed Ones at the End Time (65-0725M). And me trying to preach righteousness, standing in the door of Jesus Christ, and send me to the penitentiary for it. Mr. Doug McQuiz never paid it back to this day and he claims it was a gift from a rich friend. , She gave her word that she would not leave the apartment. There has to be some reason why all of you have rejected her from the family circle. Which I am sure you would like for it to be. on January 1, 2020, There are no reviews yet. In the way I look at it, it is indirectly connected with my fathers accident. I'll have to answer for your tithing, the people that give it to me. The Faith of Abraham (59-0424A). We don't have these great, big, flowerly things, and television casts. Come to my home and find out, or let the investigation find out anything you want to know. They are hiding behind some statements my father made in this regard, not mentioning the fact that he himself drew a salary from the church. In the same way it is very easy to spread the rumor that Sister Jackson from South Africa is mentally ill, at the same time keeping secret why she landed in a mental institution. When my turn came to be prayed for I was told Go and see Brother Frank. Of course being taken by surprise, I asked spontaneously: Brother Frank in Germany? And the reply was quite commanding: Yes, go and see Brother Frank in Germany.. and to the Rev. Suddenly Billy Paul was in possession of lots of money. Branham's ministry in regards to what was said in their booklet. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. And I want it to be clean and pure when I hit in that day. Interestingly, theBranham Tabernaclehad no public record at all, and on September 4, 1984, real estate was transferred from the church toWilliam Branham Evangelistic Association which appears to have been purposefully set up as a business arm for the church.
Sarah Branham Facebook, Instagram & Twitter on PeekYou When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. They are hiding behind some statements my father made in this regard, not mentioning the fact that he himself drew a salary from the church. We're just trying to do the best we can.[11]. Was William Branham a poor man with no capital, as he led people to believe? About 1926 And I would just shine that little thing all day Sunday to make it shine, stay home, didn't go to church, and shined it. Billy Paul, you may think that God doesn't speak to anyone anymore unless they are in your camp. In 1989, Sarah Branham had an open letter to all message believers printed and distributed. Do you remember in 1966, when certain men were going to make me their Joshua? Branham preached on the "Bruised Serpent". So, the only two eye witnesses were Meda Branham, the wife and Sarah Branham, the daughter. According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years. Hollering at me about spending some money out yonder for Christians, and wanting to give me twenty years in the state prison for spending money to operate a religious move. In this tension we left Arizona. My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. The Rev. She used to refer to the Branham Tabernacle as Collins corner and made her remarks. It is not right for her to be turned away from her rightful inheritence. That was the last thing I remember from ;before the crash until I came to myself in the ambulance. Branham's ministry. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. She has went around the world three times with me, enduring conditions that many would not have. her husband. He said, From this time you dont need to worry any more. Search the history of over 797 billion , She said that the spirit which was with my father was no longer there, but the Rev. And I go along. romn, Challenge the insurance companies and drug testing today with the help of a brand new drug store. I dont know how many times my mother told me: Take it with you to the grave. What she meant by that I have to tell you now. Now that he is gone, you seem to hold to those people like they are glued to you. He used to come to the house maybe once a year.
The Sarah Branham Investigation by William Branham Historical Research I have a filing cabinet full of some of the things they have preached and propogated. Some in print and some on tape. If you can use it for the glory of God. I come poor; I will return poor. Branham said. Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. portugus do Brasil, and to the Rev. When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. : My sister Becky took me to the Welfare while living in the house that is just as much mine as hers. See? I'm a poor man. They started to argue right away. I see you catering to people of many carnal revelations. This money was left untouched since the departure of my father. Because if you can treat your own sister the way you are, then I know how you must look on others who refuse to go along with you and your motive of belief. If you can use it for the glory of God. Mother started taking up for her. Sarah Branham De Corado I am asking myself what will be done with the large sum of money accumulated by now after the 26th of October, 1990.