Metacritic Reviews. What does the title mean? When Salim tells him he did, Javed Khan responds, "Good. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or destinies? Slumdog Millionaire: Sleeper Hit or Insensitive Depiction? Her boyfriend batters her, leaving cigarette burns on her breasts, and drives her to suicide, ending Ram's employment.While working for the actress, Ram lives on the second floor of a Mumbai chawl, sharing a room with Salim. "Bombay had turned into Mumbai," he says, and we see Jamal and Salim walking through large industrial areas. This is because the government doesnt know how to manage the money and lots of politicians steal it as the corruption increases in the country. So, how can we make our predictions of the summmary of the film? (A) Truth alone triumphs, (B) Lies alone triumph, (C) Fashion alone triumphs, or (D) Money alone triumphs. Immediately after the dance scene, the gang erupts into the empty train station and slaughters Jamal and Latika. The children run into a large abandoned hotel and run up the stairs to a room, where Salim pours them cups of various liquors. Answer (1 of 7): It's partially historic and partially a practical reason. We need to promote decentralized and responsible development of our territory, innovation and long-term investments. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) is now on HBO Max as of . Child trafficking and drugs are still a menace to which such poor people, most times forgotten by law and police, have no defense at all. Latika and Jamal were in love but Salim sells her to another evil man: Javed.Insted of feeling happy with his money, he was vary confussed and sad with himself.He realized that money does not bring happines. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. When Beaufoy was commissioned to write the film by Film4, the script was sent out to investors including Celador Productions, which had the intellectual rights to the TV show. How to Find and Repair A Bathtub Leak | Roto-Rooter Blog When Salim lost a customer because Jamal was taking too long in the toilet, Salim got back at Jamal by trapping him in the toilet when he wanted to get Amitabh Bachchan's . Because he realized he had been doing wrong his whole life and he wanted to have no more regrets. I think the government is the only one that can solve this problem. So the title is how a poor person (slumdog) becomes a millionaire one and change his entire life. The fragmented and nonlinear structure of the plot heightens the dramatic tension of the film. Edit, The soundtrack, which is composed by A.R. Here in lima happens something similar. "You're a sweet boy, Jamal," says Latika, taking the towel and going back in the bathroom. Was slumdog millionaire based on a real story? - Your Quick QnA We can see this it, in most of the movie, especially in the moments were the principal characters, are in the most difficult moments, like being captured by child exploiters, lose your best friend with the possibility of never see again her again or see how your mother is killed and from that moment you are alone in the world. He encountered Babu Pillai, alias Maman, who had taken them from Delhi to his music school for crippled beggars in Mumbai. *the bathrooms are a small wooden box that goes into the river. And in a way, this is good because guys like Jamal take the right decisions and they become important (in many cases) for the country. Thats why this movie is a kind of fight against destiny, as we watched in the movie. Get a summary of everything Salim (Madhur Mittal (younger Salim played by Ashutosh Lobo Gajiwala and Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail)) does throughout Slumdog Millionaire. However, when director Danny Boyle cast the roles of the younger children, he discovered that their English was not fluent enough. Nightmare in the movie: In the movie yes it present because like Lima and Mumbai the city is very poor, there are slums, child traffic, etc. However, theyre both united on a single phrase, which ensures that its the same person we are talking about. Edit, Director Danny Boyle originally wanted to cast someone who was born and raised in India. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. our school is a very good school, but these type of schools (the private ones) are from rich and normal people who had a normal home, the ones who live in slums are the ones who study in the public schools and we have to inprove the education in the public schools. Suddenly, he is accused of cheating on the grounds that no street kid could possibly know the answers to such impossible questions. What does the title mean? Second: I enjoyed reading your thoughtful contribution Jean by luck, should be your go to guess in most cases. Jamal changed his live. Then, in my opinion, they should give them (when they become adults) a good job, so this will keep them doing things and will not give opportunity to get in drugs. We should make people realize that these people are also human beings and we should help them. During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. Freida Pinto Net Worth: Freida Pinto is an Indian actress and model who has a net worth of $14 million. The title no provide the entire summary but if you analysis the title you can deduce that the theme of the movie is that a person who live in a slum is going to become a millionaire. They live with houses of a very bad material like cardboard. QUESTION: Suddenly Jamal attacks Salim and the boys struggle. GradeSaver "Slumdog Millionaire Imagery". Slum means the place where extremely people live. He makes that choice because he finally realizes and regrets what hed done. Its your ticket off the reality. When Javed hears Latika on the show and realizes that Salim has helped her escape, he and his men break down the bathroom door. By doing this act of kindness, knowing that he will be killed, he fill the bathtub and put money into it, to die with everything he got, but in a bad way. The city Mumbai is one of the largest cities in India. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. This is clearly shown in the story. The Question and Answer section for Slumdog Millionaire is a great Before he is very poor and he dont imagine that he would have 20 million rupees, for his is a dream. At the same time that Jamal is winning, Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for the death he knows will happen when Javed discovers what he has done. In the movie, and in the up-dated quiz show, the top prize is two crore rupees, or twenty million rupees. Blinding Arvind (Chirag Parmar), or somehow disfiguring the children, is how he gets them to earn more money, since people will give more to someone as helpless as a blind child. In what ways does the movie differ from the book. A lot of contestants who are more educated than him participated in the contest but they did not win. The next day, Salim comes back to the hotel and tells Jamal to get out of the room. We see the game show Because when this happen a lot of people star losing their jobs so they have to live on this really poor places thats why I think the industrial revolution start and know you need to have a good education and this people cant get this so thats why most of them stay poor until they died. Slums are all over the world, and we have to do everything possible to stop poverty, and if a slum-dog can win 20 million rupees in Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, then we can stop poverty in the world, and make a good change, we have, to make a change. Well slums in lima arent too different from India, I think its the same only that here there arent a lot of slums in lima because the population in lima I think is around 8 or 9 million people but in this city Mumbai there are 20.5 million of people. This lack of values is what becomes in worse things like illegal work, frauds, gangs, stealing, etc. Ram pulls out the gun he took from the dead bar patron and reveals that his motive for going on the quiz show was to get close enough to Prem to kill him for abusing the two women in his life: the actress Neelima Kumari, and the Agra prostitute Nita. Why does he make this choice? As 18-year-old Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) answers questions on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, flashbacks show how he got there. contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? In order to make people more confortable the government should provide, in any possible way, more jobs so people can earn money without stealing it. because if we do that, the children who had born in slums will get more oportunities of work and they will get a better payement. He filled the bathtub with money because money was always like "the best" for him. Also, there's an old saying. His surname comes from a family that adopted him for three days before giving him back to the church. Jamal, Salim, and Latika escape the room. He decided to do something for his brother becouse around the entire movie he didnt do anything for his brother. I also think that what we have to do with this problem, is go to that place and make a social work, to help them with some food or cleaning supplies. Change). Poor people migrate to well-known cities in their countries in order to have the same opportunities as the ones who already live there and have a job. Tub Is Clogged & Fills Up When Using Bathroom Sink Teach them how to get out of that situation, working and changing the situation. I think that the causes of this phenomena are: that the people who live in the slums, dont want to prgress or work in a place, to earn some money. Why was this not eligible for the Foreign Film Oscar? So its a poor boy from the streets that enters the game and makes his best guess. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In Who wants to be a millionaire? Slumdog Millionaire Final Scene Analysis - 1226 Words | Cram If think that the solution for this big problem here in Peru and probably in Mumbai also is the reorganization of the government. What do you think the film is saying about the globalization of culture through media? Replace the stem washers and then secure your new fixtures. How much money did Slumdog Millionaire win? The sofa's bolster concealed a water tank and heater, while the seat unfolded to reveal a bathtub. Why does he make this choice? Every single question was a important moment of Jamals life, thats why he could answer every question. Why Did They Blind The Kid In Slumdog Millionaire? The imagery lets us know that we are not in the present time, but the past, and that the images being portrayed are ones that haunt Jamal's psyche. Poverty is a terrible state in which one doesnt have money or material possessions. As Latika said in the movie, This progamme (Who wants to be a millionaire) is popular because is a way out of their actual life. Latika (Freida Pinto), having meanwhile been helped by Salim to escape from Javed's (Mahesh Manjrekar) "safehouse" and given his cellphone, races back to her car to answer the call. While Jamal resists the life of a gangster, the easiest way to Are you referring to "Zanjeer" the film, or the novel, Slumdog Millionaire. Another difference is that in Peru there is no way to die of hungry. The host of the game show asks a question about which American statesman is on the one hundred dollar bill. Edit, The domestic trailer features three songs: "Latika's Theme," from A.R. Salim did that because after all that he passed he didnt get hapiness and also he was upset of having mistrated his brother Jamal and her friend (girlfrien) Latika. Isolation due to poverty Edit, Song and dance sequences are very common in Bollywood movies to portray feelings of love, happiness, or other emotions. In question number 3 says: By the time pass, that friendship turns to strong loop of love. In his life he crossed many difficulties, like: He loses his mother (unique family without his brother), his brother dont have a good moral rationality, etc. The poor people do bad things to earn some money. They would have to buy or transport more things to sell so its not convenient for them. The title in this movie give us a clear