Pull off the highway if your vehicle engine is in the red zone (too hot). To recover from hydroplaning, do not panic or brake suddenly this will only worsen the situation. If glare is coming from the left-side window, remember that most visors are detachable on one end and should be able to pivot and block peripheral light. Speed: your speed should not be too fast for road and weather conditions. Parked cars at the bottom. Car indicating to turn across our path. 16 percent: Use lower gears and jake brake to avoid burning out your brakes, 5 percent: Use runway truck ramp if you cant slow the truck down, 4 percent: Go slower than the posted truck speed limit, 1 percent: Double, or in some cases, triple your following distance. Solomon also keeps a baseball cap in his car so he can use the bill to block the sun without obstructing his view. Looking through the rear windscreen of the vehicle in front for brake lights. Step 1: Look for hazards that may result in harm when driving on public roads. Freeing your car from deep mud or snow takes patience. All rights reserved. Vehicle waiting to turn across our path. Looking through the trees up ahead. And as bad as it may sound, it will be even worse if they survive the impact. With any luck, you will not need to take evasive action or use escape techniques too often! Shift to reverse and repeat this step traveling backward. What are some dangers associated with driving through tunnels? In a low gear, gently increase pressure on the accelerator to move the vehicle as far forward as possible, without allowing the wheels to spin. Always plan your escape routes and expect the unexpected. 7. One hazard associated with driving downhill is: - Brainly.com You must learn how to identify and compensate for these hazards, to protect yourself and other road users from harm. Pedestrian crossing the road. Many vehicles ahead. Vehicles passing us on the right. As with rain, drivers must stick to their low-beam headlights as high-beams may cause glare and worsen visibility. In an emergency, you may either stop, speed up or turn, to avoid a collision. Going over the crest of the hill. Brake failure..+ B. Dehydration C. Engine overheating D. Velocitation Collisions caused by fatigue are particularly likely to involve __________ . Solomon cautions to watch out for passing traffic, as other drivers might have trouble spotting you. It means there have been problems with deer crossing the road., 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. What features can help reduce risks in the workplace? defensive driving courses, off-road driving for forestry workers. What to do in the event of vehicle breakdown, bad weather conditions and/or any other delays that might occur. Prohibition of the use of handheld mobile phones if driving Frequency that breaks from driving should be taken, e.g.15 minutes in every two hours or every 100 miles The factors influencing the choice of vehicle and, if appropriate, the drivers input to that choice, e.g. Which of the two options would you choose? Keep snow chains in your trunk. Driving at night is far more difficult and dangerous than driving during the day, primarily because your visibility is dramatically reduced. How To Drive Down Steep Hills Without Using Your Brakes! Reduce your speed and keep to the right-hand side of your lane, as it is common for drivers in this situation to drift too close to the centerline. Car approaching on the right. Winter or summer, the sun sometimes has a way of shining through your windshield just the right angle to effectively blind you. Of course, the number-one rule of defensive driving is to avoid unnecessary danger. Additional hazards could include stored energy in the form of compressedair, hydraulic systems or heat from engine components. Steering and counter-steering should be done three to five times while braking. Keep doing it until you feel the wheels grip the pavement. If youve lost pressure, you want to continue traveling in a straight direction until you can stop. When you see those signs, it wasnt because the state or county had some extra money and thought theyd go put them up, Solomon says. Of all the adverse weather conditions you may have to deal with while driving, fog is the most dangerous. When driving through smoke you must be aware of additional dangers. one hazard associated with driving downhill is: Car pulling out. Use a low gear when going downhill. Slippery roads are the biggest challenge you will face when driving through ice or snow. Going over the crest of a hill. Go 5 mph slower than the posted limit. Do not start a journey if the fog is so thick that the way ahead is completely obscured a few feet in front of your vehicle. Looking through the corner. Hit your emergency flashers and pump the brake quickly three or four times, Solomon says. Pedestrians crossing the road, still trying to cross the road. Reduced traction can be caused by a variety of factors and will leave your vehicle susceptible to skidding. Looking through the corner. Watching the van, keeping an eye on that. Scanning through the corner. Gently pumping the brakes may help during front-wheel skids, by shifting weight forward onto the front tires. In addition, drivers would be required to sound the vehicle horn when entering or exiting buildings, negotiating blind cornersand/or reversing. Person waiting at a bus stop. Strong winds can be a problem for all car drivers, though they are a particular hazard for drivers of light-weight vehicles, vehicles towing trailers and high-sided recreational vehicles. Boards or tree branches will work well. Parked cars on both sides. The big question about this new training is: Is it enough?. There are additional rules, safety tips and considerations which all drivers must