I work very hard to ensure I speak to everyone in terms they can understand. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. It is incredibly important to research the company's core values and mission statement before your interview. My dad got rear-ended one time when driving me to school. Waitrose interview details in Slough, UK: 46 interview questions and 36 interview reviews posted anonymously by Waitrose interview candidates. Some staff complained that they didn't have their work schedule yet. I love how you place high standards on animal welfare, environmental responsibility, and the well-being of the communities where you operate. Hiring managers are always looking for ways their future employees can benefit the organization, so this is the perfect opportunity to show how you will do that. Most places I have worked for have policies in place for these types of scenarios, and I am happy to follow the procedures put in place by Waitrose.". This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. The interview process was easy and enjoyable. Very detailed o line application process. "I am happy to comply with any reference check required. I interviewed at Waitrose, Online assessment Group assessment looking at priority of tasks of a typical day and customer service tasks 1 to 1 interview asking uniform sizes and working availability, questions about hobbies and previous experience. The interview was a simple exercise looking for ideas on how to improve a hypothetical store. However, you want to avoid giving yourself a 10, as there is always room for improvement of any skill. Interviews at Waitrose Experience Positive 64% Negative 9% Neutral 27% Getting an Interview Applied online 100% Difficulty 2.9 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Waitrose Supermarket Assistant (378) Sales Assistant (86) Customer Assistant (79) Customer Service Assistant (61) See more interviews for top jobs Was asked a variety of questions on how I would or had dealt with past situations with customers and colleagues. Can you give an example of where you showed leadership? Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Waitrose as 78.0% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.60 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). ", "My most recent employer would say that I am a person of integrity. There were scenario based questions but with lots of others stemming off them. If there is anything in your schedule that may hinder your availability, be sure to address this. After describing the environment you dislike working in, end your response on a positive note. Reliable transportation can be a personal vehicle, Uber, public transportation, carpool, motorcycle or bicycle, or walking. I have been slowly building my credit and recently qualified for a mortgage to purchase another home. Discuss with the interviewer how you would handle an aggressive customer while remaining calm and professional. You may or may not like performance incentives. 9 answers. Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Stand Out From the Crowd With the Perfect Cover Letter, How to Prepare for Your Interview and Land the Job. "I have worked with many personalities and management styles with great success. Super nice interviewer and easy questions. Waitrose is a British employee-owned supermarket store with over 3009 shops across the United Kingdom. Give Me The Answers To My Interview! ", "Thank you for asking. (worldwide success stories from our YouTube community! I am also at a stage in my life where I have the stability of a good home life and partner, and as such, I am now able to dedicate more time to working flexible, and unsociable hours if and when required. Being flexible in your schedule is valuable as a retail-based employee. Focus on being honest in your response. Assure the interviewer that you can handle a situation like this with poise while keeping the customer happy and the needs of the company in mind as well. After this discusses hours I was available to work and when I could start. Walk the interviewer through your career history in retail. Focus on describing the attributes that make you a great employee and how they will benefit Waitrose if hired. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 7, The main thing the hiring manager wants to hear is that you are responsible and organized. Whatever the reasonor no reason at allyou can have a full refund if this resource isnt right for you. ChloeO. They just asked you standard interview questions that you would know. If this happened on my way to work, I would call ahead of time to ensure someone could cover my shift. The best way to discuss your salary expectations is to use your current earnings as an example. Heres the FULL LIST of interview questions for the WAITROSE INTERVIEW: Waitrose has an exceptional, high-quality presence in all of its stores. I appreciate that you want me to start with the basics of the inside sales before moving into outside sales. You had a group task to do, and then an individual interview with a manager. Leadership at the retail level can open up many career options, such as store management, district-level leadership, and even corporate opportunities. Rather than going to my manager with the complaint, I offered to take on some of her workload so she would have the time to complete the schedule. You want a rating of at least an 8 to show you have strong math skills. That shows you are proactive and value workplace relationships and communicating with others. ", "As a sales professional, I am driven by a challenge with a financial perk. They just asked you standard interview questions that you would know. "I have worked in retail for the past eight years. If you have conflict-resolution training for dealing with rude customers, be sure to mention that in your response. Discuss with the interviewer why you want to make a change and how this particular role fits well with the changes you seek. "I have solid communication skills and feel this