1/6 Scale Redman Toys Deputy Town Marshall Figure RM054 $199.99 In Stock Quantity: 1/6 Scale Redman Toys Collectible Figure The Cowboy Doc1 RM052 $199.99 In Stock Quantity: 1/6 Scale Unbreakable SST-044 SoosooToys $299.99 Pre-Order! 1) JORDAN, MICHAEL. Giger to produce other original figures. Dubbed DC Multiverse, the line will be aimed at adult collectors, in contrast to the all-ages oriented DC toys produced by Spin Master. Here is a look at some of my favorites custom NFL McFarlane dioramas including the Fearsome Foursome and legendary Vince Lombardi. The line is appropriately named Football Legends . and were tacked to cardboard backs. "ALL SPAWN AND SPAWN-RELATED NAMES, CHARACTERS, IMAGES AND LOGOS ARE PROTECTED BY TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS. Tittle signed display "What the hell is going on out here! NFL Mini Helmet Set 1993 unlv basketball roster; miss jetset 2021 contestants; paul bettany children. Please check my articles and videos on how to grade and value your action figures for up to date prices. MGIzMjkyNGNmZjE0MDgxOWUxOGQ3MWM5M2Q1NzJkMjIwZGYzOTMxNTUzY2Yz McFarlane's figures had individual items such as spikes, teeth, claws, and buttons painted individually and packaged encased by hard plastic which surrounded both the figure and blister card, making them more suitable collectors items. amazon_color_link="1424E5"; When the two could not decide on how to make the toys to McFarlane's satisfaction, he reclaimed the toy rights to his characters and started his own toy company. NzVjYmYwM2I2MjZkOGFiNTI3YmU0NmVkNzhmMWEwYjg3YjI1MDkxNTllYWJk Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. McFarlane Sport NFL Players CLINTON PORTIS Action Figure WASHINGTON REDSKINS New | Toys & Hobbies, Action Figures & Accessories, Action Figures | eBay! [2], The series would include alternate time periods and different takes on the classic characters with Series 10, 20[4] and 30[5] showing homage to the core characters of the books. Toy and Action Figure Reviews and Feedback, https://mcfarlane.com/toys/brands/dc-multiverse/, https://www.walmart.com/ip/DC-Multivh-22/810284563, https://www.walmart.com/ip/DC-Multiv-Son/908398194, https://www.walmart.com/ip/DC-Multivs-12/470286788, https://www.gamestop.com/collectibleve/305914.html, https://www.walmart.com/ip/McFarlaneptor/112381540, https://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/toys-savings, https://www.walmart.com/ip/DC-Multivsuit/249973765, https://www.target.com/p/dc-suicide-e/-/A-82710419, McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse McFarlane Designed Wonder Woman Action Figure Review, McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse McFarlane Designed Batman Comparison, McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Red Son Review, The DC Multiverse 2023 News Thread - Reveals and Chat, NECA Haulathon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Target Exclusive Event, New Marvel Legends/6" Appreciation Thread, Help!!! Submit search form . (5% off), Sale Price 132,512 amazon_ad_title="NFL Action Figures, Gifts and Memorabilia"; mcfarlanes-figures Privacy Policy . McFarlane NFL Madden 18 Ultimate Team Series Russell Wilson Seahawks Figure New | Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop, Fan Apparel & Souvenirs, Football-NFL | eBay! Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Original Price 149,261 [24], At the tail end of 2018, news broke that Mattel had lost the rights to create figures based on the characters of the DC Universe to Spin Master Studios after 15 years of producing DC merchandise. Master List of McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Figures / Vehicles / Etc. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. amazon_color_logo="FFFFFF"; Intellectual Property. Theyre rowdy, theyre ragtag, theyre misfits turned mercenaries for hire. Ram's Fearsome Foursome Bringing Down Jim Brown Packers / Giants 1968 NFC Championship Game Sam Huff gets revenge on Joe Morrison Don Hutson Y.A. *SINGLE-USE CODE EXPIRES AUGUST 21, 2018 AT 11:59 EST. Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Advertisement . If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. [citation needed], The second series of figures expanded the character base for the line into the realms of cult and action cinema, with a figure based on the title character to The Crow. Sponsored. Toy Fare doesn't list the value of MaFarlanes, so I have no idea what my NHL Legends are worth. In later years a Collector Level was added to the series. amazon_ad_border="hide"; It provides collectors and fans an opportunity to collect and display their favorite players from bygone eras. Consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to messages, Looks like you already have an account! Terms of Use | Series 36[6] was also teased at SDCC 2008 but was also cancelled. MTFiZTM4YzliYTY1OGM2MGQ4MzZjN2RkNjNlNzZiNTI1N2JlNDIwYTZmN2Jj Figures include Max, Goatboy (packaged together), Moishe, Emil, Bernard, Aaron and Tzippy. Each series has 6 or 7 NFL Figures of the leagues favourite or top players in . Series 33. The figures were of classic childrens stories, including Peter Pumpkin-Eater, Hansel & Gretel, Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, & Red Riding Hood, and incorporated many of the gory elements that consumers had come to expect from McFarlane, but with a sense of ironic humor. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. . Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Theyre rowdy, theyre ragtag, theyre misfits turned mercenaries for hire. These figures were released biannually. Web For more info visit our site! Television. 2023 McFarlane Toys. 95,813, 149,261 The figures did not depict actual people so much as it did their professions, named simply by their job descriptions, such as "Army Ranger" or "Navy SEAL." McFarlane action figures are sculpted and painted to feature the exact likeness of each character. Original Price 443,195 The figures were sold separately and each came with half of the diorama from the Great White North set. I need a price guide for McFarlane's NHL Legends Series. MTlkNWNmMmNkYzY2M2Y3ZTg0YmM4ZDc0M2Y4ZWU0MzIwYzM3YWEzZDg0NzY4 Each action figure line includes at least 5 of the top NFL players in the game today, sculpted and painted in an iconic game action pose as only McFarlane Toys can do. McFarlane Toys NCAA College Football Sports Picks . Target's promo this week is $20 off $100 toy purchase. Sale Price 95,813 Privacy Policy | We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Like the previous series, the figures all are twisted variations of Christmas, including a hunchback and obese Santa Claus who hides a lifeless skull under a gasmask-like headpiece and wears contraptions on his hands similar to the glove of Freddy Krueger. [2], In 1997, action figures were part of an overall marketing deal between McFarlane Toys and the rock band KISS, with both toys and comic books based on their album Psycho Circus. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F.C. Colin Dorman, 34 Soi Rama2 Soi 50 Samae Dam, SP Garden Mansion apt 724, Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok 10150, Thailand, We-R-Toys specializes in the selling of classic Barbie, Marvel and Kenner Star Wars toys. (#385364317095) r***e (2183) Past month. Jerome Bettis McFarlane NFL Figure Steelers - New. Founder Todd McFarlane People also ask, Who is the greatest sports figure of all time? Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. However, Collector Level and exclusive chase figures are not included in this variant exclusive guide, unless the exclusive is a variant figure of one produced in the same series. //-->, WAVE 1 (Formerly Series 17)due in stores August 2008, NFL Legends Series 4(due in stores July 2008). Description 2006 McFarlane Football NFL Series 13 Eli Manning Blue #30 Action Figure Debut Brand new in original packaging We will describe any other conditions clearly and guaranteed all of our items. MjQ1OTIzNjNkYjA5NmY4YTNhNWZmMjBlYWQ2ZDJlYmRiYzI1NjhjN2E1ZmIz Each figure listed year, license, manufacturer, title, set and character. Original Price 862,069 amazon_ad_logo="hide"; Was there any question about who would come in first on this list? All Rights Reserved. [20], In 2005, McFarlane acquired the rights held by rival manufacturer Playmates Toys to produce figures based on the popular Fox TV series The Simpsons. var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="https://www.acint.net/aci.js";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() [citation needed], Originally dubbed "Todd Toys", the name was changed in 1995 following pressure from Mattel, who feared that the new company's name would be confused with that of Barbie's younger brother. I have been building a database of action figures since 2004 and I now have more than 40,000 action figure prices, checklists and guides in this database. Read our Cookie Policy. NjUwMTZlZGMyMTYyMWNjODU2NjY1ZmNiOTYwNTU1NWQ3MmM0OWFhZjkzYTk5 $19.99 + $10.20 shipping. In addition to the detailed character likeness, we pair each figure with game and screen accurate accessories that are relevant to the character in their world (TV, comics, video games, etc.). Yes! Please. $85.00. . McFarlane Toys has produced singles, 3-inch, 12-inch, 2-packs, and exclusive figures. [2], This set features several highly detailed six inch dragon action figures and a slightly larger and more expansive "boxed set" figure. (B81). Great packaging. Like other lines from the company, there are several McFarlane Football Legends variants that add a chase element to collecting. The company has official licensing rights to the major professional leagues of all of these sports, and began this line, officially known as McFarlane Sports Picks, in 2001. McFarlane Toys - Wikipedia eBay (deals4u62) -1 collectors like this. Scott Menzel (HCA Critics): I normally don't post about scoops but I know a few people who saw the original cut of #TheFlashMovie. 