Sailor Moon - WikiMoon Sailor Moon Character Creator [Dress Up Game] - Doll Divine In the Viz Media English adaptation, she is voiced by Wendee Lee. [76] She comes from a future which has been destroyed by the battle with Sailor Chaos; after ages of fighting, she despairs and flees to the past as the infant Chibi-Chibi to encourage Sailor Moon to defeat Chaos in the final battle of the series. In general, Seiya acts arrogant and tends to be, at least on the surface, confident in their own abilities. Established by Queen Beryl, its members mostly consist of brainwashed reincarnations of residents from the fictional Golden Kingdom of Earth whose mission is to gather human energy and find the Silver Crystal in order to reawaken Queen Metaria, the evil entity responsible for the destruction of both the Silver Millennium of the Moon and the Golden Kingdom. In the original English manga, "Kou" was translated to "Lights" and was used as their shared family name. Taiki's responsibilities in the band are background vocals, keyboards, and composition. She dreams of becoming a famous singer and idol, and attends auditions whenever she can. In the live-action series, Luna and Artemis are portrayed as stuffed toys rather than real cats. The relationship between Sailor Star Fighter and Princess Kakyuu is slightly ambiguous. Makoto Kino ( , Kino Makoto, called Lita Kino in the original English dub) is a fourteen-year-old girl who is a student in Usagi Tsukino's class and was rumoured to have been expelled from her previous school for fighting. 1 Sailor Moon is one of the main characters of the manga and anime series Sailor Moon. There is an initial recurring flirtatious relationship between Motoki and Makoto until it becomes a bit more serious, and in the Special Act, which takes place four years after the series finale, Motoki proposes to Makoto, who accepts. There, he asks for her help and grants power to her and to her allies using several special items. Seiya calls Usagi odango, like Mamoru does. She has a distant personality and can be very stern, but can also be quite friendly and helps the Sailor Guardians when she can. [47] In the DIC/Cloverway English adaptation, he is voiced by Julie Lemieux. In the Viz Media English adaption, he is voiced by Wally Wingert. Both of Makoto's parents died in a plane crash years ago, so she lives alone and takes care of herself. Of the characters, she is the most typical female anime/manga protagonist. [5]:Act 59. Category:Characters (Sera Myu) Category:Characters (Video Games) Category:Civilians D Dead Moon Circus Death Vulcan Droid F Category:Females Flower Youma I Category:Idols Inner Sailor Guardians L Loof Merrow M Category:Makai Tree Category:Males O Outer Sailor Guardians R Category:Royalty S Category:Sailor Animamates Sailor Animamates Naru plays a much more important role in the live-action series, learning most of the truth about the Sailor Guardians. When Elysion is conquered by the Dead Moon Circus, Helios is encaged while transformed by Queen Nelehenia into an alicorn called Pegasus (.mw-parser-output .templateruby>rt{font-feature-settings:"ruby"1;font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .templateruby.large{font-size:250%}.mw-parser-output .templateruby.large>rt{font-size:50%}(), Pegasasu). In the anime, the Starlights were given a major role. In the anime, when Seiya daydreams of their home planet, they think lovingly of an image of their princess, which is suddenly superimposed by an image of Usagi, much as Usagi had seen Seiya's image overlaid by Mamoru in previous episodes. All grown up Sailor Guardians ready for action, but in reality they are probably at the arcade. Her civilian identity was Usagi Tsukino ("Serena" in the first English dub, and "Bunny" in many other countries). From the series' manga origins, its original anime adaptation, all the way to 2014's Sailor Moon Crystal, fans have loved following along as Usagi Tsukino, also known as the titular heroine Sailor Moon, has fought the forces of evil alongside her best friends and future husband. [67], Takeuchi stated that she was dissatisfied with Helios' clothing design, having created his outfit in a hurry because it was easy to draw and she was pressed for time. Michiru Kaiou / Sailor Neptune Birthday: March 6 Like her girlfriend, Michiru is also 16-17 throughout the series as a first-year high school student. Motoki is portrayed by Masaya Kikawada in the live-action series. [44] With renewed hope, Taiki returns to the Three Lights. In this collaboration, the Felyne cat companion resembles Luna and wields Usagi's Cutie Moon Rod weapon in the Monster Hunter XX expansion of Monster Hunter Generations. Led by Zirconia, members of the Dead Moon Circus seek for the Golden Crystal to release their ruler Queen Nehelenia from her mirror prison