skill is one of my greatest strengths. Interviews at Waitrose Experience Positive 78% Negative 7% Neutral 15% Getting an Interview Applied online 95% In Person 2% Recruitment Agency 1% Difficulty 2.6 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Waitrose Supermarket Assistant (381) Sales Assistant (86) Customer Assistant (80) Customer Service Assistant (61) Focus on describing that you work well independently and work well with teams. One time a situation did not go the way you expected, How would you deal with a customer complaint, Asked how I would deal with workplace situations, Tell us about a time you adapted your style to suit someone else. I also appreciate that you allow yourself and your employees to be themselves while working as a team. Explain how you provide excellent customer service. Rest assured, I am reliable and always come to work on time. The interview process was easy and enjoyable. Interviews at Waitrose Experience Positive 77% Negative 15% Neutral 8% Getting an Interview Applied online 100% Difficulty 2.2 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Waitrose Supermarket Assistant (380) Sales Assistant (86) Customer Assistant (80) Customer Service Assistant (61) See more interviews for top jobs Whatever the reasonor no reason at allyou can have a full refund if this training isnt right for you. Talk to the interviewer about any times you have been required to wear a uniform and your thoughts on this. I find this leadership style effective since my team members feel included and trusted and are more likely to take pride in ownership of their work. Was asked a variety of questions on how I would or had dealt with past situations with customers and colleagues. If you respond that you rely on your managers to keep you motivated, the hiring manager may feel you lack the drive to succeed and do a good job. The hours were just not right for me in the end which is a shame. So there is no risk. I am looking for compensation that is aligned with the role and provides an opportunity for growth.". The process took 3 weeks. "I stay calm and composed when issues arise. ", "This job will fit perfectly surrounding my school schedule. I feel confident that, if you hire me in this role, you will be very happy with my performance, contribution to the wider team and my ability to uphold the strong values Waitrose adheres to., First and foremost, I would follow my training and the Waitrose principles in regard to customer service and care. Show that you can react appropriately when you see that your employer, coworker, or customer has a need that goes beyond your usual day-to-day expectations. ", "Just yesterday, I had a customer make a purchase and noticed that she was struggling with her bags. The interviewer wants to ensure that all your questions about the company or job role are answered during the interview. We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples. The interviewer would like to know how you would respond if your coworker did not show up for their shift and you were asked to cover. "I left my last job because there was no room for professional growth or advancement. If you discover a coworker stealing, the hiring manager wants to hear that you would advise your supervisor or manager and let them handle the situation. "I did very well in math during High School and am comfortable with the math skills required for accepting cash, balancing a cash float, and performing inventory-related tasks. How would you manage food temperature in the freezers/ fridges? While I have never created displays, I worked for three years with a florist and learned how to create beautiful bouquets. I have a letter of recommendation from my previous employer highlighting these skills and have a copy if you would like to see it. "I would be very excited about obtaining a role in leadership within Waitrose in the future. After aplying for position, you have to fill some documents and scenario based question to determine whether you are good fit for the position. You had a group task to do, and then an individual interview with a manager. What I found during my research is how Waitrose places high standards on sustainability while reducing your impact on the environment. It may not be possible for everything to work out smoothly, such as getting your shift covered or making it to work on time. Take a look at our customer reviews and feedback where our customers share theirpositive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their job interview). I offered to help her out to her car, and she gratefully accepted. Great response; an interviewer will appreciate your willingness to be flexible contingent on school responsibilities. "I have a rule always to treat my customers how I would want treatment in a store or establishment. ", "I would describe my communication skills as above average. So far, we have seen a 56% decline in the overall loss.". Describe what you found during your research that excited you to work for Waitrose. He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector. The interviewer asks this question to see what work environment you dislike to see if you will be a good fit for the company culture. All rights reserved.PassMyInterview, Suite 4, 2 Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1UETerms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. "Yes, I do have a question. 