Since October 4 when the money was deducted from my account, I have called Bank of America prepaid card services easily over 50 times and every time I was told something different from the employees, I have been promised several times throughout the last couple of months that the issue was going to be resolved and to be watching for the money to return back to my account, only for nothing to ever happen . I lost track of everything when I just gave up what now I dont want to give up I just want to see them face some kind of punishment for what they did to us me whoever went through this s*** that they put you through or me or he or she these f****** punks dont discriminate when it comes to f****** people over and I still have these emails from them but yet they cant even unlock my mobile banking. As soon as my monies we be deposited they had it setup to automatically transfer. The governor announced his budget last week but didn't say anything about the problems at the EDD. My account showed out of state/unathorized transactions that had occured just hours before. "This lawsuit is intended to be a wake up call for Bank of America," said Danitz, who filed the complaint late Thursday. Brian Danitz is leading a class action lawsuit against Bank of America, representing thousands of Californians who were victims of fraud after scammers targeted the EDD. One opinion on the widespread fraud is that Bank of America could have prevented it if it had used the current best security standards and issued the cards with EMV chips, rather than using what the complaint calls outdated, fraud-prone magnetic stripe technology. The bank uses EMV chips in its own debit cards, calling it an important tool in increasing card security., According to the complaint, Bank of America has violated California laws and Regulation E of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act; has negligently failed to warn EDD cardholders about the risks associated with its EDD cards and accounts; and has negligently performed its contract with the California EDD, among other violations of law.. me seems like Bank of America has some shady employees messing with accounts. Bank of Americas handling of unemployment benefits is being challenged by a growing list of plaintiffs in at least two class action lawsuits. Bank of America Is Suing Me For Credit Card Debt How to win - SoloSuit Thank you. I called several times and over and over they told me there is no day of update and that I may have to wait to get the money or until the issue is resolved for 3-20 years!!! I called Bank of America about unauthorized withdrawals from my account. Class Action Lawsuit - EDD : r/Edd Im at a loss. Customers file class-action lawsuit against Bank of America involving When I got the new card I activated it and it showed that nearly $2,200 had been taken out of my account from different b of a ATMs that are about 50 miles away from where I live. In the middle of him doing so, he hangs up on me. I keep getting the run around when ever I talk to customer service. They said an investigation would be opened and a Provisional credit would be given in 10 days (it should be given immediately). In January, Yick found an attorney to file the first class-action lawsuit related to security issues, freezing of accounts, and denials of provisional credit. I am getting ready to change my direct deposit to the account that is offered by the unemployment office and hopefully they wont freeze that account as well. Mosson argues he isnt the only person having to deal with the issue. If the judge says yes, it could open the case to people all over the country, including here in the Carolinas. According to the case, all EDD cards issued prior to 2021 contained obsolete magnetic-stripe technology instead of EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) chips, which generate unique transaction data each time the card is used to make a purchase. I think this is very unfair and I need help can somebody please contact me and tell me what I should do because whore $440 was stolen from me Thats really freaky because Im scared theyre going to try and steal more money from me again and I think its unfair that these people get to walk around with someone elses money and the banks not even helping me there against me. Camp Lejeune residents now have the opportunity to claim compensation for harm suffered from contaminated water. I tried transaction after transaction while agent was still on the phone and every one was declined. I spent hours what turned into days on the phone trying to reach BOA. said Yick. "We were able to get this preliminary injunction so early in the case because after we filed, we did receive publicity about the case from your channel. Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that the defendant did not effectively secure debit cards with microchip . RELATED: California unemployment: EDD freezes pay for thousands of workers on New Year's Day. This whole situation us ruining my life. I was unable to purchase my items. When I check my EDD card when I got home I saw the missing money. Hello. I call, call, call and blame game continues. Although the defendants advertise that Zelle, the countrys most widely used peer-to-peer money transfer service, allows for money sent to a consumers bank account to be available typically within minutes, the service has nevertheless been the subject of widespread consumer complaints from Bank of America customers who have claimed funds transfers were unexpectedly reversed in late January 2023, the complaint states. Bank of America had urged the panel to allow the class action lawsuits to proceed separately using "informal coordination" to organize the legal proceedings. Hundreds of thousands of benefit recipients reported a slew of problems, including unauthorized transactions on their chipless EDD Bank of America debit cards. Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. I paid into the system I'm collecting because I'm out of work and you can't assist me?" I am currently going through this they reopened my card yesterday as of 2/1/2021 5:00 pm PST and im waiting for my funds which pays for me a hotel room biweekly so now im currently sleep by the train tracks until the return my payment. I was treated lije it was up to me to prove to them that I was not the crook! As a part of our process in assisting you, it is necessary that we contact the company / agency you are writing about. I BEG TO DIFFER!! The complaint lists a number of ways in which it says the bank is failing to provide an adequate response to the fraud: not answering the customer service phone lines it advises EDD cardholders to call; opening claims and then closing them so soon thereafter such that a full review could not have been done; crediting funds to EDD accounts and then later reversing those without notice to the EDD cardholder; failing to extend provisional credit to EDD cardholders as required by law; and freezing EDD accounts unaffected by fraud.. Hi, please add me. There are a lot of untrue recommendations but because i havent worked with all of them i cant tell you not to trust all of them. Same thing is happening to me for months now. My second unemployment payment hit my account at 1am. I would like to be sent a claim form or an address in which to file. com if you need help with any broker. Sheriff's Office Releases Harrowing Body Camera Footage From VTA Massacre, Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. They show all of them as paid out on one day, only 7 of them actually were deposited in my bank account. PLEASE HELP ME. Went through claims, said take 45 days! What are her options ? EDD unemployment fraud triggers lawsuit against BofA Must be a new B of A POLICY. We will sign up for sure. drug injury lawsuits and product liability lawsuits. lowes metal fence posts A class action suit has been filed against Bank of America for its role in the widespread fraud involving California EDD debit cards provided by the bank to people receiving unemployment benefits.Michigan Uia Unemployment Debit Card Customer Service Phone Number. The settlement came under fire from some Bank of American customers who were unhappy with the high Previous Post I called BofA claims to verify they received the reports only to be told that they failed to file my claim correctly when I called to report it the first time and they would have to start over and re file everything all over again. Seems like an inside job since the timing coincided with the conclusion of my interaction with the bank manager. I called BOA back in October 2020 to let them know that somebody in England had stolen $700 from my account from a grocery store ATM in Birmingham (information was posted on my account showing where the money was taken out). I cant get any help from the Unemploymet office. What a joke every rep told me something different. I called again and they said theyd send me a new card. I barely got to see my grandson because of accusing his dad. Bank of America closed my account so now I cannot view passed bank statements. It is as you want my money to be stolen. I have since received a deposit from EDD but have no way to access with BOFA having a block on my account. Get class action lawsuit news sent to your inbox sign up for ClassAction.orgs newsletterhere. After a month, when I contacted them they said oops! She volunteered to go with me to the ATM on site informed her that the same issue happened with everybody else I talk to these all said that the card works and it doesnt. i said that isnt possible I am holding my card and was sleeping and only I know my pin. Californians File Class Action against Bank of America for Freezing Luckily I have been working since November, but I have to pay taxes on that missing $700! One employee I got on the line was impossible to ubderstand! The day before I spent 4 hours on hold for a EDD specialist to release my payment, as I do every 2 weeks as they keep having countless errors on my account no agent knows how to fix and so since the extension this year I have to call in every 2 weeks and hold for 3-4 hours to get my funds paid out. I checked my deposit and it showed that there was a deposit on March 29 and then I checked my last 10 transactions and before the gas station was a $440 with drawl from a Bank of America located in Vista California which is 30 minutes from me. Bank of America was notified that my sons debit card had large purchases via the Internet without his consent. I have been waiting since September 2020. Fill out the form HERE! Had my account drained of all but nine cents right after leaving a branch office to verify my identity. On 3/13/2021 