week will be required to be in the office a total of two (2) days agencies all across California. If a specific position was indicated for the voluntary request, and was changed or no longer needed, the nursing supervisor will make all reasonable attempts to notify the affected BU 17 employee. The Union and the employee will be notified within five (5) business days of the denial. statewide and at all of its regional offices. delays in State Special Schools Benefit (SSSB) funds. Post assignments that are awarded through the interim annual post and bid process shall remain effective until the implementation of the regular annual post and bid process. When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. Limits on Bid: An employee may not make more than one successful open assignment bid each twelve (12) months except when an employee's bid assignment is substantially modified and the employee elects not to stay in the position or as provided in section "VII" subsections "A" and "B" or if an employee is granted a bid under the provisions of section "IX." Check file for any required health benefit documentation - obtain if necessary. Second Tier members first employed by the State and subject to CalPERS membership prior to January 1, 2013 are subject to the Pre-PEPRA Second Tier retirement formula. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. 2021. A current DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee, shall be compensated in accordance with the current DJJ/CEA Unit 3 Salary Schedule for the county in which the employee's respective facility is located (Appendix C). The employee shall then have first preference on the first available bid position; or. PDF California Department of Human Resources Summary of Collective An employee may voluntarily withdraw from participation in the twenty-four (24) month Bid Process by submitting a written request to the employee's supervisor. A personal leave day may be granted with less than five (5) working days' notice. Management will staff the CTC's in accordance with the guidelines found in Title 22. Your SEIU Local 1000 DLC 850 bargaining team will soon begin negotiating with State Bar management over critical issues that will impact pay, working conditions and other important aspects of your employment. Employees may not separately file out-of-class grievances and position allocation or reallocation grievances pertaining to the same duties and responsibilities. Where the subject matter of change is within the scope of representation pursuant to the Dills Act. President Yvonne R. Walker. members. ); involuntary transfers in lieu of geographic relocation; promotions in place*; or an eligible employee who must be provided a reasonable accommodation. A PI employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on jury duty. Committee (PTC). Courses granting continuing education units do not qualify. Unit 4 returned to the bargaining table on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 broad and did not impact any of our members unnecessarily. agreement with, overwhelmingly comprised of men, are paid a A grievance filed pursuant to this Article shall be filed with the department head or their designee within thirty (30) days after the Skelly Officer's decision. Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) notified the Union of representatives from the California Correctional Health Care Union representatives shall serve without loss of state compensation for this meeting. If such a bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the employee. For purposes of this Agreement, seniority is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Permanent employees who wish to submit Employee Opportunity Transfer applications may do so during a thirty (30) calendar day open period, to be scheduled once every six (6) months by each department. The CDCR shall provide a copy of their departmental class size exemption policy to Unit 3 teachers and the Union within four (4) months after the ratification of the Contract by the Union and the Legislature, whichever is later. In accordance with Government Code sections 19063 through 19063.8, priority consideration shall be given to individuals receiving public assistance under the CalWORKS program. a conversation regarding the Departments requirement that Post and Bid Process for the Department of General Services (DGS): Vacancy: A permanent full-time position unoccupied as a result of retirement, transfer, termination, reassignment, or new funding, and where a variety of work schedules (days off, shifts, etc.) Vehicles (DMV) to discuss the Field Office Temperature Screening Contested Seniority Scores: An employee who participates in the continuous post and bid process who believes that the employee's seniority score is computed in error shall submit the employee's complaint to the appropriate Local Labor Relations Office within ten (10) calendar days of the seniority scores being published. Employees assigned to a 4/10/40 work schedule shall work the number of days indicated on the Shift A, B, C, or D Calendars. Listen to President Eligible surplus employees shall be permitted to apply and compete for vacant positions of the employee's current class or other classes to which the employee can transfer, pursuant to the SROA process. A listing of anticipated activities and the number of people required to cover the activities will be distributed to the faculty no later than the beginning of the school year. Governor signed AB/SB 142 : 06/30/2021. The rest period shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes total for any day. Approves/disapproves courses for addition to list. meeting resulted in management conceding a number of items, current contract, they presented a proposal to secure upward Must be a permanent full-time licensed vocational nurse (LVN): probationary employees are excluded. November. The employee will then be assigned an assignment at management's discretion. The FTB, BOE, CDTFA and OTA agree to establish an Employee Recognition and Morale Program to recognize individual employees and/or a group of employees for outstanding contributions on the job. An "alternate work schedule" is a fixed work schedule other than regular/standard work hours. Management may contact, meet with and/or make inquiries to ensure that bidders satisfy the eligibility criteria and understand the objective qualifications. employees in terms of establishing their home work space and have The department shall publish a corrected seniority list within five (5) business days when errors in seniority scores are identified and confirmed. No classification shall be established without a salary structure. handling DUI cases in the APS unit. These lists will be created within five (5) working days from the date of this Agreement. Vacation/Annual Leave - A Seasonal Clerk employee will be eligible for vacation/annual leave credit with pay on the first day of the following qualifying monthly pay period following completion of nine hundred sixty (960) hours of compensated work. Thereafter, all other BU 20 CNAs will be provided the same volunteer overtime opportunity once, assuring each BU 20 CNA is provided an opportunity for one sign up before returning to the most senior employee and beginning the process again (i.e., the rotation will again start at the top of the seniority list