304 questions and/or answers were updated by Krista Wenz on September 13th, 2022. Yes! ", "If the customer is being physically aggressive towards myself or coworkers, I would call security immediately while making sure we are safe. Focus on reviewing Waitrose's return policy before your interview. I interviewed at Waitrose, Online assessment Group assessment looking at priority of tasks of a typical day and customer service tasks 1 to 1 interview asking uniform sizes and working availability, questions about hobbies and previous experience. If you are interviewing for a leadership position, they want to hear how you handle the issue with the employee. If the customer was being verbally abusive, I would tell them that I want to help them if they would please be less aggressive. Well structured and flexible: few questions about how to deal with difficult situations and how to deal with team work. What is the interview process like at Waitrose? The hiring process at Waitrose takes an average of 21.05 days when considering 42 user submitted interviews across all job titles. Try and focus on related work experience. I handle surprises using common sense and keeping courtesy to others top of mind.". Tell the interviewer about your ideal employer. The interviewer would like to hear that you want to become a leader with Waitrose so they can mentor you into a management role. Employees interested in future leadership roles generally have a strong work ethic and are more motivated to succeed than their coworkers. The group task will be a situational one with a scenario to answer, and the solo interview is with a set number of questions. The hiring process at Waitrose takes an average of 16 days when considering 7 user submitted interviews across all job titles. If you want to ace your upcoming interview, practice with our topical-based interview question sets. I think that I would be the best person for this job because I have a great appreciation for what Waitrose is achieving in the retail marketplace. I would guess that the reason an explanation has to be given is that it provides you with useful information relating to a specific product. It felt excellent to go above the call of duty that day.". I have some photos on my phone of displays I created if you want to see them. In addition to handling change, the interviewer wants to see if you can recognize when change is required and be confident enough to present that to your organization. Then once got through that stage. Q11. If you have an example from a previous job, use that in your response. Discuss with the interviewer how you would handle a situation surrounding employee theft. One time a situation did not go the way you expected, How would you deal with a customer complaint, Asked how I would deal with workplace situations, Tell us about a time you adapted your style to suit someone else. After this discusses hours I was available to work and when I could start. Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Waitrose as 81.6% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.68 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). Very detailed o line application process. Explain how working for Waitrose will benefit you in your career. How would you manage food temperature in the freezers/ fridges? No minimum term. There were scenario based questions but with lots of others stemming off them. Of course, I would not be telling the truth if I said there wasnt the appeal of you being local to where I live, but there are other supermarket stores in the local area, and I would not choose to work there. I take an evening college course on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I would not be available those days after 5 PM. What is the interview process like at Waitrose? There is a fine balance between being accommodating and being a pushover. In my current position, we have a leaderboard, and I like that concept because it creates a healthy bit of personal competition for me as well. I have worked in a leadership role for five years and always lead by example. I am geared for healthy competition, so when we had contests, it greatly motivated me. Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice The selection process for the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) can see candidates participating in number of different types of interview. I looked at many job postings and interviewed some carefully selected places, but you are my front-runner. Thank you so much!
Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice - How 2 Become I do not have a criminal record and have never even had a ticket or citation issued.". Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 11, ", "I value honesty, so if I saw a coworker stealing. The hiring manager wants you to rate your skills from 1-10. I love that you act with integrity, give it your all, and give more than you take. This position was also my favorite because it was such a great challenge. When I started working at a restaurant at sixteen, we were taught the adage 'if you're on time, you're late,' so I've worked to implement that into my life. ", Be sure to check out our other company interview question sets, This company typically hires for the following careers, use these career-focused practice sets to help you win your interview. Discuss with the interviewer how you ensure that your customers receive the best service from you. If I were an associate, I would report the incident according to company protocol. QUESTION Waitrose has an exceptional reputation within the industry. Very laid-back, almost forgot I was in an interview. "I am very comfortable working independently, but I also enjoy collaborating with others in a team environment. I took two years of communications courses in college and have honed my verbal and written communication skills over the years. My math skills are strong, and I am confident I can meet your expectations regarding accepting customer payments. Then once got through that stage. Q12. Be sure you have an example for each and every one of these scenarios prior to your Waitrose interview. I found it challenging because it was a different industry than I was accustomed to. I would rate myself a 9 out of 10 as there is always room for improvement in any skill. Common stages of the interview process at Waitrose according to 42 Glassdoor interviews include: Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Stand Out From the Crowd With the Perfect Cover Letter, How to Prepare for Your Interview and Land the Job. Possible Answers are If you have unique ideas for creative displays, let the interviewer know your thoughts.