aproximately $1,003.00 was withdrawn from my BofA EDD account from a Wells Fargo atm, obviously without my permission, I didnt even know you could take that much out at once. I was left with no money to live on and no one could give me a glimmer if hope in getting the money back. Same frustration here on Tuesday April 2 went to buy some groceries and card was declined. EDD has verified my ID and send everything to BofA EDD prepaid cards. still not resolved after November 02 2020. I guess it just doesnt matter because Im sure in the eyes of the uppers at the banks I am just simply a sheep. On October 4, 2020 I went to use my debit card to get gas expecting to be able to access my remaining funds from my recently deposited EDD payment, only to discover my card had been frozen . I received a email from Bank of America alerting me that my edd benefits was withdrawn ( 2,539.58) from my account and was transfered to another account. Somewhere between the funds leaving CA EDD and the Bank of America transfer to my B of A account (which Ive had for years) 4 out of 11 payments made in one day, were never received. I cannot pay my bills and cannot believe this is legal. Hi Im in Las Vegas Nevada and the same is going on here. If you do not wish us to contact them, please let us know right away, as it will affect our ability to work on your case. My BOA EDD debit card was hacked in Sept. 2020. I have spent hundreds of hours on hold with EDD, and Bank of America .each pointing the finger at the other because of this Unemployment mess I found myself at 60 years old Homeless living in my card with 2 cats since November I am now sick from sleeping in the cold and have literally list everything. The last woman I spoke to at BofA claims told me that she gets claims exactly like this multiple times a day! I had deposit of 19030 into my account then my statement said 19015 was spent but thats not true I can prove with all my transactions that only 15000 was spent and bank of America says they dont know where my money is and nothing they can do about it. A lawsuit filed in San Francisco alleges Bank of America failed to stop scammers from pilfering unemployment benefits. A class-action lawsuit claims Bank of America promised 'zero-liability to EDD card holders' but isn't delivering, or protecting card holders. Please add me. A judge presiding over a class-action lawsuit against Bank of America ordered the bank to reopen all claims that were denied using an automated fraud filter and not an actual. I got passed around multiple people for almost 3 hours and then finally finished my call to file the claim. Please add my Name as well, it sounds like the very same hell I have been thrust how can this be happening to do many of us and no one is doing anything about it. I just got in contact with swiftaccess37 (AT) gmail comjust two weeks ago when I was newly scammed, as soon as I reported my case, they moved into action swiftly and got it all sorted in a matter of days..They are as true as they say they are! I had same thing happen to me back around Christmas. The girl never started a case for me. Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ive had $11,000 taken from my account, even after they closed and opened a new account. Zelle, Bank of America Hit with Class Action Over Jan. 2023 'Service I received my card from Bank of America and activated the card. Please include me in this lawsuit, just yesterday someone withdrawal $1,000 from my account, I just filed a claim and was told it will take 90 Days. Monday morning i called bank of america to see if my edd money had been put into my acct. December 19,2020 someone stole $2,780 dollars from my account at 3 ATMs here in Manteca, CA. Is anyone aware of a class action lawsuit against the EDD? Per the case, consumers would not have agreed to the terms containing the arbitration provision had they known about the fraudulent, unlawful and unfair activity, misrepresentations, and negligence alleged in the lawsuit. I have spoken with Bank of America and been told to contact EDDlol, not an easy feat. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The countless hours between Bank of America and EDD either giving me incorrect information or no information at all or realistic expectations has left me very frazzled and almost suicidal. After I left the Bank of America Center I came home and was on the phone for an additional hour and a half with a lady who said that she could reset my card reset everything and it would all be okay an hour later she told me I should receive a new debit card in the mail so now Im without a debit card and I asked her about the zelle transfers I said thats not card related is account number related so it should work right? So much for protecting the bank consumer when the bank couldnt keep their customers money safe. I knew there was plenty funds to purchase the groceries and gifts I had for my family. A month later and nothing is resolved. Per them they cant help I need to call Edd and get to the investigations department, and have them verify Im benefits eligible. B of A has been giving me the run around since February. I will be filing a police report and an FTC online report of the fraud. I filed a claim right away and today i received a letter dated a day after i filed my claim that says the claim has been closed and that i