and work its way down). Seniority lists shall be developed by OHR within three (3) working days following the close of business on the final filing date and OHR will provide the seniority scores to the hiring office. Some of the major details from the JLMC discussion 625, Unlawful Appointment Investigation Delegation, Unlawful Appointment Investigation Delegation Agreement Template, Unlawful Appointment Process for Non- Delegated Departments, Delegation Project Frequently Asked Questions, Personnel Functions ("Who Does What - SPB/DPA"), Introduction to Key Performance Indicators, Part 1 - Identify and Prioritize Key Positions, Benefits Administration Training Registration, Workers' Compensation and Reasonable Accommodation for HR Professionals, CalPERS Retirement Options for CEA and Exempt Appointments, Coverage and Costs for Certain Procedures - Indemnity and Paid Provider Option (PPO), Coverage and Costs for Certain Procedures - Prepaid Plans, Retiree Group Legal Services Insurance Plan. This victory allows our DMV members to enjoy their Upon conclusion of the task force, a joint report with recommendations for any changes to the classifications' specifications shall be submitted to CalHR's Personnel Management Division. The holidays to which this compensation applies are the third Monday in January, the third Monday in February, March 31, November 11, the day after Thanksgiving. Indy Janitorial Master Contract. Positions subject to State Restriction of Appointments (SROA) or layoff lists, and safety transfers, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable accommodation requests, etc. The State shall determine the time when the rest period is to be taken. Department, section and geographic location of the vacancy; Present working hours associated with the vacancy; A complete description of the duties and any personal attributes including objective qualifications that may enable the bidder to be successful in the position (e.g., any special education, training, work experience, and/or experience using particular types of equipment). The employee will be expected to report to the employee's new position on a date selected by EDD. positive as the team brought up a variety of concerns about include: Our Union team met again with the Employment Development Our Fight Begins Now for a California for All! Thanksgiving Weekends. received a notice from the Department on this issue at which Employees may bid for these assignments using the "Bidding" process below. Bid notices will be posted in the department where the vacancy exists. The department shall maintain sufficient data to track and verify compliance with the provision. 19.13.20 Overtime Mandatory Scheduling - Excluding California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation LVNs and CNAs (Unit 20), 19.14.17 Overtime Mandatory Scheduling - California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and California Correctional Health Care Services (Unit 17), 19.14.20 Overtime Mandatory Scheduling - California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and California Correctional Health Care Services LVNs (Unit 20), 19.15.17 Overtime Mandatory Scheduling (Excluding CDCR) (Unit 17), 19.15.20 Overtime Mandatory Scheduling - California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and California Correctional Health Care Services CNAs (Unit 20). We had a Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. "Full-time service" means full-time service as one of the following: A school term employee for ninety percent (90%) of the teacher work days in one school term applicable to the employee. Contained in this section are the provisions for the "24 Month P&B Process" which allows employees to bid twenty-four (24) month assignments and the "Interim Vacancy Bidding Process" which addresses vacancies that occur while the twenty-four (24) month assignments are in effect. California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regarding the received a notice from the Department on this issue at which These are the workers on the front lines who drive Lottery program and meet with Local 1000. Whenever possible, the department will provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. Disputes concerning this section shall be grievable to the Director's level of review and shall not be arbitrable; Either party may request a meet and discuss regarding any problem or concern with the Post and Bid procedure. June 3, 2022 - SEIU Local 1000 On Thursday, January 18, 2023, our SEIU Local 1000member regarding the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) upward Management will use the most recent Overtime Preference Survey form on file for each employee. For the purposes of this section, an employee's RDO begins immediately after the completion of the employee's normal shift before the RDO. If there is more than one employee with an Employee Opportunity Transfer application to the same location on file, one of the top three (3) employees with the greatest amount of department service by class shall be selected. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. (This expressed intent, however, does not preclude BU 17 employees from volunteering to work overtime in classifications other than the employee's own, when it is appropriate.). As stated in Government Code section 20683.2, effective July 1, 2013, Second Tier members, including ARP members, shall contribute one and one-half percent (1.5%) of monthly pensionable compensation for retirement, and will increase by one and one-half percent (1.5%) points annually. Limit On Bids: An employee may not make more than one (1) successful bid each twelve (12) months. Discipline/Substandard Review: Management is not required to consider an employee who has a sustained formal disciplinary action or received an overall substandard performance review within the last twelve (12) months. When assigning mandatory overtime inverse seniority shall be used insofar as circumstances, security, or health and safety permit. New Regional Offices: When new Regional Offices are established, DGS shall advertise and accept applications from employees statewide. Supervisors shall give the completed employee ergonomic evaluation request forms received prior to the evaluation to the ergonomic evaluator for review. The State agrees to notify the Union no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the actual date of layoff. Any employee whose calls are monitored shall promptly be given a copy of any report generated and feedback on every call monitored. Standby and CTO credited as a result of standby shall not be considered time worked for purposes of qualifying for overtime. To ensure equitable volunteer overtime opportunity, BU 20 CNAs shall be provided an opportunity to choose a voluntary overtime slot once. The training will consist of an explanation and demonstration of the proper way to set up an individual workstation to prevent fatigue and injuries, instruction on the positions and movements that can lead to repetitive trauma injuries, and information on how to obtain further ergonomic assistance. well-being of NSH employees, the new program features education The Union and the State jointly encourage unit employees to seek counseling and treatment when appropriate for substance and alcohol abuse issues.
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