Blessing from God above. She instituted the Schools first course on Women and Crime. Over the years, Debbies relationship with Charles Tittle grew from the early one of student and teacher, and they wed in 1985. A native of New York, he earned his doctorate in public administration (Criminal justice) from New York University in 1964. We bonded over being feminist criminologists, there werent so many of us in those days, and our similar senses of humor and love of life. He is survived by wife Rita and three children: Samantha Harris of Medford Massachusetts, Theona Harris Arsenault and her husband, Daniel Arsenault, and their son Luke Arsenault of Beverly, and Jason Harris and his wife Regina LaRocque and their sons Noah and Benjamin Harris of Wellesley Massachusetts. Johns contributions to the field have been recognized: the Pioneer Award from the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (1988); the Paul H. Chapman medal from the Foundation for the Improvement of Justice (2003); being named a Fellow of the AmericanAcademy of Experimental Criminology(2006); and this years recipient of the August Vollmer Award, to be presented posthumously at the ASC meeting (2012). Bill truly spoke truth to power before that phrase became a clich and his influence will long live on. From the beginning of his graduate studies, Travis was interested in fundamental questions about deviance and conformity, how they were explained by major social theories and how modern empirical research should be used to uncover facts bearing on the theories. Steve was always there for me. Jim was an avid skier, an aficionado of the arts, a Yankees fan, a dog-lover, a NYC boulevardier, a loving husband, father, and grandfather to Jan, Tom, Sophi, and his four young granddaughters and this too would be absolutely essential to any accounting of who Jim was and of the life he led. For more information, please go to the Oral History Project page. He held his students spellbound by his ability to explain complex criminological concepts in ways that all could comprehend and appreciate. I first met Steve about 13 years ago when I was an undergraduate student at Cal State San Bernardino (CSUSB). He came to UC Irvine in 1999 to lead the School of Social Ecology, which he did for more than a decade, before returning to the faculty to focus full-time on his teaching and scholarship. He developed an early knowledge of crime and politics in South Africa as well as North America, and this was apparent throughout his career in the breadth of his theoretical and research contributions. After enrolling at UCI as an undergraduate, he served as a teaching assistant for a prisons course taught by Professor Gilbert Geis, who later became his mentor, close colleague and friend. He was a truly committed and exceptional teacher. Groomsmen were Tom Goretsas, Brandon Kunert, Mike Yingling, Steve Janowitz, Brian Bickel and AJ Capece.
Boxing as a sparring partner for Frank Sinatra in his youth, and service in the Pacific during World War II contributed to his grit and determination through almost 93 years, including his final battle with cancer. He encouraged students to develop their own interests and then did what he could to assist their projects. Mannheim in the famous exchange of conclusions ending the second edition of Pioneers in Criminology. The following contributions highlight what Steve meant to us as a friend, colleague, and mentor. After the mines closed, his father transplanted the family into a series of housing projects and abandoned houses/trailers that could serve as free, temporary residences while he unsuccessfully looked for full-time work. He completed his doctoral dissertation in 1973 and began a lifelong study of criminology and statistics. We will miss her greatly. Cherished by his beloved wife, Kathy, son, Robbie, and his wife, Elissa. Several years later he found his way back to California to join the American Justice Institute in 1971. Contributions can be made to the James A. Inciardi Memorial Award Fund, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716-2580. Thursday, May 24, 2007 He relished the professional meetings we attended together and always looked forward to gathering us PhDs alone around the table for a good meal, happy banter and a beer. Muk already had a Masters degree from the Tata Institute for Social Sciences in India when he earned the first MA in Criminology ever awarded by the University of Pennsylvania. The del Carmen family then moved to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in 1969, where Rolando taught and Josie worked as secretary in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Sally S. Simpson, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland. He was sent to Vietnam as an intelligence officer and eventually was promoted to captain. On behalf of myself and Colonial Opticians (Potomac Village) I extend