As the result of a ward boundary review, the number of wards were reduced from 36 to 32, but with . St. Thomas (electoral ward) - Wikipedia Wales Safeguarding Procedures app is available for download via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Salary: 24,307 (22,300 base cash allowance of 2,007) and. The official coat of arms used by the council today were granted by the College of Arms in 1922. As an organisation, the Council can be assured that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place, and that all safeguarding practice within the wider workforce (including partners, providers and volunteers) is continuously improving and working towards enhancing the lives and well-being of Swansea citizens. School vacancies. Dinas Powys Primary School. The last election was 5 May 2022. WGSB is responsible for agreeing on how the different services and professional groups should co-operate to safeguard Children and Adults, for making sure that arrangements work effectively in bringing about better outcomes for Children and Adults in West Glamorgan. Further information is available from the Pension Section. Welcome to Swansea, MA Their actions seek to render a victim powerless, and unable to recognise the exploitative nature of relationships, and to prevent them, by coercion, from reporting it on their own behalf. Pay your Council Tax - GOV.UK The logo of the City and County of Swansea depicts a stylised Osprey. Appendix 3b Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - Reporting. A roundup of some of the latest news stories from around the University. Full-time. Early retirement - current employees The electoral ward is divided into a number of polling districts by the City and County of Swansea. [20], List of parliamentary constituencies in West Glamorgan, "Swansea Council appoints interim Chief Executive", "Swansea council leader David Phillips steps down", "Rob Stewart set to lead Labour-ruling Swansea council", "Labour increases Swansea lead and holds Neath Port Talbot", "Ceinwen Thomas installed as the new mayor of Swansea", "New Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor for Swansea", "Records relating to the Mayor/Lord Mayor of Swansea", "Swansea is to have three more councillors next year as some boundaries change", The Local Authorities (Armorial Bearings) (No. Cancer Chat is our fully moderated forum where you can talk to others affected by cancer, share experiences, and get support. Information for councillors, Transferring previous pension benefits councillors, Videos Pensions made simple by the LGPS, Winner of the Best Climate Change Strategy Award, Statement from the Wales Pension Partnership and the LGPS in Wales, Pension fund on course to hit green target. City & County of Swansea | LinkedIn It is a pledge by signatory organizations to offer the public greater information about research that involves animals. Take a look at our programme of events and activities in Swansea. If you pay Council Tax by direct debit you're likely to receive your 150 energy rebate first. More information. Swansea Recycles. Report You can report a range of issues and problems online. Supporting staff to report their concerns, Understanding and following this Policy and Procedure, Understanding the signs of abuse, neglect or other forms of harm. Encourage your students to complete the NSS to help us make positive change at the University. managers cannot be involved in the recruitment and selection process unless they have undertaken specific training. Payment Dates swansea council staffnet. In 1974, under the Local Government Act 1972, Swansea became a lower-tier district council, with the new West Glamorgan County Council providing county-level services. Our Birmingham Professional programme supports the development of our Professional Services colleagues through tailored training and . If this is not the issue try opening the Chrome browser if it's available on your PC. Staffnet+ allows you to access your information on your personal device anywhere, anytime. The University of Manchester is committed to supporting postgraduate research students. Seventy five seats were up for election across 32 wards. Your Employer has the discretion whether toapply any 85 Year Rule protection that may be applicable to your circumstances and in this case you would need their permission to retire and receive your pension benefits. Call us at (425) 485-6059. For all contractors to confirm that they comply with Swansea Council Safeguarding Policies and their staff or their sub-contractors staff are aware of their responsibilities and duties and when required provided or able to provide safeguarding awareness raising and training. Cleaning Jobs in Swansea - 2022 | To ensure SC has a register of Safeguarding leads in each area and that each area has a Named Safeguarding person (NSP). Pensions Increase Every service within the Council has a Named Safeguarding Person for helping employees in dealing with safeguarding children concerns and issues. Swansea Council is the Unitary local government authority serving Swansea. This training should be completed every three years. If your browser does not automatically display Staffnet there may be several reasons. Swansea County Borough Council was the local authority from 1889 until 1974. 