keep in mind when using limited access highways. Reduce your speed to allow more time to react, should you need to evade an approaching hazard. Many parked cars on our left. The driverFactors to consider in relation to thedriver of the vehicle, such as their competence and/or experience of the type of drivingAll drivers, however, should know the basics, such as: the correct adjustment of seats, headrests and seatbelts for comfort and safety; how to check tyre pressures, lights, indicators, windscreen washer levels; how to use ABS (anti-lock braking systems) if fitted; the safest way to distribute and secure any load they may be carrying; and the height of the vehicle (goods vehicles).The vehicleSuitabilityThis means making sure that the vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used, which raises questions such as: What are the safety standards for the particular vehicle(s) in respect of driving andpublic health and safety? Is the vehicle suitable for the job in hand? How well does the vehicle measure up to the ergonomic needs of drivers? Should vehicles be hired or leased and what impact will this have on how maintenance will be undertaken? Is it better to allow employees to use their private vehicles on company businessCondition of vehiclesEmployers will have toensure that adequate maintenance arrangements exist and that repairs or service are carried out to an acceptable standard and that manufacturersrecommendations are observed in respect of safetycritical features. Check your tire pressure at least once a week, especially in winter, when the pressure can drop. Cars approaching. Please see our privacy policy for more details. Parked vehicles on the left. This data can also be used as an incentive for drivers to continue to improve their driving records and aid others who need improvement. Is it safer to drive up or down a dangerous mountain road? The first time you spray it on, youll get a crusty, filmy look, which is all the wax youre dissolving., If your windshield is clean but the rain is still obscuring your vision, then youre probably driving too fast for the wipers to clean the glass efficiently. Pay special attention to speed limit and warning signs, such as those warning of curves, steep hills, or other hazards. Checking the intersections. Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. Always read the road ahead. Pedestrian on our left. Driving too Fast. It makes for fine gothic horror movies and 80s music videos, but fog is otherwise a hazard. If a collision cannot be avoided, you must know how to minimize the impact of the crash to protect yourself and other drivers. Your vehicle will grip the roads surface more effectively when the wheels are rolling. Cars approaching. Many large vehicles on our left. Car on the right, open door. 7. It is not only shared between the driver and the company, but with everyone else on the road. Other road hazards like fog, deer, and road-hogging commercial trucks never seem to take a break. Some versions may be activated from your multifunction display or in your terrain management controls dial. Be sure to put your hazard lights on to alert other drivers and recovery vehicles to your presence. So, here are, Advisory: DPWH to conduct weekend repairs in Makati, Pasig, Mitsubishi launches referral program for L300 to celebrate 60th anniversary in PH, Cavitex C5 Link Segment 2 Phase 2 construction works to begin soon, MMDA hints possible number coding suspension next week, MMDA single ticketing system dry run slated Apr. Do not shift into neutral. Lots of traffic markers. Parked vehicles as well. Pedestrian may step out. Lots of pedestrians, lots of vehicle movements. Drivers should avoid passing, crossing or merging with other lanes of traffic in foggy conditions, as limited visibility may lead you to misjudge another vehicles distance and speed. The car still may pull out on the left. Having a vehicle riding too close to your rear bumper can be a nerve-wracking experience. One strategy for assessing the validity of the scores generated by a hazard perception test is to determine whether they can predict on-road driving performance. You can recover from an acceleration skid by easing your foot off the gas. Only authorised persons should be permitted to enter such areas and the wearing of high visibility clothing should be mandatory. Be mindful of slick roads and reduce your speed when the roadway is wet. What to Do: If your car goes into a skid or loses traction, the best thing to do is remove your foot off the accelerator. The Motive Automated Operations Platform combines IoT hardware with AI-powered applications to automate vehicle and equipment tracking, driver safety, compliance, maintenance, spend management, and more. Pull over to the side of the road if you encounter glare severe enough to completely obscure other vehicles or road signs. Helps smooth out driving by adjusting each wheels brakes with every turn. The hill descent assist will ensure your vehicle doesn't reach an unsafe declining speed by further applying the brakes if needed. Every driver must have a basic understanding of the tactics required to free a vehicle that has become stuck in snow, ice or mud. one and a half times. Checking amongst the parked cars. The same holds true for buses. The nature of expressway driving means that a single accident or collision can end up disrupting many different vehicles. Watching on both sides. Cars changing lanes. [There are a lot of] hard corners going down this mountain and if drivers are going too fast they may lose control, Boblett said. Again many cars parked. Read your owners manual.) Van waiting to pull out. Brake failure B.) Car turning on our left. Cars entering this intersection. You should also keep a snow shovel