2001 Series 1. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. body .vIsText_3000 { height: 85px width: 250 } It refers to a villainous "Mechanoid Army". Series One began as a line of horror and science fiction based figures that had been licensed from influential and financially successful horror films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. View Etsys Privacy Policy. non binary model agency. McFarlane Toys Nascar Tony Stewart 7" Action Figure #20 Series 1 BOXED NEW 34.99 Click & Collect 3.99 postage or Best Offer SPONSORED McFarlane Toys Nascar Dale Earnhardt Jr. 7" Action Figure #8 Series 2 BOXED 34.99 Click & Collect 3.99 postage or Best Offer MCFARLANE NHL SERIES 4 JOCELYN THIBAULT CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS 6" ACTION FIGURE PLAY 15.99 list of deaths in san bernardino county 2021; granite stairs slippery; random fnf character generator; adair homes lawsuit; robert harvey musician; raul rekow filipino; stephen pearson actor; . Mcfarlane Toys NFL Action Figures (305) Price when purchased online Now $5.99 $6.99 McFarlane Toys Action Figure - NFL smALL PROS Series 1 - ANDREW LUCK $89.99 mcfarlane toys nfl sports picks series 21 jason witten $8.99 McFarlane Toys Action Figure - NFL smALL PROS Series 3 - BRANDON MARSHALL (White Jersey) $6.88 list of all mcfarlane nfl figures. MCFARLANES SPORTS SIGNED NFL LEGENDS BARRY SANDERS INCLUDES CERTIFICATE Buy: $5,499.00 eBay (dewomb31508) MCFARLANE NFL 12 INCH ACTION FIGURE COMPLETE SET OF 30 MIB Buy: $3,299.99 eBay (deals4u62) MCFARLANE ROGER STAUBACH NFL DALLAS COWBOYS "Captain America" Autographed Sign Buy: $2,500.00 eBay (behher2) The action figures and support stands. Captcha failed to load. McFarlane NFL Deuce McAllister New Orleans Saints series 6 debut figure. Series McFarlane have merchandised include Akira, Tenchi Muyo, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan[9] and Naruto Shippuden. By / 2022 6 29 . [13], In 1998, McFarlane introduced the Movie Maniacs line of figures. [11] Horror figures [ edit] . NjZmYjkwOWEwOWJjYjFiYzQ0MzQ0Yjc5Y2JhOTQ2ZTlhNmE2YTlkZGZmOTlj amazon_color_logo="FFFFFF"; body .storyInput { height: 50px width: 250 } Thanks for mapping this out, good to see it all in one place (and I have 95% of all that hehe). McFARLANE NFL LEGENDS DALLAS COWBOYS ROGER STAUBACH SERIES 3 VARIANT FIGURE $99.99 McFARLANE NFL LEGENDS HOUSTON TEXANS JJ WATT VARIANT SPORTSPICK 36 ACTION FIGURE $99.99 McFarlane NFL Legends WARREN MOON Vikings Purple Variant Brand New NIB 2010 $24.99 McFarlane NFL S8 St. Louis Rams Torry Holt Variant Action Figure $33.66 Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. [21] Controversy ensued when the company's Star Trek: Discovery phaser toy was cancelled just months before its scheduled release date. Great! 2004 McFarlane NFL Series 10 Variants Released: November, 2004 Jake Delhomme - Carolina Panthers, Blue Jersey Trent Green - Kansas City Chiefs, White Jersey Randy Moss - Minnesota Vikings, White Jersey Terrell Owens - San Fransisco 49'ers, Retro Warren Sapp - Oakland Raiders, Black Jersey LaDainian Tomlinson - San Diego Chargers, White Jersey Doom Slayer Classic Marine Skin (Red) (Gold Label), Wicked Witch of the West (Movie Maniacs), Zenitsu Agatsuma 5in Deluxe (Thunder Breathing First Form), Batman Dark Detective (Jokerized) Gold Label, Project Superman (Flashpoint Build-A) Gold Label, Gunslinger and Auger 2-Pack (Page Punchers), Spawn and Anti-Spawn 2-Pack (Page Punchers), Robin Dick Grayson (DC Rebirth) Gold Label, Aqualad 7 Figure with Aquaman Comic (Page Punchers), Ocean Master 7 Figure with Aquaman Comic (Page Punchers), Black Manta 7 Figure with Aquaman Comic (Page Punchers), Aquaman 7 Figure with Aquaman Comic (Page Punchers). Free shipping for many products! Mcfarlane Nfl Figures | Etsy Check out our mcfarlane nfl figures selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our action figures shops. Tennessee Titans FOCO NFL X Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants Bobblehead Ready To Ship Reduced: $2599 Regular: $3999 Tampa Bay Buccaneers FOCO Stadium Headz Figurine Almost Gone! (25% off), Sale Price 418,719 Two Indianapolis Colts football players, Marvin Harrison and Edgerrin James (Both in NFL Hall of Fame) Action Figures from McFarlane SportsPicks. Spawn toys are based off the comic book, Spawn, created by Todd McFarlane. [11], McFarlane had been a long-time fan of the horror genre and decided to produce his own perspective on the classic monsters with the "Todd McFarlane's Monsters Playsets" line in 1997. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. [18] The company also produces action figures based on the Netflix series Stranger Things. In 2007 McFarlane released their first 4 NFL Ultimate Team sets featuring the Bears, Broncos, Cowboys and Giants. Great! Clinton Portis vs Ray Lewis McFarlane NFL SportsPicks 2004 Deluxe Figure 2-pack | Toys & Hobbies, Action Figures & Accessories, Action Figures | eBay! McFarlane Toys have been producing McFarlane NFL Figures since its inaugaral release in 2001. [2], McFarlane Toys did not solely limit itself to creating figures based on Todd McFarlane's creations. They were notably different from the toys common on shelves at the time because of their level of detail in both sculpting and painting. amazon_ad_tag="mf0d9-20"; Etsy Close searchSearch for items or shops Skip to Content Sign in 0 Cart Father's Day Gifts Jewelry & Accessories Clothing & Shoes amazon_ad_logo="hide"; Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. 2022-06-30 / Posted By : / george graham daughter / Under : . We-R-Toys specializes in the selling of classic Barbie, Marvel and Kenner Star Wars toys. Copyright and Copy These new Ultimate Team sets will feature the Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders, Green Bay Packers and New England Patriots. Copyright and Copy Detailed here is a comprehensive list of McFarlane NFL Legends Variants. OGMzZjYwZGY5NGFhYmQ1ZTdjNTgxYmMyMDFkYmJiOWRiMTAyMTliY2ZkMGYz $40.00 body .storyInput { height: 50px width: 250 } When researching for these articles I used many different online and offline retailers and auctions sites to get an average value AT THE TIME of writing the article. [14] Release of new KISS products from McFarlane continues to the present day. E= Exclusive DD= Diamond Distributors EB= Electric Boutique FAO= FAO Schwarz JC= JC Penny KB= Kay Bee Toys KM= K-Mart SDCC= San Diego Comic Con TF= Toy Fare TG= Target TR = Tower Records TRU = Toys R Us WM= Wall Mart WWC= Wizard World Chicago. Past, Present, and Future!! OGMzOGZkZTQxMzZiMTVlNjNhMjI2NTM2OWRlNzIxYTI3MDdhMGFkMjUzNjg0 Stay up to date on all the latest sports card and memorabilia news, articles, and products by subscribing to our newsletter below: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. MDllNTFkYmRhZjBiZmNiYWM5ODE2ODU5OWRmZmE3MTk0Nzg2MTcyYjhhZGQ1 2357 results for "mcfarlane nfl action figures" Mcfarlane Toys Chicago Bears McFarlane NFL Series 25 Figure | Julius Peppers NFL $29.99 When purchased online Sold and shipped by Toynk a Target Plus partner Mcfarlane Toys Boston Celtics McFarlane NBA Series 18 Figure | Kevin Garnett | Variant Uniform NBA $59.99 When purchased online All Rights Reserved. ZmI4YTkyM2IzNTM5Y2FiMDg5ZjM1YTc4OTRkNWIwYWNkMmRiZGYxMTg1MjQ2 MjZlMTk0ZTUyM2Y5MjM1ZWM2YTdhYWI3N2RjNWYxODMzYWNlMjYwYmYwY2Qw Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee Free shipping. In addition to these highly detailed dragons, McFarlane released a part of the dragon's history with each dragon set; some had a piece of the story with each dragon, and some had whole chunks of the story in one boxed set. NzJhNmE5NjZjMjI1YjAxNjE3ZDlkYTNlMjY2YjU0OWE4YWZkZDUzZTc1Zjlm _qoptions={ Vous tes ici : churro cart rental bay area; circuit courts are also known as; list of all mcfarlane nfl figures . The following websites, magazines and books are some of the sources I have used to research the material on this site as well as many of the images etc: Wikipedia | MegoMuseum | FigureRealm | RebbleScum | Mego Action Figure Toys by John Bonavita | Toyfare Magazine | Official Price Guide to Action Figures by Stuart W. Wells III and Jim Main. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host Etsy.com, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. amazon_color_background="FDFDFD"; There have bee six series produced to date and this guide will be updated accordingly. Each character was sculpted with the same crosshatch style from Sendak's original illustrations. MjM5N2ZmZmJhOWE3OGIxYjkxNGFkYWQ4ZGFkYzYwZjE3NTMxZjllYWMyOTdk   Vietnam   |   English (US)   |   (VND), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. Series Six includes new clans: Fossil Dragon Clan, Hunter Dragon Clan, Ice Dragon Clan, Scavenger Dragon Clan, and Warrior Dragon Clan. Best Buy one day 40% off sale on select figures: Not counting re-paint variants, alternate heads, or the Batman 66 line, here are some counts for non-Trinity characters: Target has Unmasked Peacemaker (John Cena) for 50% off ($12.49).