15,000 - 24,999 a year. Also, in relation to: Take a look at our programme of events and activities in Swansea. Fairfield Primary School. What steps have been taken to safeguard the vulnerable adult and by whom: 3 About the person(s) allegedly responsible for the abuse Person 1: They help reduce loneliness and isolation, but most importantly, they're fun. Change of Address or, Joining the Scheme 15,000 - 24,999 a year. Collaboration - Acting in collaboration with any other person (or different parts of the public body itself) that could help the public body to meet its well-being objectives. Providing members of the City and County of Swansea Pension Fund with the opportunity to access their pension information at any time. Communities with a community council are indicated with a '*': * = Communities which elect a community councilc = Ward coterminous with community of the same name. If you voluntarily retire from age 60 but before normal pension age, your pension benefits will be reduced to take into account that they are being paid early but any '85 Year Rule' protection you may have will be applied. treating people with 'lived experience' as equal partners in the safeguarding adults relationship, and with dignity and respect, making sure that each person's involved in safeguarding activities is valued for their experience, strengths and knowledge, and this includes staff and carers. Lead safeguarding roles within each service are reviewed regularly, as team structures/ posts/ personnel may change, Designated Safeguarding Lead's to have role-specific safeguarding training, Safeguarding Awareness training for volunteers/ casual staff, Corporate workforce information system to act as the sole record of safeguarding training undertaken by staff. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. This definition of an "adult at risk" applies in relation to the statutory powers and duties included in Part 7 of the Act and, for those purposes, replaces the definition of a "vulnerable adult" included within In Safe Hands(Welsh Assembly Government 2000). We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. Staffnet - Knowledge Base Do it online. Wales Airshow 2023 1 - 2 July 2023. Jobs Jobs in Swansea - 2023 | Helping to protect our customers - and our business - from financial loss relating to fraud. An "adult at risk", for the purposes of this Part, is an adult who:-. Gladstone Primary School. The City and County of Swansea is a Council in Wales. The city is the twenty-fifth largest in the United Kingdom.Located along Swansea Bay in southwest Wales, with the principal area covering the Gower Peninsula, it is part . Undertaking temperature checks of how safeguarding processes are experiences by staff and citizens. This includes the quality, content and frequency of training provided and maintaining sufficient staff training records. It does this by: assuring itself that local safeguarding arrangements are in place, and checking these are working effectively.Activities include: For more information, see Appendix 5 - West Glamorgan Safeguarding Board. With the 1996 reorganisation of local government, the arms were transferred a second time to the present City Council. [1MB], "Doing nothing is not an option - Spot it, Report it!". Updating safeguarding elements within Council recruitment policy and staff handbook. Appendix 4: Swansea Council's Named Safeguarding Persons (roles), The Named safeguarding personsand Strategic Leads from each service area are as follows (subject to change), Principal Officer Safeguarding, and Performance Quality *, Also known as the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer), Principal Officer Safeguarding, and Performance Quality, Principal Officer for Early Help or Principal Officer Safeguarding, and Performance Quality, Corporate Learning and Development Manager, Waste Minimisation, Commercial and Domestic Recycling Team Supervisor, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development. Download on the. Hate Crime - involves a criminal offence perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's actual or perceived disability, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and transgender: Hate hurts Wales ( (b) has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs). Corporate Safeguarding Children and Adults Policy (PDF) swansea council staffnet - Safeguarding roles and responsibilities are reflected with all Job Descriptions. Fnaf 2 Cameras Simulator, Cellular and developmental systems. a Disclosure and Barring Policy which follows UK Law and requires every job role/volunteer position to have a risk assessment which will decide whether a disclosure and barring check is required. Unlike high street banks, we are owned by our members and run solely for their benefit. The Staffnet login page should open automatically when you use Edge and Chrome on a work 01792 636655 Examples of arrangements that are in place: 2d) Identifying and raising concerns - all staff are aware that any behaviour causing concern whether by another employee, volunteer contractor or citizen towards a child or adult at risk are reported sensitively and effectively, in accordance this policy. West Glamorgan Safeguarding Board ( was established to promote, inform and support multi-agency safeguarding for Children and Adults across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea. Labour regained control of the council at the 2012 election and retained control at the 2017 and 2022 elections. Adult Services Common Access Point for Health & Social Care:Tel. Unexplained injury / weight loss / cuts and bruises / dirtiness, Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour, Lack of self-care / dehydration / abnormal eating pattern, Changes in financial circumstances- bills not being paid or sudden poverty, Decline in living standards, or neglect of property, An overly critical or disrespectful carer or guardian or boss (in cases of trafficking) who may control, bully or undermine, Isolation from usual network of friends, family or community, No access to General Practicioner / local services and legal documents for example passport (trafficking), Links to Regional safeguarding arrangements. The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank has provided food and resources for its community since 1984. Scrutiny performance panels to continue monitor the delivery of the Council's Safeguarding Corporate Policies for consideration and adoption by Cabinet and or Council as appropriate. Cancer Chat. Inicio; swansea council staffnet; Sin categorizar; swansea council staffnet; swansea council staffnet The Senior Center is open for drop-in activities Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (5:00 PM on . A decision can be made immediately as to whether to seek specialist advice on the case, and to apply corporate procedures for making a safeguarding referral to social services. swansea council staffnet Under. Airshow Red Arrows reach for the skies plus Urban Splash aims to transform Swansea Central North (located at the former St David's Shopping Centre site) into a hub of office buildings and new apartments. Ensure DBS checks are undertaken for roles that have identified as required and review of DBS processes/policies - who reviews decision on DBS risk assessments and the need for this. Contact your Line Manager and /or Safeguarding Lead, with the details you already have. A second charter was granted in 1215 by King John. Examples of the arrangements that are in place: 2c) Awareness and understanding of safeguarding role: All employees, volunteers and contractors understand their roles and responsibilities for safeguarding and are aware that this includes reporting concerns or worries about children and adults they come into contact with. We are a truly global University with over 130+ nationalities studying in Aberdeen. F: (508) 324-6700 . Dymoke, Sue - Associate Professor. Staffnet link - Swansea SAP Concur simplifies travel, expense and invoice management for total visibility and greater control. Cleaner (part-time) TC cleaning services. 2014- present Professor, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences (IBES) 1999- 2007 Research Fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen. Human trafficking ( victims are coerced or deceived by the person arranging their relocation. 01792, Safeguarding Swansea Council through the corporate safeguarding steering group board will collect, analyse, monitor and review data associated with these safeguarding objectives arising from the improvement actions listed above, and to report on a range of key performance measures, both quarterly and annually. A concern may involve any child or young person under the age 18 years old. There is a Council Whistle Blowing Policy in place: Supporting employees affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence policy: A safe workforce within Swansea Council should: be constantly alert to the possibility of abuse and neglect; participate in relevant safeguarding training and multi-agency partnership working to safeguard children and adults at risk; be familiar with local procedures and protocols for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and follow the employer's and any relevant professional codes of conduct: report any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or adult. This is the City and County of Swansea's Equality Review Report for 2014-15. The district of Swansea created in 1974 was larger than the old county borough, also covering the area of the abolished Gower Rural District. swansea council staffnet - If your browser does not automatically display Staffnet there may be several reasons. Staff at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. I travelled to Swansea for the BSA's Annual Science Festival to take part in a panel on commercialisation of research. Start your test drive now! Find out more about them. To ensure that all Staff, Elected Members across Swansea Council (SC) directorates as well as our Foster Carers, Direct payment PA's and commissioned providers are trained/qualified to the appropriate level and therefore aware of their responsibilities and duties to report regarding the safeguarding of Adults and Children. The Electoral Services office oversees the running of Elections for the City and County of Swansea. sudden inclusion of additional names on a bank account; signature does not resemble the person's normal signature; reluctance or anxiety by the person when discussing their financial affairs; giving a substantial gift to a carer or other third party; a sudden interest by a relative or other third party in the welfare of the person; complaints that personal property is missing; a decline in personal appearance that may indicate that diet and personal requirements are being ignored; deliberate isolation from friends and family giving another person total control of their decision-making. The main City and County of Swansea website is at The University is fully committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion. TheHR Handbook contains information and guidance foremployeesandmanagers regarding. @Recycle4Swansea. Death in Retirement Male: Female: 41. The intent of the perpetrators, as evidenced by the grooming process employed, often via social media, is to prey on the vulnerability of the child or young person, who are unable to give informed consent. Evaluate Council wider arrangements- by looking at referrals responses and outcomes. Retirement Swansea has a Spot It! An overview of the Vale of Glamorgan Council. New Patient Forms; About; Contact Us; swansea council staffnet. Learn how to manage your mental health in the workplace. Swansea Employability Academy (SEA) have teamed up with the RE:ACTION 24/7 again. In April 1974, the City of Swansea was merged with the Gower Rural District to form the new District and City of Swansea. (a) is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect; (b) has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs); and, (c) as a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.". COMEC organizes an Annual Conference, publishes Occasional Papers and awards a Prize to the . Death Benefits Swansea Council has a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfareof children at risk and of adults at risk. Weekend availability + 1. Background Ward changes. SA1 3SN If you think, there are child protection concerns, then you should seek immediate advice from your safeguarding lead, or from the specialist IAA service. all job descriptions include a committed to safeguarding statement. Code Of Practice 7 Working Together to Safeguard People (p8) (PDF) Appendix 5 provides a full set of links to useful information. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. Council tax could rise by almost four per cent in Swansea Improved staff awareness of safeguarding policy, and safeguarding leads, Safeguarding procedures in place and understood across the organisation, Number of concerns and referrals generated by non-specialist council teams, All job descriptions to include safeguarding as a key responsibility for all staff posts, Mandatory safeguarding training completed by staff and elected members. Staffnet. The Centre for Academic Development provides learning, teaching and professional development for our staff and students. Pension Section St. Thomas is the name of an electoral ward of Swansea, Wales.. Falklands War 40th anniversary commemoration . Working Here; Management Information Systems; Teaching & Learning; Policy & Governance; Staff Email; Our Website. All Council's Directors, Chief Officers and Heads of Service - through their Management Teams - are jointly responsible for ensuring that all the statutory requirements in terms of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults receive due consideration. Find Swansea City Council on Facebook. Tracing, Joining the LGPS A. This serious form of sexual abuse may involve an exchange of some form of payment which can include;, money, mobile phones and other items, drugs, alcohol, a place to stay, 'protection', friendship, or affection. Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (PDF) The University recognises the importance of this inits education practices, learning environments and inaddressing harmful stereotypes or limited perspectives. New appointments to Swansea Council's Cabinet The council consists of 75 councillors representing 32 electoral wards. In support of Safeguarding as the number one corporate priority and well-being objective, the Council needs to deliver on the following. [481KB]. It is the largest ward in the UK Parliament and Welsh Assembly Swansea West . Civic Centre swansea council staffnetplains, plateaus, and mountains worksheets. Promoting Safeguarding within their team and service area, Monitoring the arrangements for example DBS, Training. Staff at the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science. TSB Banking 3.2. June 11, 2022 Posted by: grady county, ga zoning map . Vice-Chair: To be appointed at the first meeting;. The University of Birmingham offers opportunities working in a range of academic, professional, technical, manual and administrative roles. 10.50 - 11.00 an hour. Make payments directly and securely to the council 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The leaders of Swansea Council since 1996 have been:[5]. This information is for Swansea Council staff. SA1 3SN Online Reporting Tool. and attended the dinner hosted by the Chair of the BSA, Lord David Willetts. Healthy Wirral Partnership and Citizens Advice Bureau; Leeds CCG and Leeds City Council; Public Health Wales, NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), Swansea University (SAIL Databank) and Social Care Wales (SCW . The home of current students - Swansea University They're community spaces for men to connect, converse and create. Home; Services; New Patient Center. 