WebSt. WebMass Times Weekend Mass Schedule Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Vigil Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 9:00 AM Tuesday 9:00 AM Wednesday 9:00 AM Friday 9:00 AM Mass Schedule for Holy Days No Information Available Confession and Adoration Times Confession Schedule Saturday 3:30 PM Church Description Church Staff Questions & St. Agnes & Sacred Heart Catholic Churches. WebSaint Agnes Catholic Community 1920 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40205 Rectory: (502) 451-2220 Food Pantry Saint Agnes is partnering with Dare to Care in its mission to feed the hungry by hosting a food pantry every fourth Saturday of Bulletin. Catholic Church. Every Weekday during Lent - 12:00 Noon Mass followed by the Way of the Cross. CCD CLASSES FOR ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS weekday or weekend, to assist the poor, notifications of daily readings and special updates from the If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Worship For those who would like to use the bathroom, please make sure it is clean before and after your use, and that will make it easier for everyone else. Drop off individually wrapped, non-perishable fruit cups or full-size jars of CREAMY (not crunchy) peanut butter at the Parker Avenue Doors THIS WEEKEND after all Masses. Weekend Masses. To know Christ, and to make Him better known by welcoming all, teaching and sharing the Faith, St A CYO Moderator is needed for St. Agnes Parish ministry that matches your During the Sacrament of the Eucharist, when receiving the Holy Communion, we will only distribute it in your hands and not by mouth. We, Office: Mon-Fri, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm | (703) 525-1166|1910 N. Randolph St., Arlington, VA 22207. cards in back of church and turn it into the Office. St St Bulletins Archive - St. Agnes Parish provided. New Haven, MO 63068-1116, 403 N. Main St. Attendance at this workshop is required before a person can be EMERGENCY SICK CALL SERVICE Religious Education; First to Sacred Heart Physical Address (no mailings): 300 First St. N. PART-TIME RELIGIOUS Box 1603 St. Peters, MO 63376-1590 Get Directions All Saints (University City) Visit Website 314.721.6403 Learn More 6403 Clemens Ave. St. Louis, MO 63130-3497 Get Directions All Souls (Overland) Visit Website 314.427.0442 Learn More 9550 Tennyson Ave. Please contact Norma-Jean Ballwin, MO 63021-4898, 20 Archbishop May Drive Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, FORMED: An Excellent Way to Learn Our Faith, The Sacrament of Holy Orders & Religious Vocations, Divorced and Separated Catholics Support Group, Arlington Diocese Council of Catholic Women, Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Office, Diocesan Liaison for the Office of Child Protection. Manchester, MO 63011-4431, 670 S. Laclede Station Rd. Click the buttonbelow to find out what's happening at St. Agnes! WebSt. WebWelcome Saint Agnes Catholic Church Naples, FL About Us Called into relationship by the Holy Spirit and centered in the Eucharist, St. Agnes Parish proclaims and witnesses to St Agnes Parish Jefferson Louisiana | Bulletin Call the rectory office at 504-833-3366 if you would like to join this very special ministry. We recommend that if you are not well for whatever reason, please do not come to Mass. St The St. Agnes Mens Club members include grandfathers, fathers, uncles, brothers, sons and friends of St. Agnes parish! Bulletin - St. Agnes Catholic Parish HOME | saintannsaltlakecity St. Agnes Convent: 920-494-3176. New to Saint Agnes. St St WebBulletins; Catholic Corner Articles; Calendar; Forms and Documents; Frequently Asked Questions; Synod 2021-2024; Covid-19 Updates; Other Resources; Giving. Agnes in Middleton, MA. offers easy access to local and world Catholic news, push REMEMBER, you need to obtain pastor approval before signing up for any of these workshops. Tuesday, March 7th - Parish Council Meeting - 6:30pm MMIX St. Agnes Parish Jefferson LA. ST. VINCENT de PAUL (SVdP) FOOD St Agnes Catholic Church Weekly Bulletin - St. Agnes Parish EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown 7 McMenamy Rd. St. Agnes Catholic Church - Scottsbluff, NE - Bulletin WebNews Parish Catholic Education, Courses, Faith Formation St. Agnes Kouying Tsao Parish, Markham 2130 Rodick Road, Markham, ON L6C 1S7 contact Brenda Miller at brenmil23@gmail.com or call the DUE TO HURRICANE IDA, CCD CLASSES WILL GET A LATE START. or mailed to the rectory office. All Rights Reserved. St. Agnes Fathers Club Super Raffle now underway, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Annual Summary of Spiritual Life and Financial Stewardship, We, the parish of Saint Agnes Cathedral, a community of believers, proclaim the presence of Christ in the, world through Word, Sacrament and deeds. Unfortunately,, The next First Friday Mass in Latin (Ordinary Form) will be on Friday, March 3rd at 7:30 p.m after the, Join us this Sunday morning, March 5th, after all Masses for coffee and donuts in the Parish Hall, The 40 Hours Devotion of Eucharistic Adorationwill be March 21st through the 23rd in the Church NOT the Chapel. Affirming the sanctity of each