Please select a different job from those listed below. Job specializations: Administrative/Clerical. Jerrie Boksich was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, and attended public schools. Ms. Victoria Buls. From everyone I talked to, this district worked hard to put in place what I would call an adaptive management approach she said. The District is proud of our proactive and dedicated PTA that serves staff and student in numerous ways throughout the school year. Currently Jerrie is also serving on the Alpine Theater Project Board of Directors. For more information on the election call the district office at 862-8640. Theres people who have been on the board and dedicated educators who are in the trenches that I want to hear from to learn what they view as the priorities first.. Whitefish High School Mission - The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community that engages each student to succeed in . Several participants have placed at the NW divisional to include Gold Medal winners. And in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, Morrow supports the way the district handled reopening schools. In addition to her work with schools, she also has experience in mediation. Time: 6:00 PM. I think theyre one of the most important demographics that we have and the best investment is in the development of a child, she added. After moving around a lot as a youngster himself, Diehls father was also in the Air Force, he wanted his two kids to attend one high school instead of moving several times. I think were a growing economy in Whitefish; the challenge would be to serve every member of the community and know what their needs are because theyre coming from all different directions of the country, Morrow said. 1118 East 7th St., Although she doesnt have any children of her own yet, she loves spending time with kids and volunteering in programs serving youth. Mrs. Kristine Yorba Secretary Web Accessibility Complaint Form Web Accessibility Statement. Current trustees Ruth Harrison and Betsy Kohnstamm both . I think the next step is allowing kids to go to school without wearing masks, we need to work towards that goal.. Elizabeth is a Veterinarian at Alpine Animal Hospital in Whitefish. P: (406) 862-8650 He has worked as a teacher, administrator, and program director for over 20 years. Parents should have ultimate power to remove their children from adverse educational influences particularly when debate isn't permitted. Kearns and her family moved to Whitefish in September 2020, although they have been coming to the area to visit often since her husbands family has owned a cabin in Essex for many years. Whitefish School District #44 is located in the scenic resort community of Whitefish, Montana. The secondary program has excellent fine arts programs along with the advance placement classes in English, Government, Science, and Math. The election will be held on May 3 at the Whitefish School District Board Room, 600 East Second Street. Volunteer at Muldown Elementary. Her interest in children is a huge reason why she is running for a trustee seat on the Whitefish School Board. She said her personal qualities of commitment and loyalty will help her make a difference if she takes on this role. P: (406) 862-8688 Full Time position. My goal is to reunite our district with the common goal of doing what is best for our children, which is ultimately what is best for society as a whole. Location: Whitefish School District Board Room 600 E Second St Whitefish, MT. Whitefish School District But do they leave the room feeling like they are heard and hopeful; I think I can offer that.. Whitefish Middle School The opportunity for public comment and participation during a school board meeting is provided by attending the school board meeting in-person. The Whitefish School District office at Central School downtown. I come from a long line of teachers as well, children are just extremely important. Whitefish, MT 59937 I have a lot of skills and different perspectives and talents to offer in my service so I just felt really strongly that I should jump into that Kearns said. Whitefish Bay School District | Whitefish Bay WI - Facebook Copyright2005-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) -PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s), WHITEFISH SCHOOL DISTRICT600 East Second StreetWhitefish, MT 5993740686286404068621507. Mr. Dave Means Superintendent Mrs. Lucie Shea Director of Business/District Clerk Lisa Bloom Director of Curriculum and Instruction . The interaction features such as share screen, chat, unmute, raise hand, are not enabled. P: (406) 862-8650 Although new to living fulltime in Whitefish, Kearns didnt want to wait any longer to get involved in the community. Five candidates are running for the Whitefish School Board. I feel like Im a really good listener; I like to listen to all perspectives before weighing in on a decision.. Students have a wide selection of elective programs to include pottery, drawing and painting. I feel like Im a really good listener; I like to listen to all perspectives before weighing in on a decision.. As an accomplished soccer player, I have helped local soccer teams by assisting in coaching. I do not envy those decisions they had to make, she said. In 2017 she said her family had a tough time after her husband was involved in a tragic avalanche accident in Glacier National Park. My children will be attending school in the Whitefish district for the next 13 consecutive years. Over the last year, Lengacher says he supports the decisions the board made regarding reopening schools during the pandemic. There is no room for a narrow focus or agenda. I just think theres lots of possibilities for us to continue to be innovative given the relatively small size and the support for education in Whitefish.. Would you like to continue working on this application? If elected he says his first task would just be to listen to the issues at hand and learn from the trustees, administrators and community members. She says she always had a desire to get into local politics and government and knows she has a lot to offer in the role. Students also have the option of attending Flathead Valley