my deepest condolences to the family of Dr. Janowitz. Columbus, Ohio 43214 Submitted by Steven S. Martin, University of Delaware, Skip to main content (800) 896-5587. He was a foremost expert of ARIMA analyses, and employed the technique to study the reciprocal relationship between crimes and arrests, as well as a tool for social policy analysis. Steve used to take great joy in presenting the most absurd news stories he could find in class. He also provided training and consultation on crime prevention for LMPD, the Boy Scouts of America and 21st Century Parks and Parklands of Floyds Fork. As a result, the book transcended mere ideological or theoretical categorization. Her 1972 book, Evaluation Research: Methods of Assessing Program Effectiveness, was one of the first books devoted to methods for assessing program implementation, process and outcomes. Rick and I were patients and Dr. Janowitz provided excellent dental care. Hal was a member of many ASC Divisions, especially the Divisions of Critical Criminology and Social Justice, Women and Crime (now Feminist Criminology), and People of Color and Crime. Above all, he will be remembered for his ability to bring people together in ways that enhanced their lives. Students dreaded his course, but by the end of the semester, they held a tremendous respect for him. He was invited to discuss his work at a major conference on control fraud organized by economist James Galbraith at the University of Texas, Austin, and was a delegate and presenter at a U.N. Crime Congress. We will miss Bill more than words can say. I know my life will never be the same, and Im far better off because of it. Professor Bedaus previous marriage, to the former Jan Mastin, ended in divorce. Soon afterward Dick was selected to matriculate at the University of California, Berkeley in the famous School of Criminology where he received his Doctorate of Criminology in 1971. Despite his various honors and awards, he was proudest of the many graduate students with whom he worked and who have assumed a variety of academic and governmental positions. Originally published in the Tallahassee Democrat on 2/18/2007. Regardless of whether someone agreed with him, he was not a scholar to be ignored. He was named an assistant director of the agency in 1985, and was a charter member of the Senior Executive Service. Nickys ground-breaking research on gender and punishment emerged alongside, was supported by, and helped cultivate the field of feminist criminology. It now has major administrative research offices in Newark, DE and Coral Gables, FL and satellite research offices in Wilmington, DE, Miami, FL and Porto Alegre, Brazil. That said, I would note that Jeffs work changed criminology each time. His cigar smokeuntil, to the relief of many, it was banned under University policyhis fortissimo and staccato laugh, the pounding of his typewriter, and occasionally his wandering pet dog were among the reminders that Toch was in his office. Since his passing more than a dozen accolades have been rendered, most posed on the Internet, from institutions where he served, publishers, et al. This included happily seeing his son, Simon (who happened to have the same first name as his dissertation chair), and grandchildren live that dream as well. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Tinnitus Association. In addition to his influence on the legal and justice systems, he also worked extensively with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to help ground in the latest scientific research in their efforts to combat cheating in sports. He was also proud to be a member of the American Society of Criminology, the American Association of University Professors, and the Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter at ASU. His net worth is over $400,000, accumulated from his years of teaching, while Joys net worth is over $12 million, amassed from her acting career. Over the years we shared conference panels and more than a few beers He was a very humorous fellow under that no nonsense cloak he so often wore. His work led to the creation of the KEY/CREST Therapeutic Community continuum of treatment for drug involved offenders in Delaware, which became a national and international model for criminal justice treatment. He was particularly proud of his contributions to the literature on Truth and Reconciliation Conferences for victims and survivors of mass violence. In orde r to achieve that goal, your understanding of some of our office guidelines is important. Dr. Steven Janowitz, of Rockville, Maryland, passed away on March 17, 2021.Cherished by his beloved wife, Kathy, son, Robbie, and his wife, Elissa. A year ago, in January 2018, Helen was diagnosed with terminal cancer in her lungs, bones, and later, her brain. A lifelong baseball fanatic, he played in Little League, and few persons knew more about the sport, its