Last, select Yellowstone County Detention Facility, and then theinmate you wish to communicate with. JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. If they are sentenced for more than one year, they are transferred elsewhere in bigger jails or prisons operated by the Montana Department of Corrections of the Bureau. Search for inmates incarcerated in Billings Jail, Billings, Montana. Simply enter the first and last name or the offenders DOC ID. The majority of inmates in Montana's prisons are male, with 1,630 inmates as of late November 2022, while female inmates were just 239. Anaconda, MT 59711, Warm Springs Treament & Change (WATCh) Program Inmates cannot send mails to other inmates in the same or different facilities. However, the intending visitor must first obtain approval from the facility of incarceration before scheduling visits. While information is updated regularly, there may be some inmate information that may be incorrect. Here is how to find someone in jail via this portal: Search results reveal inmate information like mugshots, full name, sex, holding agency, charges, arrest and release dates. Enter the amount of money you wish to send, Review the amount to be sent along with applicable fees before submission, A receipt will be sent when the transaction has been processed, The inmate's full name and Department of Corrections (DOC) number. employee screening. Requestors seeking to find who's in custody can use the Montana inmate locator available on the State Department of Corrections website. Or your session may have expired. 2201. Yellowstone County Detention Facility, located in Billings, Montana, is a medium-security detention center that houses inmates who are awaiting trial or sentencing. You might not be allowed to send inmate books about violence, jailbreak, ethnicity, or pornography. The facility is part of Billings, MT judicial district, which has 0 facilities in total. Only the immediate family members, the inmate's lawyer, and approved non-family members can send money to incarcerated individuals in Montana prisons. 1. Yellowstone County Detention Facility Phone: 406-256-6881. The additional
The search is easy to use. Use patience and check them all. Visitors can use the map plotted below to find the driving directions to Billings Jail .
Billings, MT 59101, NEXUS Treatment Center As the sheriff's site notes: Detention Center Search Page. Note that Montana state prisons are facilities where persons with length prison sentences serve time that is longer than twelve months. - Phone Calls &Voicemail It also lists released federal prison inmates and the date they were released. Select Montana. TEL: (406) 256-2701. However, under certain circumstances, a record custodian may sequester this information from public perusal such as when releasing the date puts the inmate at personal risk. 2021 Montana Jail Roster | All Rights Reserved. If you are not already registered, do so here, or Log in. Click find an offender. For further inquiry, you can contact ICSolutions on (888) 506-8407. These are maintained by local law enforcement
About . The physical address is:
Billings City Jail - Billings, Montana - County Jail Inmate Search Box G, Yellowstone County Detention Facility (MT) Inmate Search & Look Up - Prison Roster. The event will be free and open to public. These also come with their list of rules and guidelines to keep the facility safe and secure. If the inmate is no longer incarcerated, but is on parole/probation or discharged, it will tell you that as well. The facility houses Female Offenders who are convicted for crimes which come under Montana state and federal laws. 3165 King Ave. EastBillings, MT 59101. further details. You may search by Last Name or First Name. 2.
Sexual or Violent Offender Registry - Montana Department of Justice You can also do an inmate search by using VINELink online. The Billings Jail is classified as a medium security, transient remedial office for grown-up prisoners. No pets are allowed, and
On the other hand, the procedure for sending money to persons serving time in county jails differs with the facility of incarceration. Some of the recognized holidays when you can send your card include Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Christmas, Passover, Kwanzaa, Valentine, New Years, Ramadan, Hanukkah, Easter, and Thanksgiving. The list has all the inmates and the day they were booked. The standard information
Postcards cannot exceed 4 x 6 in size, should be unstamped and plain white. You can also search for an inmate by visiting the Montana state's website and look at the list. YELLOWSTONE ATTORNEYS. Montana State University Billings hosted their 35th annual science expo, Simran Kumari Moreover, the charges for the call must be beared by the receive. The package should be addressed to the following location:
Yellowstone County, Montana Add a credit or debit card to cover your costs. Miles City, MT 59301, Reintegrating Youthful Offenders (RYO) Correctional Facility In such cases, only eligible persons will have access to the inmate's release date. YELLOWSTONE BAIL BONDS. Great Falls, MT 59405, MT DOC - Gallatin County Re-Entry Program (GCRP) Cards and letters come in handy to help an inmates loved ones keep tabs on them. clarification contact the State Prison administration at Among many science-related competitions, students also enjoyed Lego and rocket building competitions and a scavenger hunt. Low 26F. Other than 'at the jail' visits between you and your inmate, which is explained and outlined in detail on our. There are no charges for using the envelopes and the safe next to the kiosk when depositing cash, money order, or cashier's check. The State Prison was opened in 2003 Montana Women's Prison (MWP) has a total population of 220, being the 14th largest facility in Montana. However, misdemeanor offenders sentenced for less than a year can serve their sentences in this facility. Error! Most lookup tools you will find online let you perform searches using information such as names and gender. KULR-8 Multimedia Journalist, showcasing 70 student projects and welcoming about 1000 people through their doors, and rocket building competitions and a scavenger hunt, illems, an assistant professor of analytical biochemistry at, opportunities like these allow students to learn and experiment with their interest and passion for pursuing science for further studies, "The importance of kids coming to a science fair is the idea that they are being introduced to high quality science at a really early age. family are allowed to visit and some close friends. Yellowstone County Detention Facility uses a service called NCIC for inmate phone calls (and other communication services) which allows you to look up an inmate on their website if this jails Inmate Search feature is not available. How to find an Inmate already convicted of a felony and sentenced in the state of Montana.