2) (Wales) Order 1996 (1996 No. Posted 29 days ago. Hybrid remote. Vacancies can be available at our main sites at Morriston Hospital, Singleton . Find out about the key aims and ambitions for the city. Human Rights - duty on public authorities under section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 not to act in a way that is incompatible with rights under the European Convention of Human Rights. The Arms are symbolic to an extent: the blue and white wavy bars represent the sea, since Swansea is a port town; the Castle represents the Medieval fortifications of the Town; the lion as dexter supporter and on the Inescutcheon commemorates the link with the de Breos family; and the dragon as sinister supporter is the National Emblem of Wales and is a supporter in the Achievement of Arms of the present Lord Swansea. Social care jobs. Showing results 1-10 of 13577. An election to City and County of Swansea Council took place on 5 May 2022 as part of the 2022 Welsh local elections. Where there are professional differences then we follow the West Glamorgan Safeguarding Policy for In My Country. Preparing and presenting reports on the contribution of Children's Services in relation to safeguarding to West Glamorgan Safeguarding Children's Board, its sub-groups and to other audiences as required; Leading on the development and review of terms of reference, definitions, protocols, policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding children both internally and as required for West Glamorgan Safeguarding Children's Board, To lead the development, implementation and review of the Children's Services work programme in relation to safeguarding within the context of the overarching Children's Services Plan. Specialist information, advice and assistance is available, via Social Services, Corporate Services, HR and West Glamorgan Safeguarding Board. Llanelli. Role is held by Principal Officer - Professional Social Work Lead Adults. 1e) Taking a Sustainable approach to SafeguardingThe Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 puts in place a 'sustainable development principle' which tells organisations how to go about meeting their duty under the Act. The Concordat on Openness on Animal Research in the UK was established in . Cllr Stewart also said a council tax rise below 2% was very . The previous full election took place in 2017. Staff at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. First, if an emergency response is needed - do not delay! Home; Our Story; Services; Resources; Employment; FAQS; Contact Us If this does not help either, please contact the ICT helpdesk as you may need a setting changed on your PC. Animal Control Contact Us Cultural Council Business Guide Procurement. This is the City and County of Swansea's Equality Review Report for 2014-15. The average SWANSEA COUNCIL salary ranges from approximately 18,482 per year for Ticket Sales Representative to 48,545 per year for Peripatetic Manager. There is a strong governance structure in place to ensure these legal duties are carried out, and Swansea's approach to safeguarding is delivered.See appendix 2 - Governance Structure. The official residence is the Mansion House in Ffynone, which was originally built as the home of a previous mayor, Evan Matthew Richards. The boundaries of 15 wards remained unchanged, but a number of other wards were merged, or radically altered, with new wards such as Mumbles and Waterfront created.[19]. Thu 7 Oct 2004 08.35 EDT. If your browser does not automatically display Staffnet there may be several reasons. This is our fourth review under the Public Sector Equality Duty and reflects the reporting regulations for Wales, which were introduced in 2011. . 2a) Recruitment and selection - policies and procedures to prevent, wherever possible, unsuitable people from working in/volunteering for certain roles, particularly roles that involve children and adults who may be at risk. Safeguarding practice is both person-centred and outcome-focused. Review and monitoring of reporting concerns, and how leads link into Council's statutory Information, Advice and Assistance services (see Appendices 3a&b). If colleagues are working from home and say they can't connect to Staffnet, suggest restarting the computerbecause this may be an issue with Direct Access. Statement on improvement works at Y Bontfaen Primary School. The nametype must always read 'The University of Manchester' and not 'Manchester University' or any other variation thereof. Tel: 01792 775501. safeguarding is included as part of Authority's induction process, all employees are required to undertake mandatory safeguarding children and adults training (for more information go to Training and staff development, Staff mandatory training programme for all staff. Forgotten password. Swansea The ESR Hub provides access to the NHS ESR and useful online resources. To ensure our approach is consistent with the principles of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Under, There is a duty of all relevant partners of a local authority to report a concern about an adult at risk, and for a local authority to make enquiries if it has reasonable cause to suspect that a person within its area (whether or not ordinarily resident there) is an adult at risk. The council consists of 75 councillors . Some examples of a "Safe Voice" approach to safeguarding would be: 7., Copyright 2023 City and County of Swansea Pension Fund, How much will it cost? All of Swansea Council's key services, like education and social care, can expect "record investment" in 2022-23, its leader has said. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 gives people a stronger voice and real control over the support they need to removebarriers to their wellbeing. Developing with partners a quality assurance system that will enable monitoring and evaluate the effectiveness of corporate safeguarding as well as other agencies in their statutory and duties in respect of safeguarding children.