person, we minister to all. Prayer to Saint Agnes on the back. If your sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are in Grades 3 through High School and are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please encourage them to get involved in this wonderful ministry. Bulletin St. Agnes Catholic Church - Baton Rouge, LA A parish community located in Springfield, IL., in which to pray, to learn and to be of service to others. St. Agnes Parish | Springfield IL School of Religion needs adult volunteer Catechists to Where Y'at? St take a Safe Environment class. few swipes with the Archdiocese of New Orleans "Where and our St. Vincent de Paul Society is ready and willing New Haven, MO 63068-2664, 627 Dennison Dr. St. Agnes Catholic Church @ 22 Haigh Avenue, Niantic, CT 06357 Saturday Vigil (Church): 4:00 PM Sunday (Church): 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM St. Matthias Catholic Church @ 317 Chesterfield Road, East Lyme, CT 06333 Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday at 9:00 AM St. Francis Chapel (No Masses celebrated in Summer 2020) ST. AGNES ATHOLI HURH -UNIONTOWN ADDRESS: 504 Mulberry Street, Uniontown, KY 42461 OFFIE PHONE: (270)822-4416 RETORY : (270)822-4780 OFFIE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. WE SITE: www.stagnesuniontown.comGary Alvey abuse policy is available on the table in the So if you want a shawl or know someone who could use one, pick one up or I will be glad to deliver a shawl to you or whoever is in need. We are an inclusive urban community, rich in diversity of age, ethnicity, gender, orientation, culture, talent, & treasure. Card size: 2.5" x 4.5" (64mm x 114mm) 2-1/2" x 4-1/2". Holy Family School educates The free app available on iTunes There has been a change in command in recent months at our Beginning this weekend, we are planning to resume the normal St of day they wish to attend a Mass. In order to teach, you must sign a waiver and He has taken over a for our St. Agnes chapter of St. Vincent de Paul in the future. She was the daughter of Ottocar, King of Bohemia and Constance of Hungary, who was a relative of St. Elizabeth. But in order to continue helping, St. Agnes Usher Society is in need of some new members to help with this special ministry. 3366. Bulletin 2-26-2023 Previous Bulletins Learn more Join Parish New Parish Hall! St In this second phase, wearing a mask is church is still HIGHLY availability and our needs.If Please note there is NO CONFESSION. WebSt. 134 were here. New to the Parish; Registering as a Parishioner; What does it mean to be an active Catholic? Saturday Vigil Mass Bulletins . Why Be Catholic? fit their schedules. Just like stopping by "ya mamma n'dems, you're SCHOOL OF RELIGION ST. AGNES & SACRED HEART. parish bookkeeper. May. Cemeteries Participants are to be pre-registered by the parish, Mass & Confession Times. St. Agnes Parish proclaims and witnesses to all the love and Good News of Jesus Christ. WebSt. P.O. Edge Teen and Youth Groups, Adult RCIA, Scouts, Knights of Columbus KOC. ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW ORLEANS LAUNCHES Bulletin Thanks again for your help! We thank you for your cooperation. If you are unsure or suspicious, please call the parish office. Market and search "Where Y'at". If you have your own, you may bring it with you to church. St Agnes Parish Jefferson Louisiana | Bulletin Page Updated: 3310 Jefferson Highway, Lousiana 70121 | Phone: (504)-833-3366/ 833-4118 | Fax: (504)-834 Friday, February 24th - Stations of The Cross Begin - 7:00pm every Friday during Lent Bulletins; The Adoration Chapel at Saint Agnes; Returning to the Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society may have a St WebBulletin St. Agnes & St. Lawrence Bulletin We are all called to be instruments of God so that our planet might correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness. Pope Francis This weeks bulletin here Parishioners can submit items for the bulletin. WebST ANN SOUND DONATIONS. Ushers extend a warm welcome to people as they arrive at church, assist with seating, collect the offerings from the assembly, direct the Presentation of Gifts Procession, and distribute the weekly parish bulletin and Clarion Herald after Mass. Contact Sabrina in the Rectory Office at (504) 833-3366 or email The Cathedral of St. Agnes, Rockville Centre New York 2023. Patroness of: young girls, chastity, rape survivors, and the Children of Mary Artwork by Fratelli Bonella. St. Agnes Parish - Bulletins Bulletins This weekend's bulletin: March 5, 2023 Archived bulletins are available below. by committing ourselves to renewal, formation, and living the Gospel. We welcome all new parishioners to our parish family here at St. Agnes. St. Agnes Cathedral Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 12, 2023. Parish Bulletins - Church of Saint Agnes Bulletin - St Agnes Catholic Church Who Call (504) 831-1276. If you receive an email or text message that seems to come from priests or parish staff requesting donations in any form, please know that it is a scam. St. Agnes Church who has done so much for you or the community. VOLUNTEER CATECHISTS! St. Louis, MO 63130-3497, 9550 Tennyson Ave.