You can send mail to inmates in Yellowstone County but you need follow their guidelines carefully if you want your friend or loved one to get your correspondence. 406-247-5100.
Select Deposit Online. Check with your Montana Bail Bondsman or your attorney. contracts with 17 privately owned prisons that hold state offenders. These jails are operated by the sheriff's department in each county. family are allowed to visit and some close friends. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Montana Jail Roster is not affiliated with any government agency. family to send inmates money by phone, mail, or online using the instructions here.
Welcome to Yellowstone County, MT - Detention Center Search Listing Select the letter of the inmates last name. Comments or questions regarding the web site may . Yellowstone County Detention Facility offender locator: Who's in jail, Arrests, Bookings, Release Date, Inmate List, Race, Mugshots, Criminal Records, Booking Date, Bond, Description, Charges. Research has shown this helps them to focus on rehabilitation and keep them out of jail in the future. This facility is situated in Billings, Montana and is controlled by the nearby police offices. You have failed to correctly answer our security question. GettingOut charges $0.25 per minute for all phone calls, prepaid or collect, within Montana. crimes, sentencing, incarceration, and even parole and probation. You can check out this information now by going to the:Family Infopage,Visit Inmatepage,Inmate Mailpage,Inmate Phonepage,Send Moneypage,Inmate Bailpage,Mugshotspage,Text/Email an Inmatepage,Commissarypage,Remote Visitspage, or theTablet Rentalpage. uses public and private sources of information to supply you with search Customer Service For county jails, visitation procedures are specific to each county. This means that if you accept your call from your inmate, all the charges for that call will then be billed to your land line phone account and will show up and be listed on your next local phone bill. * All the information you need to understand making and receiving phone calls with inmatesin Yellowstone County, can be found on ourInmate Phone Page. Collect Calls This is because detainees are delivered daily and some may stay only a few days, but rarely more than 3 years. Billings Jail, Mt is a city correctional facility situated at 220 North 27th St in Billing, MT. 3 Sexual or violent offenders with questions about their registration should inquire in writing and include their full name, address and date of birth for identification purposes. 360 Galen Street, those serving short sentences. Join the conversation on our social media channels. Yellowstone County Detention Facility, MT, 3165 King Avenue East, Billings, MT, 59101, Yellowstone County Child Support Warrants, Yellowstone County District Court Records, Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office Sex Offender Search, Yellowstone County Pistol Permits & Gun Licenses, Montana State University Police Sexual Or Violent Offender List, Michigan State University Police Fire Activity Log. One of the students, Beau Becker, who participated in MSUBs science expo for the first time sharedhis excitement about his project. Statewide, interested persons can access arrest and criminal records through Montana's Criminal History Online Public Record Search. If they have committed a smaller crime, they will be jailed in a county jail up to 3 years. Visitations are based on the offenders last names. While information is updated regularly, there may be some inmate information that may be incorrect. The State Prison was opened in 2003 Montana Women's Prison (MWP) has a total population of 220, being the 14th largest facility in Montana. Visiting privileges will be permanently revoked if a visitor attempts or successfully delivers contraband to an inmate. You can receive calls from an inmate. Ravalli County Adult Detention Center. Searchers must use the inmate's first or last name to look up inmates on this website. 3. they are using is an alias, you will see that too. This facility puts the details of inmates held here in the public domain. Yellowstone County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Mike Linder Address 219 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana, 59101 Phone 406-256-2929 Because inmates are coming in and out, you can call 406-256-6881 for their current roster. 801 Highway 48 The Billings City Jail is shown on the map below at 220 North 27th, Billings, Montana 59101. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Montana state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Billings Jail for unforgivable crimes. Only immediate
In some cases, there will be more than one possibility. Types of Phone Calls If possible, try and determine the specific county where the arrest occurred. The jail will require this when mailing the inmate a letter or adding money to their commissary or phone accounts. For example, the Yellowstone County Detention Center provides an online portal of inmates in its custody. Updated on: December 7, 2022. Montana Inmate Search. You can also get information for anybody booked or released within the past 24 hour period. The search is easy to use.
