Following the killing of cocaine smuggler and Iran-Contra pilot Barry Seal, writers Roger Morris and Sally Denton uncovered documents proving that Seal had been working for the CIA. The FBI has enjoyed, for much of it's existance, a splendid public image. He didn't ask for directions. S2017:E 12 JFK Jr's Tragic Final Flight Part 2. J. Edgar Hoover spent as much time polishing the image of the FBI as he did solving crimes, and the unofficial motto of the FBI remains, "Never embarrass the bureau". One more cover-up. Ledger's body was found in his apartment and investigators were led to discover bizarre drawings and puzzling clues, including a diary Ledger created detailing his immersion of the Joker persona. So did Andrew Goldman at the New York Observer. Examining the factors that led to the crash that killed John F. Kennedy Jr. and a never before seen interview with a person who may have been the last person to speak to JFK Jr, moments . PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. would have lost his artificial horizon if the vacuum pump failed in the aircraft. The Democrats had obtained photographs which showed Nixon "associate" E. Howard Hunt to be one of the tramps arrested and then released in Dealey Plaza. HLN's "How it Really Happened" speaks to new witnesses who may have been the last to hear from John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s plane before it disappeared. Had Kennedy done so, he would have probably won, and Hillary Clinton's This claim is backed up not only by the weather report of 8 mile visibility, but by a weather radar image taken at about the time of the crash. Huckberrys Entire Sale Section Is an Extra 15% Off. How it Really Happened trailer: JFK Jr.'s tragic final flight - Mail Online That our media is biased is clear. But that is not what Dr. Bassett found. HLN's "How it Really Happened" speaks to new witnesses who may have been the last to hear from John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s plane before it disappeared. Report Browse more videos Playing next 1:03 How it Really Happened- What Killed Heath Ledge CNN 2017 1:05 How it Really Happened- The Strange Case of Jeffrey Dahmer CNN Documentary Pmcaleavey 1:03 TV-14 | Mar 10, 2017 | 40m. "big white flash" he saw in the sky off Philbin Beach and mentioned that a story to that effect was to be published in the July 26th, 1999 issue of NEWSWEEK. That it was mailed primarily to white households should have been the tip-off, but again, people didn't believe that the government of the United States engaged in such despicable behaviors, and that belief kept the people blind. The hole in the shirt was explained away by suggesting that the normally fastidious John Kennedy had allowed his shirt to come un-tucked and ride up his back under the suit coat sufficient to place the back of the shirt up around the neck. Then, according to ABC News, JFK Jr's plane went into a steep dive, and crashed. This is no accident. The First bullet went through his neck afterwards a second bullet hit his head. The July 26th 1999 issue of NEWSWEEK simply vanished. And if he would have ever made such an absurd retraction, Just days prior to his death, NBC Dateline hinted that JFK Jr. was considering an entry into politics, CNN ran a story claiming that NEWSWEEK planned to change covers and re-distribute, but that never happened. It therefore follows that, since the presstitutes write or broadcast what they are told to write and broadcast, that all media presents to the public is what the owners and controllers of the media want you to think. The mainstream media then proceeded to tell the public that the coloring books were being given out to black children at those free breakfasts, and forever after, the Black Panthers were portrayed by the media as dangerous fanatics intending to kill white people. New York Post reporter Cindy Adams outs C. David Heymann for deliberatly planting woman there. But that's just the FBI's public image. Documented cases of media deception over the years have made it clear that the media lies to the public on important issues. They needed some She was charged with racketeering and threatened to expose names on her client list. answerless pause, I thanked her and said goodbye. New York and Long Island, but Martha's Vineyard is definatly in clear air. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. lost his instruments, and that is why he could not handle the dark and hazy (?) Needless to say, all support for local control of the curriculum vanished. It's a given. It cannot be "spun". He was protecting his own posterior. Aug. 5, 1999 July 17th, repeated the reporter's sighting ANYWAY, considering The hole in the shirt was explained away by suggesting that the normally fastidious John Kennedy had allowed his shirt to come un-tucked and ride up his back under the suit coat sufficient to place the back of the shirt up around the neck. Others before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. But that's just the FBI's public image. The few times the media has appeared to expose government wrongdoing has later been revealed in historical hindsight as one faction using the media against another faction. That our government lies to us, with the media's help, is a given. None of the newspapers that savaged Gary Webb ever bothered to apologize to him. false information with the press, information which smears JFK Jr. as a reckless Was another plane down in the area that night? The official explanation for the crash is that it was an accident caused by pilot error, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. However, even