and take over the Earth. They were portrayed by male actors in animal costumes. Sailor Venus: Bu-Ling Huang. [79] Bandai introduced a line of little dolls that included the Amazoness Quartet and, according to Takeuchi, these were their favorite because "with their costumes and faithfulness to the originals, the dolls really excelled. [13] Artemis is more easy-going than Luna, and has a "big brother" relationship with Minako, although an attraction to her is sometimes implied. The name "Sailor Senshi" comes from sailor fuku, a type of Japanese school uniform that the main characters' fighting uniforms are based on, and the Japanese word senshi, which can mean "soldier", "warrior", "guardian", or "fighter". He appears in a later episode, when Chibiusa befriends a boy named Hiroki, who is trying to build a flying machine. Though he does not trust Chibiusa at first, they gradually develop a connection, and in the end he tells her his secrets by revealing his world of Elysion as well as his true form and name. Naoko Takeuchi initially wrote Codename: Sailor V, a one-shot manga which focused on Sailor Venus. International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. Sailor Moon: The Hidden Meaning Behind Character Names - Game Rant He appears briefly in the direct-to-DVD Special Act, crying at Usagi's wedding. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. [47] In the DIC/Cloverway English adaptation, he is voiced by Roland Parliament. The character is one of the final antagonists in Sailor Moon, and she has unlimited power. [82] A collaboration between Sailor Moon and Capcom took place in March 2018 as part of the 25th anniversary celebration of the Sailor Moon franchise. Her red-pink hair is always up in two heart shaped odango with little ringlets sticking out the sides, echoing Usagi's hairstyle. Differences in character between the Sailor Guardians mirror differences in their hairstyles, fashion, and magical items, which has translated well into doll lines. Sailor Moon/Tokyo Mew Mew - Character Recast : r/MagicalGirlsCommunity However, they resolve their differences and become good friends. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus brought some new blood to the series, providing a foil for Sailor Moon and her crew. Shingo Tsukino ( , Tsukino Shingo, called Samuel "Sammy" Tsukino in the original English dub) is the younger brother of Usagi, making her the only Sailor Guardian with a known sibling. In order to protect her Star Seed from being corrupted, she sent it away to Earth, where it became Chibi-Chibi. She is a high-school friend with Minako's manager, and it is said the two of them were big participants in their school's theater program. Like a Taiki, Yaten was never given a true love interest in the show either. [18][19] This inspires him to take on the guise of Tuxedo Mask and fight alongside the Sailor Guardians when needed. This list contains all the main characters from the hit anime Sailor Moon.If you're looking for the most famous Sailor Moon characters, then you're in the right place. [6]:123211 She is often pensive, and as a human has the inexplicable power to heal others. Unazuki attends TA Private Girls School with Rei Hino. Usagi is a careless fourteen-year-old girl with an enormous capacity for love, compassion, and understanding. [40] She eventually saves Sailor Moon and the others from a black hole and resumes leadership of the Starlights. [54] Naruru at first appears with Haruka, Michiru, and Usagi at the high school and is shown getting along with them. In the musical version, Princess Kakyuu is portrayed by Sakoto Yoshioka, Ai Toyama, and Asami Okamura. Only later it is revealed that Diana has come from the future and that her mother is Luna. It's moments like these that remind me why I love Sailor Moon so much."[33]. Sailor Moon Character Test Explained. She first appeared in Act 15, when the disguised Koan created a rival club with a fortune-telling booth at the school festival. Hotaru Tomoe ( , Tomoe Hotaru) is a sweet and lonely young girl. Kenji Tsukino ( , Tsukino Kenji) is Usagi's father, a stereotypical well-meaning Japanese salaryman, who works as a magazine reporter[8]:Act 4 and later as an editor-in-chief. [24]:Act 27 Sailor Saturn's weapon is her Silence Glaive, which gives her the power to generate barriers and destroy a planet. She appears to be a very young child and imitates the ends of others' sentences, mostly saying "chibi". Minako Aino ( , Aino Minako, called Mina Aino in the original English dub) is a fourteen-year-old perky dreamer. Here is a list of the top 10 favourite Sailor Moon characters names. Their view is shared by Taiki as well as Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Reminded of the strength and courage she herself needs to have, Sailor Cosmos returns to