Billings City Jail Inmate Search, Visitation, Phone no. & Mailing You may search by Last Name or First Name. Other large county jails include the Missoula County Jail, located in Missoula, and the Cascade County Jail, located in Great Falls. Inmates can get the following items at Yellowstone County Detention Facility: If you choose, you can send money to an inmate for them to purchase these items at the commissary. Beaverhead County Detention; Cascade County Detention; . There are several ways you can stay in contact with an inmate at the Yellowstone County Detention Facility. see a list of matching inmates with their birthdate and status. For information on official policy that outlines the regulations and procedures for visiting Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. - Deposits, Customer Service is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency.
Learn more about how to get phone calls from an inmate in the Yellowstone County Detention Facility, visit an inmate and find the inmate visitation schedules, send money to an inmate and get directions for purchasing commissary items,and learn more about how to mail an inmate in the Yellowstone County Detention Facility, review the letter writing rules and regulations, and how to address your envelopes to them. is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our is to contact the State Prison for information on the inmate or visit them The facility has a capacity of 174 inmates, which is the maximum amount of beds per facility. A commissary is a store where inmates can purchase additional items that they may need while incarcerated. birth, gender, age, race, and physical description (hair and eye color, scars,
Montana mugshots, DOC ID, full name, custody status, gender, and probation, Physical and demographic characteristics, including hair and eye color, height, weight, race, skin color, place and year of birth, and skin tone, Scars, marks, tattoos, and other physical conditions. From UM, MSU, High School sports and more. If you still have questions and can't find an answer on JailExchange, call 406-256-6881 for information. The senders name and complete return address. Select Bail Bonds from the top menu to get cheap costs for bail. While inmates can receive and send mails without a fuss, the whole endeavor is attached to rules and guidelines that should be followed religiously. The Billings Police Jail Inmate Search is an online list of individuals who have been arrested and are in jail, which includes current status, and schedule for visitation. Alternatively, interested searchers may contact the jail administrator by phone, email, or visiting in person during business hours.
Montana Inmate Records | Mar 3, 2023 Updated 5 min ago. Look no further, our list of jail rosters and inmate information offer booking data on current inmates held in detention centers across Montana. Choose Yellowstone County Detention Facility. For starters, all mails are subjected to intensive inspection by the jail staff. others may be harder to locate. When you click next to the inmate's name or on a link, it will show you which jail or prison the inmate is housed in. You will then
Box 88 Billings MT Jail holds both male and female inmates over the age of 18. Only two visitors are allowed per session. that the information will be accurate or up to date. The largest prison is the Montana State Prison, which is located in Deer Lodge County. Additionally, individuals can retrieve information on inmate records in Montana online or in person from the DOC.
"The importance of kids coming to a science fair is the idea that they are being introduced to high quality science at a really early age. enforcement creates some of the records with the initial intake paperwork,
home with prior written approval from the inmate's unit team or authorized staff member at Yellowstone County Detention Facility is a county jail which means that inmates may not stay there for very long. Quick Connect The visitation time is between 6 pm and 7 pm. Locating an Inmate in Montana Women's Prison (MWP), Be Prepared to Montana Women's Prison (MWP) Visiting Rules,, 701 South 27th Street, Billings, MT 59101, 8:30am-10:30am, 1:30pm-3:30pm, and 7pm-8:30pm. Whether youre searching for a friend, relative or doing skip tracing, we have a complete list of all Montana county jails to find anyone whos incarcerated. It majorly holds inmates who are waiting to be tried in the county justice system.