need to call them again to request that the claim be opened again. Its been over a month, I still have none of my money back, the new card they sent me cant be activated bc of fraud, and my edd account is still locked. So everyone that I spoke to on the phone and at the bank today completely lied to me or was oblivious to what is really going on. Now our identities are out in cyberspace, our credit is ruined, we have no money to pay bills, and we cant even get a loan for a penny! They told me that money would not be returned because it was under review. If you have questions about the Bank of America debit card . So anyway the lady was helpful and finished filing the claim, by then I had filed a police report and let her know that. I am so distraught that I have considered suicide because of the instability and complete unaccountability by Bank of America as well as California EDD to resolve these issues so that I can keep a roof over my head by bare essentials for survival. So from my social security, birthday, password, address, phone number, mothers maiden name, birth certificate, and my Oregon ID which way is expired. We have not been successful in contacting regular EDD except for once we were able to submit information and arent unable to get a hold of them any further. My husband is actually currently dealing with this right now we went to do our taxes in February2022 and found out that his EDD money was stolen after he went back to Work in March 2021 and someone reopened his claim in May 2021 changed all his settings so he didnt get any notifications so person collected all the way till September 2021 total of $7100 .He currently has been denied by Bank of America EDD 7 time .Just received information from them regarding some of the transactions and only by teller not the ATMs no time stamps Bare minimum information so yesterday he called and complained and reopen the case again and ask for all of the ATM and teller transactions with timestamps and pictures. Please include me in your class action lawsuit. So I went on the federal commission website and filed a reportBecause Bank of America closed my claim one day after I reported money stolen. So I called again a few days ago to see what was going on, and the gentleman on the phone tells me my claim hadnt been reopened yet and it was in the reconsideration to reopen process. I called b of a and they had hung up on me or gave me the run around. I had 200 taken from my account.i was suppose to recieve 1000 when i checked 200 was taken ..i live in kentucky.. January 15, 2021 / 5:36 PM I called Bank of America and they told me that they close my account and they couldnt tell me specifically why. I told Bank of America that transaction was unauthorized by me and that I was never aware of any of this transaction. I couldnt get to my money to pay bills or buy food or anything. same here.,.BofA today said it was pulled from a wells Fargo ATM. B of A flagged it, but never informed me when they closed my acct. Bank of America EDD Funds Fraud and Lack of - Class Action Lawsuits I gave the person a call, to hopefully try to reason with them, told them how much they stole and that if they didnt return it, id call the police (I did). If you have been scammed, I sympathies with you and many others who have fallen victim of the fraudsters out there. Judge orders Bank of America to stop auto-denying EDD fraud claims Thank you I live here in Nevada Las Vegas and I had the same thing done to me on Tuesday April 27th somebody drained all my unemployment benefits out of my account for $463 and now I filed an FBI report or the ic3 report police report and that was my rent help me. The Bank of America Unemployment Account Hack Class Action Lawsuit is Mosson, et al. She said that there was a couple of items on my account that needed my verification and that I was all set to use my debit card that I can withdraw money from the counter. David Koning says he was the victim of fraud and had $16,000 taken out of his EDD Bank of America accounts. I made a walmart grocery purchase at 5am and my debit card worked. I had money taken from my account multiple times. I go on the Edd site, and fix it because it must have been a random glitch when doing my new claim. It barely got unfroze march 31 2021. This happened to me today. My claim has been denied several times even though the ATM charges were from the UK! 4 days later I finally get my new card in the mail, three days later they let the exact same thing happen. I have called BofA since the end of November 2020 on a weekly basis over $350.00 in unauthorized charges made the end of October 2020. Ive been waiting for over two months for ANY sort of answer from BofA and still have nothing. This f****** motherfuker got to be f****** kidding because I just did that with my valid ID that I drove 6 hours to go get to verify myself I got no damn gas I need my money what else do you want from me. again and again. LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) - A class action lawsuit has been filed against Bank of America alleging that it hasn't done enough to protect unemployment accounts from fraud. per week! / CBS San Francisco. Shameful! I had a Bank Of America business account and my account was hacked with someone putting their unemployment money in my business account. It was like Jeckl and Hyde. Filed a Fraud claim, have yet to hear back from BofA on the matter I have had the same problem with BOA and without notice they froze my account. The class for this action is all persons who got, or are entitled to get, EDD benefits via a Bank of America EDD account or debit card, who have suffered or are threatened with a legal injury caused by Bank of America, as described in this complaint, between January 1, 2020 and the present. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- 7 On Your Side has been helping scores of. KPIX 5 first exposed how hackers took advantage of people in need. A class action claims Bank of America failed to protect the security of debit cards issued to California unemployment benefits recipients. I immediately contacted Bank of America prepaid card services to find out the problem, and they informed me that the problem stemmed from my sponsor, which would be EDD, and to contact them. He is also dealing with serious health issues. Then the next agent assured me that the info about account closure was incorrect. This is to follow up on my post on March 24, 2021. A proposed class action alleges a service malfunction on January 18, 2023 caused a number of Zelle money transfers to be unexpectedly reversed for some BoA customers. They are a mess and its on my dime. Who is responsible for making sure our money is safe while in Bank of Americas care? It's certainly progress in the case. After weeks when I finally got throught to a boa rep. She told me that the System needed to Update and that once it did my funds would be added to my card..that never happenedfor the next few weeks I didnt recieve my $300 dollar deposits until the -$1300 balance was paid.!!! Next, I will report this to Consumer Protection Agency which also handles the banks and file a police report. In November 2020, I had my BofA EDD prepaid debit card account hacked by people overseas. I want to be protected like the rest of their customers. Every claims rep says there is no time limit to when ill get my money back i just have to wait! Please include me in this lawsuit! I searched the number on white pages and BINGO, the number matched with the name the email was registered under. Oh and I am out of Sacramento, Ca. Its been more than 45 days since my call, NEVER gave my money back that was stolen. They completely locked me out of my own account two axes my own my fund and when I did go and ran my debit card at the atm, it shows a negative balance of 29 99 million dollars. When I call I get attitude and talked to them like Im irritating them wasting their time, and they will get to me when they are ready. The suit relates to debit card overdraft fees, which Bank of America charged customers for overdrafts over the past decade. In response to this latest class action lawsuit, a Bank of America spokesperson told Law360: We have added thousands of agents to answer phone calls and investigate claims for the areas of the program we are responsible for and, as a result, our average wait time for callers has dropped dramatically. I have been asking to speak to a supervisor and have always gotten the run around from being forwarded to a busy line to long waits and asking if they could return my call in 1 business day. Makes no sense . status of any class action settlement claim. I am a woman in construction. So all of those I answered each and single one correct, and I still couldnt get past. I have been declined at Walmart two separate occasions. That automated system still couldnt recognize the new card number. I was on phone again trying to have them reopen my claim. So I filed a claim and they said, 'Your claim is closed.' Case 3:21-cv-00869, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.To read the complaint, click here. Do you know how many times they left me with no gas sitting across the street trying to think of a way to get gas to go home in my f****** work truck you know how f****** embarrassing that is. The money was transferred to that account and never touched. On April 2, 21 my EDD debit card was denied when trying to buy groceries. One day later my claim was closed and the funds have never been reimbursed. i did so only to have that claim closed without notice then i had to file a claim for the closed claim. "I feel like our voice is being heard or being acknowledged," said Yick. Bank of America and EDD say they are working to solve what they admit is at least a $2 billion dollar fraud problem involving the debit cards. Dickey's Barbecue, a Dallas-based restaurant with locations across the country, agreed to a $2.35 million class action settlement to resolve allegations that the company's lax security resulted in customer payment card information being listed for sale on the dark web. They froze my card and asked me to write up a statement of events to file a fraud claim & fax it to them. i said great my funds have been restored? EDD and Bank of America are working closely together to fight fraud. The rep ordered me a new card and then transferred me to a claim rep (where I got disconnected before I ever spoke to a claims rep). I am really grateful to him because I know a lot of people here have been scammed and need help. I said that was unacceptable as I need to buy groceries for me and my children and I need to pay bills.
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