Good process overall. Your five core values speak volumes and are what made me want to apply to your company. (You can also mention Heston, which is a premium range of Waitrose products, inspired or created by Heston Blumenthal) 2. Describe a time when you managed multiple tasks all at once? I would avoid approaching the employee as I would not want to make it a personal issue. "I am looking to lay the foundation for the rest of my career with this position. I won an iPad, cash incentives, and concert tickets. I do not prefer close supervision as I am confident in my skills. ", "I ensure that my customers' needs are met by actively listening to them and asking the right questions. I have an excellent letter of recommendation if you would like a copy for your records. Thank you so much for the tips and advice! Be the first to find this interview helpful, - Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom Area. ", "I have some dispute resolution training from my previous retail position and fully believe that flexibility needs to be offered in extreme situations. Thirdly, our interview guides and training just work. I went through a nasty divorce, and our house went into foreclosure. Waitrose job descriptions generally have a salary range noted on the job announcement. The interview process was easy and enjoyable. Thank you for sharing. I always strive to be a team player and help my employer and coworkers when needed.". Perhaps another store in future. Assure the interviewer that you can be trusted while describing what your most recent employer would say about your character and integrity. While the interviewer would prefer someone with experience, the question asks if you are a creative person capable of creating attractive displays. If unsure of the best decision, I would ask my supervisor for clarification. Name a time youve faced a problem and how did you overcome it? Every employer should know how each staff member is best motivated. It is best to describe your ideal employer as one that is the same as Waitrose. You want to earn a decent salary but do not want to respond in a way that will talk you out of a job. I was sick for two days, and a note from my doctor accompanied those. 5 TIPS FOR PASSING THE WAITROSE INTERVIEW! Stupidly hard questions for the role - it was like I was interviewing to be CEO. From what I understand, if a customer is not happy with a product that has been bought in a Waitrose store, customers can return the item or package, along with their proof of purchase, within 35 days. Sick children, traffic, car breakdowns the list goes on. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Which all went well. The interviewer wants to hear that you can work in different types of situations but that you do not need close supervision. Candidates interviewing for Finance Manager and Customer Service Assistant rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for Store Assistant and Night Stocker roles were rated as the easiest. 11 years ago. ", "I do not require performance incentives to do a great job.
1,447 Waitrose Interview Questions & Answers (2023) - Glassdoor Many people like recognition in some way for their accomplishments in the workplace, while others do not require public recognition. Tell me about a time you worked in a team. Before he took a massive jump as a complete player, the former Alabama signal-caller sat down with the Philadelphia Eagles in an unreleased Combine video. Strong math skills are an asset in any retail-based role. I was taught to treat others as I want to be treated, which is what I do daily.". Was asked a variety of questions on how I would or had dealt with past situations with customers and colleagues. Im on step two ! Stupidly hard questions for the role - it was like I was interviewing to be CEO. Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at. This online course will instantly be free for you to access for 30-days. Then you can be better prepared to formulate your response. They just asked you standard interview questions that you would know. Order today and you will get this bonus guide FREE offer available for a limited time only. There are many different leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, servant, pacesetting, coaching, collaborative, affiliative, and more. I then ask if there is anything else I can help them with. "I describe my leadership style as collaborative. Why do you want this job and what can you specifically bring to the role? The only time I was unable to cover a shift was when I had an exam at University that I could not miss. I believe this will help my confidence grow and my sales skills as well.". Be diplomatic and refer to company protocol in these situations. "My most recent employer and all others would say that I have strong character and always choose honesty first. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences.
Waitrose Interview Questions in Ipswich - glassdoor.com ", "I have two copies of letters of recommendation if you want them for your file. The interviewer does not want to hear that you left your previous job because you did not like your boss or are switching industries because you could not tolerate the schedule. You want to focus on being positive in your response. One time a situation did not go the way you expected, How would you deal with a customer complaint, when in the past have I shown time management, Tell me an example of when you received a good customer service, describe your experience and how would you apply that experience to working in this company. Focus on describing what form of reliable transportation you will use to get to work if hired. ", "The part of the job that excites me the most is working with customers. This video. Was quite a while ago now, Was one on one and answered about the job I was the given scenarios on the shop and had to put jobs in priority order. I do best in a supportive environment with room to grow, the ability to ask questions, and healthy coworker relationships. The interviewer would like to know if anything negative will appear in your reference check to determine if they want to move forward in the hiring process. Want to know what questions Waitrose ask at interview? I applied online. What is the interview process like at Waitrose? Be open and honest. Then once got through that stage. My written communication skills are exceptional, as well.". Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 8, I have a strong work ethic and moral compass and seek opportunities to help others. There is no wrong answer as to what you want to learn if hired at Waitrose. I have a natural flair for the creative and look forward to exercising that here with Waitrose.". I interviewed at Waitrose (London, England) in Aug 2020 Interview A one-to-one interview that included both behavioural and technical questions, which are tailored for STAR-style responses.
Waitrose Supermarket Assistant Interview Questions | Glassdoor So there is no risk. The interviewer wants to know that you can speak clearly with others while properly documenting reports and other forms of written communication. Be sure not to mention names and end on a positive note. Company Information. Here are the two questions we recommend you ask in order to portray a positive and enthusiastic attitude: QUESTION Apart from providing exceptional customer service, what else can I do in this role to ensure I meet the requirements and expectations of Waitrose? Went for interview and we as given a written test of how you would sell to certain people then asked 3 questions which I thought were completely over the . No pressure at all. If you are successful you'll be asked to select interview date.
You had a group task to do, and then an individual interview with a manager. Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response, Question 4, TIP #1 Waitrose are renowned for high-quality goods and services and pride themselves on being an outstanding employer and customer service provider.