players, and its statistics than Steve. When I started as an assistant professor at CSUSB in 2007, Steve was assigned as my faculty mentor. Jeff is perhaps best known for his leadership and work on landmark National Academies of Sciences reports on understanding and preventing violence (1993), taxpayer compliance (1989), and criminal careers and career criminals (1986). After his first year he worked as a research assistant on a federally-funded study of Medicaid fraud and shifted his scholarly interests to law and psychology, medical sociology, criminology, and white-collar crime. Born December 28, 1924, in Haverford, Pennsylvania, Chuck served as an officer in the United States Navy during WWII. He saw processing decisions as iterative, where decisions and information from one stage of the process affected decisions later-on. From Albany, Travis returned to the West, joining the University of Arizona in 1981 where he remained through retirement, from the university, in 1997. His knowledge was wide-ranging. Dr. Amos was an active member of ASC for many years, and served as president in 1977. Paul Cascarano, 76, a retired Federal official who served in the Department of Justices National Institute of Justice, died August 8, 2007 of a heart attack at Reston Hospital, VA. Mr. Cascarano joined the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, later named the National Institute of Justice, in 1968. Borrowing from a variety of ancient indigenous knowledge-based justice systems from around the world and incorporating these various models of conflict resolution, Hal Pepinsky founded the modern field of peacemaking criminology. Quite simply, Jim enriched the lives of everyone around him. After attending Colby College and earning a Ph.D in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, she moved to California, working for several prestigious research organizations. During his career, he authored 10 textbooks and over 50 scholarly journal articles. He is survived by his wife Constance, four daughters, and several grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Eugene H. and Rosalind D. Czajkoski Scholarship Fund, College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, attention Dean Blomberg, 634 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, FL 32306. Friends and colleagues were fascinated by Teds life. To his colleagues at NIJ, Ed was known as a persistently optimistic, unflappable colleague with a steel trap memory and a flair for hosting impromptu ice cream socials. To the field, he became a consistent beacon of empiricism, evidence, and rigor in measuring what works and whats promising in fighting crime. In 1955 he and Anna Yergensen, also from southern Utah, were married. After retiring, Al and Nati moved for the sake of her health first to Arizona and then to San Diego. There will be celebration of Rays life in the summer of 2017. Some of his scholarship is archived in the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, including his paper, Restrictive Policies for High-Speed Police Pursuits ( ), and Team Policing (video, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Type above and press Enter to search. Richard J. Lundman, of Bethany Beach, Delaware, died on July 7, 2015. A Remembrance was held at the University of New Haven February 21, 2015. Edward J. Latessa, the long-time leader of the University of Cincinnati School of Criminal Justice, passed away on January 11, 2022. Stephen M. Rosoff (1945-2010), professor of criminology at the University of Houston Clear Lake, passed away after a sudden heart attack on March 27th at the age of 64. One of the leading criminologists of the past century, Travis fundamentally changed the way scholars throughout the world study and think about crime, deviance and conformity. Steve presented papers at conferences in Australia, Hungary, Thailand, and Italy, and was a regular participant at criminology conferences in the U.S. She authored or co-authored more than 15 scholarly works, including five books. The Untold Truth of Jimmy Kimmels Wife- Molly McNearney. Harold mentored and published research with many students. For example, she was tapped by the California State Legislature to chair an expert panel on correctional reform in California and thereafter by the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to chair a strike team charged with the implementation of California Assembly Bill 900, also known as the Public Safety and Offender Rehabilitation Services Act of 2007. These comments have been archived at the website: Also while at Albany, Travis and Michael Gottfredson began a decades-long collaboration, continuing a focus on the implications of facts about crime for theories of crime, an interest they both shared with Michael Hindelang. After an incredibly intense DWC meeting in San Francisco in 1991 where many members righteously and