the future with new hope. They view humans as untrustworthy and wants to find Princess Kakyuu so they can leave Earth as quickly as possible. She is given her own song, "Mou ii no" (English: It's All Right), which she sings to announce that she has come to rejoin Galaxia. In the musicals, Pegasus is voiced by Yuta Enomoto. own theme colors and a unique elemental power. The tree became weak and required energy to stay alive. In the video game Sailor Moon: Another Story, Shingo is kidnapped by the villains in an attempt to force Usagi to hand over the Silver Crystal. [11] In the anime, Shingo appears in several episodes of the first season, but is less frequently seen afterwards. If the item details above aren't accurate or complete, we want to know about it. She travels to Earth because she senses the birth of the Silver Crystal, and hides in a censer that is guarded by Chibi-Chibi. Sailor Moon/Tokyo Mew Mew - Character Recast. [65]:Act 49. Sailor Pluto's talisman is her Garnet Rod, which aids her power to attack and temporarily stop time. [78] The Sailor Guardians have been described as merging male and female traits, being both desirable and powerful. The cats serve as mentors and confidantes, and a source of information and new tools and special items. A laboratory accident in her youth significantly compromised her health. The "spring" part of her name becomes a pun in the context of other works by Takeuchi: Haruna appears very briefly in one earlier series, The Cherry Project, which features her sister Fuyuna in one of its side stories. [42] In the musicals, Yaten has been portrayed by Momoko Okuyama, Mikako Tabe, and Saki Matsuda. After the Codename: Sailor V manga was proposed for an anime adaptation, Takeuchi changed her concept to include ten superheroines who defend the galaxy. The series includes three different cat characters who act as advisors to their respective owners. Sailor Moon Characters - Comic Vine Characters Sailor Moon 32 Usagi Tsukino is a carefree comic book, video game, sweets loving girl. The two of them leave Earth to live a better life with the Tree. Though unaware of his sister's true identity, Shingo is impressed by the media-hyped urban legends of Sailor Moon and Sailor V. He is a particularly enthusiastic fan of Sailor Moon because she rescued him from Dark Kingdom forces early in her career. She was the second Senshi to be awakened by the moon cats, and was the only character to appear in every episode of the series. In the anime series, Kenji is voiced by Yuji Machi in the first series and by Mitsuaki Madono in Crystal. Lily Darcy (DOFXSM) Lukeo Pluo. US $156 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Universal Studios Limited Pretty guardian Sailor moon 2019 Fashion doll at the best online prices at Free shipping for many products. According to Takeuchi, only females can be Sailor Guardians. For a short while, she and Ami share a conflicted relationship as both seem to be jealous of the other's closeness with Usagi. In the Japanese series, his voice actor is Keiichi Nanba in Sailor Moon and Daiki Yamashita in Crystal. [note 1]. Fashion Horoscopes: The Signs As Sailor Moon Characters "[39] However, Seiya's feelings are not reciprocated and they acknowledge the one-sided romance.[40]. Collectible Animation Art & Characters. The Cardians (, Kdian) are monsters of the day used by Ail and An to obtain energy to revive the Hell Tree. [29]:Act 44 In the anime, she first meets Usagi in the park one afternoon and starts to follow her around, saying only "chibi chibi" without having been prompted. [47] In the DIC English adaptation, she is voiced by Nadine Rabinovitch. [83], Sailor Moon has been described largely in terms of its characters; a sustained 18-volume narrative about a group of young heroines who are simultaneously heroic and introspective, active and emotional, dutiful and ambitious. Motoki also holds a job at the Crown Fruit Parlor and is a KO University student along with Mamoru Chiba. Their exact relationship to each other is unknown; according to the manga they are not siblings. She later befriends Setsuna Meioh there. When fighting the enemy she distrusts outside help and prefers to work solely with her girlfriend, Sailor Neptune, and later Sailors Pluto and Saturn. His theme colors are black. She first appears when the Sailor Guardians travel to the 30th century in the Black Moon arc. While played by women, it is meant to be ambiguous as to whether they take on male forms or cross-dress, though their personalities reflect the former. Sailor Moon chooses to sacrifice herself to the Cauldron and seal Chaos away, which Cosmos realizes to have been the right decision. Kotono Sarashina ( , Sarashina Kotono) is a student at TA Academy for Girls, and the president of the school's Supernatural Research Club.