Community College by taking classes of their choice in the Running Start program. Terms of Use | Our community is experiencing unprecedented growth and this increase in population impacts our students and our staff. I dont know what all our needs are right now, so first of all I want to be a sounding board and listen and learn, Diehl said. ! Trustees - School Board - School Board - Whitefish School District I think Im really interested in vision and goal planning with the district and getting involved in that process.. The support, compassion and care we have shown each other as a community needs to continue as we deal with ongoing issues relating to the pandemic. In addition, I have extensive business experience dealing with budgets, personnel and scheduling, and I have held many volunteer roles in the community. Since then shes wanted to find a way she could leverage her skillset and contribute to the betterment of the community running for school board seemed like a great opportunity to do just that. Especially in Whitefish, it's a small community so your actions can have a direct and immediate impact.. Whitefish, MT 59937 Whitefish, MT 59937 National award winners have had their works displayed via the national duck stamp for the U.S. Muldown elementary School. Lengacher has long family ties to the valley as his inlaws have owned property on Flathead Lake for many years. Staff - Whitefish Middle School The family enjoys skiing, spending time outdoors and fishing, Lengacher himself says given a free day he would be out on a river fly fishing. (Heidi Desch/Whitefish Pilot) Five candidates are running for the Whitefish School Board. It has all the elements that makes it so appealing to all of us. A Whitefish native, Elizabeth has called Whitefish home for 38 years. Suicide rates have increased. One of the things that drew her to Whitefish, which she discovered on a ski vacation with friends, was that people were friendly and the community. The election will be held on May 3 at the Whitefish School District Board Room, 600 East Second Street. No jobs currently. Voices on all sides have felt unheard. Bennetts expressed great respect for the current board members, administrators, district staff and everyone already involved in the district. Whitefish School District #44 is located in the scenic resort community of. Kearns would like to help mend that and wants to start by serving on the school board. She had a great public schooling experience all the way from kindergarten through her postsecondary education at University of Montana, and knows her education has allowed her many opportunities in life. And out of the variety of ways to participate in building and shaping my community, serving on the school board is a great fit given my skills and experiences. The 2021 Whitefish School Board Trustee Candidates are Quincy Bennetts, David Diehl, Leanette Kearns, Todd Lengacher and Emily Morrow. The board should consider creative options, such as involvement in affordable housing at the city level, or spearheading their own housing initiatives. Leanette Kearns has an understanding of schools and the challenges teachers, staff and students face daily. School Secretary Job Whitefish Montana USA,Administrative/Clerical Through this work she developed a skill set that she believes would be beneficial to have on the Whitefish School Board. P: (406) 862-8620 Whitefish High School. After staying a week in Whitefish, Diehl says it just felt like home. The recent pandemic has resulted in a very divided community. Show Calendar. He was inspired to run in the trustee election because of his desire to serve and give back to the community. BA History and Political Science U of M. Minor Library Media U of M. Parents and teachers should be allowed and encouraged to have input, and their concerns should not be ignored. They have an 8 year old daughter who loves horseback riding and her friends. Whitefish School District Address 600 East Second Street Whitefish, MT 59937 USA Industry Education Report Job Most Popular Elementary Principal Job Categories Elementary Schools Elementary School School Administration Bilingual Elementary Teacher Other Helpful Pages Related To Elementary Principal Elementary Principal Salaries All Jobs Whitefish students are encouraged to take part in after school activities that promote the social, emotional, intellectual and physical skills that have lifelong lessons. Background: Studied music at Cornish College of the Arts, political science at Oregon State University and various community colleges. History & Computer Coding Teacher. F: (406) 862-2586, 1143 E. 4th St., - The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community that engages each student to succeed in continuous learning, When considering the issues facing the school district, COVID and continuing to adapt to the issues arising from the pandemic is definitely on her mind, she notes. Ms. Catey Nasello Principal Mr. John Coyne Assistant Principal . Whitefish School District. I think Im really interested in vision and goal planning with the district and getting involved in that process.. Instrumental Music all students have the choice of instruments beginning with the 5th grade and may specialize with one or more instruments by the time they finish their high school career. Bennetts grew up in Great Falls and her father was a school teacher for 40 years. Visual Arts The districts visual arts programs begin at the elementary level and truly excel at the high school level. It reminded me of home people waved to me, they were friendly, they were genuine, she said. Family: I am very lucky to have my parents and siblings close by and I have a niece and nephew in the Whitefish Schools. What really drew me here was the people that live here they have these wonderful qualities of really fierce independence and strength, coupled with a very strong sense of community, Kearns said. He added that other priorities for him as a trustee would include ensuring quality teaching materials and a supportive standardized curriculum for teachers, empowering kids to make their own decisions, supporting extracurricular programs and improving communication in parent-teacher relationships across the district.