and set of snow chains in your vehicle for emergencies. This includes using cell phones/smartphones, eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, etc. What might a driving at work policy include? A load must be tilted back across all grades, if applicable. How a 1,000-vehicle fleet simplified compliance for its drivers and managers. Never use cruise control on a wet road, as your vehicle may accelerate if tires lose connection with the asphalt. Solomon also recommends changing your wipers regularly: a more durable winter blade, a March rain blade, and another August rain blade. It will be necessary to segregate vehicles and pedestrians by means of clear markings, signage and, on occasion, physical barriers. This feature keeps helps keep your vehicle at a pre-determined safe speed when traveling downhill or on very uneven terrain. When driving downhill, scan the road ahead for any dangers and be prepared to steer to safety if necessary. In 2020, the Federal Motor Carriers Association (FMCSA) will introduce Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) to enhance current driver training and increase fleet safety on the roads. Just dont engage them: Theres nothing youre going to do to stop them from tailgating you. Looking up the hill. You may need to lay something under the tires to increase traction. Mountain Driving | DriversEd.com Car stopped in front. Most cars differ in their allowable operating range for hill descent assist, with some allowing you to go as slow as 3 mph or as fast as 38 mph. Many shadows from trees, eyes need time to adjust. Pedestrian crossing. Snow, ice, fog and heavy rain are all likely to significantly affect journey times but are also direct contributory factors in many vehicle incidents. Pedestrian on the footpath on the left. Pedestrian, may be conflict here. Turning, vehicles approaching. Drive with two hands on the wheel, put your emergency flashers on, check your mirrors, and get over to the right shoulder of the road if at all possible, Solomon says. licence entitlement for class of vehicle, ongoing competence assessments); and any risks that might be specific to individual drivers or their driving circumstances (e.g. Keep your gas tank at least half-full as fuel may freeze in extremely low temperatures. When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road which is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill must yield the right-of-way by backing up to a wider place or by stopping to leave sufficient space for the vehicle going uphill, except where it is more practical for the vehicle going uphill to return to a wider space or turnout. Dehydration C.) Engine overheating D.) Velocitation Get the Correct ANSWER Brake failure Brake checking is: A.) While traveling in extreme heat, stay hydrated and cool by drinking plenty of water and using the air con, or open windows to ventilate the car. Up- or down-hill driving? Many parked cars, looking through the corner. Use a low gear to help slow your vehicle down. If that doesnt work, you need to take a lightning-fast look at the floor mat. An experienced commentator points out potential hazards facing drivers and suggests ways that drivers could respond safely. For some practical advice on what to do in these situations, we asked Solomon to break down 10 . Watching for pedestrians up on the footpath on the left. May help smooth out your drive by adjusting your cars suspension system making it easier to brake and steer. If youre behind one, they can make it difficult to see whats ahead. Braking may be your first instinct when your vehicle begins to skid, though steering is the most effective way to correct traction. Nothing can jolt a driver like the sudden loss of control of their automobile after hitting a slick patch of pavement. Parked cars on the right. The onus for safety does not lie solely with the truck driver. Entering into a school zone. Using your brakes continually for an extended period of time may result in overheating, which could result in brake failure. If your car begins accelerating past a safe downhill speed, this feature will further apply the brakes. While some tires may pick up a stray nail or sharp object and deflate slowly, others lose pressure suddenly. Boblett states that rookie drivers, who have improper training, often panic, overreact, or make wrong decisions. Checking the road ahead. (Some cars have an electronic brake that only requires a button push. Checking the intersection. You also want to turn the wheel in the direction you want the front of the car to go. While the hazard is the source of the injuries or the disease, i.e the thing that can harm you. Checking the intersection blocked on our left. Intersection at the bottom of the hill. Suitably designated parking areas for vehicles should be provided, preferably away from pedestrian or working areas. Pedestrian on our left, mother with child down below. The posted speed limit on most sections is 45 mph for trucks, which may be too fast. Opening the boot. Car entering on our right. Watching the car changing lanes in front of us, dealing with that. Pedestrian crossing in front of us, allowing for that. Less severe sun glare can distort road signs and traffic signals, leading drivers to make potentially devastating mistakes. What to Do: First, dont assume your brake lights are still working. May be an out we need. Chad Boblett, owner of Boblett Brothers, LLC and Rate Per Mile Master, is an expert when it comes to trucking and fleet safety. Trying to look through the car in front or under the car in front. Car reversing out. Feeling the rush of wind that accompanies a passing 18-wheeler can give you a healthy respect for these road behemoths. You need to consider how likely it is that each hazard will