before the wreckage was found, the story being put out in the media began to change. What does this mean? If his retraction was so widely recognized throughout all stated that the Vineyard Gazette reporter sighted the "big white While the admission was made to appear quite trivial in the media, a moment's consideration reveals that this confession triggers some important consequences. Hed been flying for a long time. Airs: March 10, 2017 at 9p ET // $pagename = "nstubB.php? Trump says he's not a celebrity, he's a president after Mike Pompeo Gone was the previously reported radio conversation a calm JFK Jr. had with ground personnel just before the plane fell out of the sky, replaced by a declaration from the NTSB that JFK Jr. had not used his radio at all as he approached Martha's Vineyard. "is the closest point to Martha's Vineyard." John Hankey, writer and director of Kennedy documentary Dark Legacy, also provides powerful evidence that JFK Jr. may have been targeted and possibly murdered. // echo getcwd(). They print it, you think it. There is good cause to assume we are being lied to yet again. This episode takes viewers inside the FBI's investigation of one of America's most notorious terrorists, "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski. Was another plane down in the area that night? Whiskey connoisseur? Search for Movies & TV . We are intellectual prostitutes. " Part 2: The dishonesty of the media. One more cover-up. PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. had only 40 hours experience. She was supposed to meet Carolyn and John Jr. afterthe couple landed. FACT: He had 40 hours in that one aircraft. He was a very meticulous pilot, author John Koerner says in the latest episode of the Fatal Voyage: The Death of JFK Jr. podcast. Click HERE for news article which confirms JFK Jr. to be in calm radio contact What were the circumstances that led to her misfortune? Because of incidents like the above, plus others so numerous as to be beyond the scope of this document, it has become popular to refer to members of the media as "presstitutes", in keeping with John Swinton's quite honest assessment of his own profession. Speaking of CBS "60 Minutes", the executive producer of that show, Don Hewitt, has admitted on video tape to editing his show's segment on Gennifer Flowers to discredit her and help Bill Clinton, even though Gennifer Flowers had audio tapes which proved her story was true. From there, episodes dissect new clues and re-examine conspiracy theories connected to, among others, the John F. Kennedy Jr. plane crash, the deaths of music royalty Prince, Michael . quotes an eyewitness report that conditions on Martha's Vineyard were not hazy. It cannot be "spun". Yet another infamous FBI trick was the smearing of actress Jean Seberg, who at a time when the Black Panthers were under attack by the media and the FBI, openly supported them on the issues of civil rights. How could this have happened? DON HEWITT (Executive Producer, "60 Minutes"): And they came to us HLN's 'How It Really Happened' Series Topics: OJ, JonBenet, Prince, JFK Sign up for InsideHook to get our best content delivered to your inbox every weekday. Gerald Ford's (and the Warren's) official version placed the wound up by the base of the neck. Hoda Kotb Makes Pre-Taped Appearance on 'Today' Amid Continued Absence, Formula 1 Driver Max Verstappen and GF Kelly Piquet's Relationship Timeline, PDA in the Rink! Perhaps no stronger indication exists of the culture of deception that permeates our government than the deplorable behavior of the NTSB in the aftermath of the crash of TWA 800. plane. and incompetant pilot. When JFK Jr. secretly met Princess Diana in the summer of 1995, they were two of the most famous people on the planet. Weather radar image taken 10:40 PM the night of the crash. Did this dark role impact his real life and what was his connection to Mary-Kate Olsen? The group was headed to Marthas Vineyard in the Dukes County, Massachusetts, for his cousin Rory Kennedys wedding. An emergency beacon thought to belong to the plane was activated and How It Really Happened. Watch How It Really Happened - JFK Jr's Final Flight (s1 e7) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent. All Rights Reserved. Because Jean Seberg's husband was a French Diplomat, the scandal became an international incident that ended only when the FBI was forced to make a public apology for it's action (one of very few times it has done so). The SAIC Los Angeles wrote a memo to FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. Did you encounter any technical issues? The break-in at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee would have never become the issue to topple a President, but for the need to protect just WHY the crime had been committed. One reporter, Cindy Adams at the New York Post, later had cause to suspect she had been lied to. PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. was a reckless pilot. On "How it Really Happened," Radziwill of "The Real Housewives of New York," shares moments from her friendship with JFK Jr. and his wife Carolyn. Starting from the fact that you were lied to about the deaths of John and Robert Kennedy, take a moment to think back at just how many people had to sign onto those lies. That the CIA wields a great deal of control over the media and what it tells the American people was revealed by the heavy handed actions taken in regards to covering up that portion of the Iran-Contra scandal that took place at the Mena, Arkansas airport. "\n"; plane's wreckage was actually found. FACT: Again a story attributed to "unnamed sources", and again debunked by the interviews shown on Inside Edition. of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who J. Edgar Hoover spent as much time polishing the image of the FBI as he did solving crimes, and the unofficial motto of the FBI remains, "Never embarrass the bureau". plane's wreckage was actually found. Yet it was clear from initial police reports that one other suspect did exist, a girl in a polka dot dress who was seen leading Sirhan around early in the evening, then running from the scene of the assassination. It Wasn't Dark at all. Less than one year later, the CIA's Inspector General issued a report that admitted to the cocaine trafficking in connection with Iran-Contra. Getty Images. We won't post to any of your accounts without asking first. You'd still who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know The theory of the lone assassin is based on the "Magic Bullet" theory, that one single bullet accounted for all of JFK's wounds except the head wound, plus all the wounds on Texas Governor John Connelly. But when that happened, they got really concerned. The funeral for the baby was help with an open coffin, so the lie stood revealed in it's most tragic and pathetic form. All the mainstream media championed the story that White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster committed suicide. His claim is also false, as there is a backup vacuum system in the pitot assembly of that aircraft. What they needed was a paramedic. But as the Hear his response, See why 'Dilbert' comic strips got dropped from US newspapers, Maher: 'It's not wrong' to have debate about transgender issues, Hit horror film is inspired by real events. More telling, deliberate attempts by him to coerce the normally pale green contact cement into assuming the reddish color of the residue all failed. Then, according to ABC News, JFK Jr's plane went into a steep dive, and crashed. Click HERE for news article which have turned the center of the island as bright as the "Boston Skyline". More than anyone else, with the possible exception of the current occupant of the White House, Richard Nixon destroyed the image of an honorable and law-abiding American President we had all been raised with, The lesson of his term in office was a simple one. By way of example, let's take a look at the JFK assassination. You know it was strong medicine the way I edited it but he was a very The pop star was on the brink of a comeback and scheduled to perform at a Grammy Awards party that night. He explains how JFK Jr. was "obsessed" with finding out who killed his father, John F. Kennedy, which could have allegedly been the catalyst to someone plotting his murder. And, of course, they wanted the government to respect their Constitutional rights. Some suggest Jackson took his own life and others claim he was murdered by those who thought Jackson's worth was more dead than alive. What did Michael Jackson's children and trusted staff witness prior to his sudden death? shows that people on the shore of the island could see aircraft on approach out over the ocean, When I told Tim Russer Copyright 2023 InsideHook. Carolyn called me from the plane right before they were taking off, Radziwill reveals. FACT: That may have been true only a few months ago. The photo of JFK's shirt showed clearly where this entry wound was. dealing with JFK Jr. is dated August 2nd. just to get me to give up. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, grab of the NY Senate seat as a stepping stone in her run for the White House would have failed. As whistleblower Frank Whitehurst has pointed out, and as the lawsuit against the FBI for witness harassment and evidence tampering in the Vincent Foster case underscores, the FBI is not always interested in what is true, but only in what is expedient. FACT: This claim was planted everywhere in the media, always attributed to an "unnamed source". I didnt certainly think it would be the last time I would speak to my friend. Once, however, Gillon remembers John addressing the topic sometime in the early '90s. plane's plunge into the ocean? And again, these are not isolated incidents, but part of a continuum, as evidenced by the various scandals which have hit the major media involving the fraudulently manufactured Food Lion story, the phony Bosnian "Concentration Camp" photos, and the use of explosives to manufacture a story about unsafe side mounted gas tanks on GM trucks. And over and over again, you are being lied to. bandaging. Serrano was one of the witnesses who saw the woman in the Polka-dot dress leading Sirhan around prior to the shooting. FACT: JFK Jr's conversational tone on the radio reveals that he was calm. For those critical first few hours, this beacon had searchers looking in the wrong place. false information with the press, information which implies that JFK Jr. was an incompetant pilot. Presidents do break the law. What really happened to John F. Kennedy, Jr.? - Quora Watch How It Really Happened - S2017:E12 JFK Jr's Tragic Final Flight His claim is also false, as there is a backup vacuum system in the pitot assembly of that aircraft. official LAPD audio tape surfaced from the lie detector test of witness Sandy Serrano. Newscasters, police officers, investigators, and government officials, all had to take part, all DID take part. The photo of JFK's shirt showed clearly where this entry wound was. replay the tape in your head, and see what actually happened? The few times the media has appeared to expose government wrongdoing has later been revealed in historical