powerfully disclosed sexual exploitation and assaults by male colleagues at professional meetings and on our campuses, our fearsome foursome friendship was the most solidified. Stan was born in 1942 and grew up in South Africa. The world lost an intelligent, caring, compassionate, non-judgmental, and very unique person when William Pipes Heck (known to many as Bill or Wild Bill) was killed in a motorcycle accident in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 4, 2008. He is survived by his son Jacob, daughter-in-law Kate and grandson Atlas, of Denver, Colorado. He carried out Executive Training for Security Directors at Sandals Resort in Jamaica. His deft handling of this volcanic challenge led to his appointment as president of the University in 1977, and he served in that role until 1990. Hal leaves spouse, Jill Bystydzienski (Emerita Ohio State U), their daughter, Katy, son-in-law, Christian, and grandchildren, Mila (age 15), and Evan (age 12). There is no photo or video of Maurice Janowitz.Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute. Before joining Temple, Kay was already a prominent figure with major reform and advocacy organizations such as the ABA. He was also the most generous mentor I have ever known, pouring over multiple drafts of my 800-page dissertation and editing them, line by line. He wasnt much into sports while attending high school, but was interested in playing chess, and attended several competitions with his high school team. There are no events scheduled. Read below to read others thoughts on C. Ray Jeffery: DENNI FISHBEIN (RTI International): Dr. C. Ray Jeffery was not only instrumental in my career but to my humanity. Wherever he lived and worked in later years, New York City remained central to his identity. Hal Pepinsky was a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Norway and conducted field research around the world. He was then invited to teach at the University of North Dakota, where he introduced a criminology course. He also introduced us to The Saints and the Roughnecks, as they wreaked havoc on their neighborhoods and our conventional wisdoms. For many years (1984-2001), Rick was a front-line supervisor in the Ministry of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing for the Province of Saskatchewan, and Director of Operational Research for Public Safety, Canada in 2009-2010. It is noteworthy that this book was written while Travis was a graduate student. Not only was she a two-time winner of the coveted Josiah Meigs Award, Talarico was named the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences General Sandy Beaver Teaching Professor for three years and a Danforth Teaching Fellow for six years. I love this man more than my own father. He lamented the size of prison populations in those nations with large penal systems, and asked whether the international community has a moral obligation to shame these extremely punitive countries. For example, this was reflected in his important book on POLITICAL CRIMINALITY: The Defiance and Defense of Authority (Sage, 1982) and in his statement on Political Crime in Edgar Borgattas ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SOCIOLOGY. Shortly thereafter the program was disbanded; no one is certain what to make of this coincidence. In 1965, Al moved from Indiana to accept the position of University Professor of Sociology at the University of Connecticut where he taught until he retired in 1988. PAUL BRANTINGHAM (Simon Frasier University): I note the reasons why both the field of Criminology and the criminologists who work within it benefited greatly from this man, Ray Jeffery. He is survived by his wife of 45 years, Rosalind. Devoted brother to Roni (Chuck). In 1996, he was recognized as the most-often cited scholar in Corrections, was a Fellow in the Western Society of Criminology, Recipient of the Founders Award and an Outstanding Mentor Award of the Academy, among others. Rick received his BA from the University of Saskatchewan (1982), a BSW from the University of Regina (1987), and received his Masters of Criminal Justice at New Mexico State University (1997) and a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2003).
Eric is survived by his best friend and wife of 27 years, Debra, their children and two grandchildren. He always said that students will forget what they learned in your class, but they will never forget how you treated them. As Dr. del Carmen was known for his kindness and self-effacing demeanor, Dr. Vaughn remarked that Dr. Hal was committed to giving voices to crime victims and supported the Division of Victimology. His most recent textbook, Criminal Violence: Patterns, Explanations and Interventions, is in its fourth edition. He was married for 46 years to his wife Mildred (Mim), and took great pride in the achievements of his children (Jeff, Thea, and Risa) and grandchildren.