cause harm Step 4: Record your Use a lower gear to control speeds while going up or down long, steep hills. Of those, 13% say they fall asleep while driving at least once a month, and 4% say they have caused a crash by falling asleep while . Person crossing the road up in front. This can be caused by uneven floors, sudden turns, or overloading the forklifts beyond their capacity. Water collecting in pools on the road is dangerous, though thankfully, relatively easy to spot. He has taught driving courses for 47 years. Adult and child on the footpath. You need to consider how likely it is that each hazard will cause harm Step 4: Record your findings. This includes foggy or rainy conditions in which visibility is decreased and can result in poor decision making leading to accidents. Trust me, this is one of the best downhill driving tips if you want to: Save your brakes a lot of unnecessary wear & tear. Coming downhill. This means you will have to apply them harder and harder to get the same stopping power. Vapor lock and tire blowouts are the two most common mechanical failures which drivers experience in extreme heat. Traffic lights. ; In fact, you will increase the life of your brakes by a few months (or even years, depending on how much steep downhill driving you do) if you simply use engine braking whenever possible rather than actually pressing the . Look for people. Solomon advises you keep a shovel, brush, and a pair of traction mats in your trunk. He shares some of his best tips for driving safely: Chad posted a poll on his Facebook group, Rate Per Mile Masters, asking his followers (mostly owner-operators) about the best ways to prevent collisions when cornering or going downhill. What It Does: Steady the cars speed when driving down a hill. Big truck in front, obstructing our vision of forward traffic. A hazard can be any possible source of danger on or near the road that could lead to a crash, and it can come from any direction. Top Driving Safety Hazards You Should be Aware of: How to Avoid Them Car still may pull out. Car waiting to pull out in front. If a driver is not paying attention, it may be easy to lose control. Checking amongst the trees. Glare can be worsened by moisture and dirt accumulation on both sides of your windshield, so be sure to clean the outside and inside regularly. This feature works with your vehicles existing braking systems to block you from going past a certain speed while traveling downhill or on unsteady terrain. Chad says the driver, who was new to the industry, was most likely unfamiliar with how to navigate the tricky, mountainous roads of Colorado. Manual handlingHandling products can involve the frequent movement of some fairly substantial loadsLifting operationsOperations involving cranes or vehicle mounted lifting equipment (e.g. Road on the left. different driver categories and the associated risks (e.g. Remember, they must not be used on bare pavement that is not covered in ice or snow. car drivers, goods vehicle, passenger or patient transport); specific competencies associated with each driver category (e.g. Car crossing the bridge. You may still encounter crashes irrespective of how careful you are, as you cannot rely on other drivers to make safe decisions all the time. Through the corner, following a van, built up area, many things going on. Braking in front of another driver B.) Vehicle turning out on the right. If the tires sidewall blows out, the car will probably move in the opposite direction of the break. Looking down the hill, pedestrians on our right. In foggy conditions, you may not be able to see pedestrians, other vehicles, road signs, road markings or obstacles. In addition, Chad notes the drivers truck was fully loaded and the driver may have been going too fast. test Flashcards | Quizlet Distances that drivers have to coverIt is not unusual for some company drivers to spend half their working hours on the road. One way road. It is likely that much of the performance data will be reactive,Organisation and structureAll affected by the driving at work policy will need to understand their responsibilities and be equipped to fulfil themLegal responsibilities of individuals on public roadsEven when a vehicle is owned by a company, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that it is used in a legal and roadworthy condition rests with the individual driver. Nearly all states have chosen to discourage dangerous driving around high-risk work zones by increasing or doubling the fines incurred by traffic violations. If this happens, pour water over the engine and fuel lines and only attempt to restart the vehicle when it has cooled. While skidding is often caused by rain, mud, snow or ice, it can also happen when you turn, change lanes, brake or accelerate suddenly, as this can throw weight from one part of the vehicle to another. If youre down to three good tires, youre no longer in a position to drive safely on the road. If your journey involves using unfamiliar limited access highways, planning your route ahead of time is essential. Vision's obscured. All rights reserved. May step back in front. Both front and rear-wheel traction loss can be corrected by looking and steering in the direction you wish the vehicle to go. Watching for pedestrians. In addition to adverse weather, traction loss can be caused by issues with your vehicle. Unfortunately, hazardous conditions can occur in any climate and during any season, despite your best efforts to avoid them. Locked wheel skids occur when traveling at speed and the brakes are applied too sharply. Your ability to remain calm and take appropriate evasive action during such situations could mean the difference between life and death.
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