idea of what the story or movie will be about, when you read it you instantly know that it will be about a slum dog that became millionaire. Second provide them jobs, food, etc. After his victory, Jamal goes to the train station to wait for Latika. Most of the times we have money and do not know what to do with it, and the best thing to do is use to help others. It is that the money is blood money, like the money that he earned with working for Javed and because all the murders and robberies. In my point of view y think, that there is a solution, I think that the government give more opportunities for the people who have small business, the government need to give money so they can grow his own business, but before that I think that the government need to give a few classes for teach that people how to keep the money safe and how you need to do for grow your own job, so that kind of few and easy examples can do the government for keep a population without slums. Jamal's belief in his ability to find Latika, in spite of having no leads, makes his story that much more of a fairy tale. Though we don't know for certain, Latika was probably orphaned in the Bombay riots, much like Jamal and Salim. why is this a relevant fact in the movie? Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? So the first question states the following What does the title mean? In conclusion, we can say that slums are caused by the lack of willpower of people who lives in them and that the only solution to this is the effort. Salim discovered that the way of vices and wrong liberty takes you to the wrong ending, but he discovered it too late. He is unable to see beyond himself, and his desire for power and wealth.. even if it means selling out his brother. He put a whole space between Latika and his brother, he made his brother suffer and did anything in order to get money and get out of the slums. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. While the image suggests that he has chosen a life of greed and violence, he is also redeemed, having helped someone who needed it and asked for forgiveness from his god. based on movies natural plot making, we can asume he will have many troubles on the way. What is this film staying about the effect of money on culture? Proceed by removing the plastic caps from the center of the faucet. "You really thought you could just walk in and take my prize away?" In Peru, Lima there are many slums and also bad people who have many money from there as in India, but the difference between Lima and Mumbai is that here there are not so many mafias as there are in Mumbai and also here theres not a LEGAL discrimination between poor and rich. He sealed his destiny when he gave his phone to Latika, he knew Jamal will call to that number and that Jamed will hear Latika on the television and seek for him, but that way Salim will be able to kill Jamed. This kind of conflicts are the cause of other like working children, malnutrition, crimes, illiterate people, unemployment, and some others. Pierre, good work. Millionaire in this movie means sincerely loved. Edit, Allowed back on the show to play the final round of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, Jamal is faced with a question he cannot answer. Slums in Lima and slums in Mumbai: Its heavily implied but never confirmed that the reason why Salim wanted Jamal out of the room was because that he wanted Latika. I believe that what causes poverty is the lack of responsibility of their parents, who are not in a good situation, and use their children to earn more money. How does the title and the Is Slumdog Millionaire available on Netflix? In this programme the finality is to win a trip for any school for his prom trip. He was very lucky. Thick suds and bubbles on the surface of the bathwater prevent the diffusion of heat into the air. . Here in Peru, is the same situation, the slumdogs can choose between honest way, such as Jamal or bad way, like Salim. Salim in the movie ultimately plays a sinister and tragic role; Salim in the book leads a charmed life and becomes a movie star.In the movie and in the book, both boys are taken to a residential music school near Mumbai, where all the children seem to be crippled. Slumdog Millionaire: Salim (Madhur Mittal (younger Salim - Shmoop Finally, he says God is great, as it gave the opportunity to get rid of that weight off. We have been blessed to bless, and this is what we have to do. It is sad that the things in common are the most terrible aspects of their live because this simply means that there is more people in the world living in this inhuman state. Meanwhile Salim wanders through the streets of the city, eventually finding a group of gangsters and asking after Javed Khan, their leader. I think that what he did was incredible, because he knew all the answers from past experiences, and not good experiences. With his last breath, he utters the words . We see a flashback of Salim shooting a revolver, and Jamal correctly answers the question: Samuel Colt. (8) For 10,000,000 rupees: Which cricketer has scored the most first-class centuries in history? Here in Peru, the same thing occurs in slums. He didnt deny his wish of money so he filled the bathtub with money and died there along with the gangster. Why do Americans have bathtubs? - Quora How did the filmmakers secure the rights to 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'. For this problem is impossible to be do in a short term because the problem is so bigger that is need to be do in a lot of years. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The script changes the show back to the well-known and globally franchised version. Is "Slumdog Millionaire" based on a book? Jamal stalls, before saying the correct answer, Benjamin Franklin. How did Jamal get on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". Actually, his poverty made him rich; its pretty ironic. The government has another problem because they mostly spend the money for useless things like buying too much arms because they are preparing the country for a possible war. Portable Bathtubs: Tub Bathing from the Early 19th and 20th Centuries Is Slumdog Millionaire a feel good movie? Salim isn's just a questionable character, he is a bad brother. What do you take away as the most important or impression from the film? Probably as a show-off when he gets killed. Why does he make this choice? (LogOut/ Danny Boyle's movie, the most talked-about British film in years, may have won a powerful cohort of enemies in India and overseas, but among these real-life 'slumdogs' the director has become a hero. He teach to the kids a song and the kids need to go to the street and recollect money and then the money is going to Maman but the thing that is worst is that Maman hurt the kids because if one kid dont is blind you are going to give him money because you are going to feel bad. Why does he make this choice? Instead his brother did the same, but in the bad way, being in the mafia. If the government doesnt help, then we got to do something. 2000-year-old Roman Baths in the English city of Bath have been closed for public bathing since 1978 after a girl died of a meningitis-related illness. How many Oscars did slumdog millionaire receive? As a result, there has been a disproportionate rise of slums and overcrowing in the city. The title explains Jamal's identity, and motif, in the movie. In change, his brother has taken a different live with more order and responsibility. Was Slumdog Millionaire A True Story? - Explained Edit, Jai Ho is a phrase that literally means Victory (Jai) Be (Ho). Salim put twenty million rupees worth of bills into the bathtub where he died. She then reveals herself to be Gudiya, from the chawl, whose father had suffered only a broken leg when Ram pushed him from the balcony, and who had stopped raping Gudiya after his fall.Gudiya gets him his prize money, Ram marries Nita, Salim becomes a movie star, and the crippled children are liberated from their imprisonment.In the movie, Jamal never carries a gun and never shoots or threatens anybody. If Jamal Malik, a slum-dog can become a millionaire, then pretty much nothing in this world is impossible. As everyone knows, the title of this film is Slumdog Millionaire, a phrase conformed by totally different words. The patch did the job for the time being, at least. So how does a Slum dog becomes a millionaire? Four answer choices are presented: (A) He cheated, (B) He's lucky, (C) He's a genius, and (D) It is written. This kind of difference is also seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and it causes serious conflicts like corruption, physical abuse, social discrimination, and others. It was adapted for the movie by British screenwriter Simon Beaufoy. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? "Is that you brother?" The title Means like two different words that don`t means anything together because slum mean like poor people and millionaire like a very rick people. Why did Salim put money in the bath? Eventually, Salim picks up and Jamal begins to speak the call center script, but Salim recognizes his voice. In this case im going to talk about the famous show called l ltimo pasajero. Nice, you actually have something constructive to say about the problem. "Not for one moment, it's our destiny," he says. This can be stopped, giving more work, so the people can work and have more money. Salim also thinks about the relationship that Jamal was having with Latika and reflects that with this sacrifice Latika will not have any problems in her work because of his dead boss. Another important difference between both slums is that while Indian slums are in a constant religion war, here religions are not so varied and this negates the possibilities of having these conflicts. "I owe Latika," says Jamal, and Arvind tells Jamal that Latika is on Pila Street, going by the name of "Cherry." When Jamal beats on the door, Salim opens it and points the gun at Jamal's head, threatening to shoot him. Jamal is asked to answer questions that he wouldnt know if he didnt live that rough and difficult life. This was similar to Bruschke & Ricke's combined sofa and bathtub of the same period. We see him at his job at a call center as a chaiwala. For Jamal, destiny is not simply what happens to you, but a more complicated confluence of events and occurrences with actions one takes. Salim chose the way he wanted to die. What?! The policeman threatens to electrocute Jamal again if he doesn't explain how he knew about the Hundred Dollar Bill and Jamal continues his story. Lo and behold, he is correct and wins the 20 million rupees. I think that the title in a simple way means that several opportunities are presented to a poor boy with no future and these changes his life and change him, making him a better person and rich. After getting a small hut, they need to find for a job but they wont get a job because of their lack of knowledge and thats also the way which makes crime increase. Then, his search for Latika is motored by his belief in their mutual destiny, a conviction he tells her when they catch up at the abandoned hotel. Jamal Malik (Dev Patel), an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, India, is just one question away from winning the grand prize on India's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. Why there are slums I think is because how we men have been changing the world I think that this phenomenon starts in the industrial revolution. Instead, Jamal chose the way of honesty and hard work. The differences between ours slum with the Mumbai slums that ours are bigger and they are in a lot of parts in Mumbai they are a lots too but the difference that are smaller than ours. Despite all the poor people in India and Per we can make sure that everything can change, a lot of people started from being just one simple Slum. In the novel, the prize was significantly largerone billion rupees, about 21 million USD. Not affiliated with Harvard College. They scavenge on a rubbish dump, where they are lured to a childrens home by an evil Fagin character who later tries to blind one of the boys with acid so he can earn more as a beggar.