hindsight as one faction using the media against another faction. Weather radar image taken 10:40 PM the night of the crash. That this radar image is showing fog and haze as opposed to clouds is proven by the fact that the FAA had listed conditions as VFR with 8 mile visibility for the area. In the Spring of 1991, police had no idea a serial killer was on the loose. That is an important lesson to keep in mind, that a lie to the public demands, and has little trouble obtaining, a vast number of people to help it along. The Weather That Night. Palfrey was found hanging on her mother's property. Just days prior to his death, NBC Dateline hinted that JFK Jr. was considering an entry into politics, When Robert Kennedy was killed, yet again the people were told over and over again that it was a lone assassin. He explains how JFK Jr. was obsessed with finding out who killed his father, John F. Kennedy, which could have allegedly been the catalyst to someone plotting his murder. Just absolutely tragic. The very first night the aircraft carrying JFK Jr. vanished, there were early reports And, as we saw with regard to the cocaine smuggling by the CIA, the media not only ignores the story, but attacks anyone who dares touch the subject. Clearly, anything that happens that the media doesn't think the public needs to know about will simply not be reported. HLN's "How it Really Happened" speaks to new witnesses who may have been the last to hear from John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s plane before it disappeared. worse and, in a jolt of vexation, she sputtered, "Oh, no, no! Needless to say, the Federal government did not like either the idea of giving up control of the public school curriculum, nor of having to respect anyone's Constitutional rights. Discovery Company. The mainstream media, who purports to be the watchdog against government abuse on behalf of the American people, stood up to be counted with what may be the most monstrous lie told to the American people in the last half century. FACT: The FAA issued VFR weather conditions that night, and the weather report (mentioned in the UPI story) called for 8 mile visibility. But more to the point, even ahead of the implications for the "Magic Bullet" theory, the irrefutable fact is that the Warren Commission lied to the public about that back wound. The Roku Channel | Roku. A&E's "Inside Investigations" explained away the lack of fingerprints on the smooth metal revolver Foster was found with by using a heavily textured semi-automatic pistol on their program, a deliberate fraud. According to FAA statistics, 300 hours made him a more careful and safer pilot than one with 1000 hours, who is more complacent. New York and Long Island, but Martha's Vineyard is definatly in clear air. lose right there and they needed some first aid. This report also As first reported by United Press International, John F. Kennedy Jr. on approach to Martha's Vineyard in 8 mile visibility, was in radio contact with the ground, calmly informing them of his intentions to drop off a passenger before proceeding to Hyannis airport. Lloyd Cutler certainly knows it 'cause Lloyd had a hand in his coming "Oh, no," she replied nervously, "we can't do that." People tend to believe what they hear over and over again. his sighting, replay his mental videotape, and say to himself, A day earlier . How it Really Happened - CNN A new book explains how QAnon took hold of the GOP and why it's not of an emergancy beacon being detected, but detected quite a dstance away from where the But, as history has shown, they did just that. Get InsideHook in your inbox. What Really Happened - JFK Jr. : BravoRealHousewives - reddit Part 3: The FBI and COINTELPRO - harassment of those who try to expose the lies. Gone also was the originally reported 8 mile visibility while the media began to hammer home the claim that Martha's Vineyard had been totally blanketed with a haze so heavy that pilots in the air would have been blind. HLN's 'How It Really Happened' Series Topics: OJ, JonBenet, Prince, JFK And awesome. HLN's original primetime series 'How It Really Happened,' hosted by critically acclaimed actor Hill Harper, delves deeply into some of the most notorious crimes, mysteries, trials, and celebrity . One more Kennedy death. What the red residue actually is, is a subject for another monograph. HLN's "How it Really Happened" speaks to friends and a new key witness to find out how John F. Kennedy Jr.'s final flight could have ended so tragically. Well, that's easy enough to For years, the government and the media sang a uniform chorus of "lone assassin" and "Magic Bullet", even though careful analysis showed that the media was using fraudulent photos to sell these claims. Is Philbin Beach near the line-of-sight of Falmouth? All this at a time when inter-racial sex, let alone an inter-racial adulterous affair, was a career-wrecking scandal. I said, "But this reporter witnessed an explosion in the SKY." Weather Radar Shows Clear Skies. There is not one of you Yet another infamous FBI trick was the smearing of actress Jean Seberg, who at a time when the Black Panthers were under attack by the media and the FBI, openly supported them on the issues of civil rights. published in the Martha's Vineyard Times complaining how new lights which point up into the sky As first reported by United Press International, John F. Kennedy Jr. on approach to Martha's Vineyard in 8 mile visibility, was in radio contact with the ground, calmly informing them of his intentions to drop off a passenger before proceeding to Hyannis airport. The "King of Pop" was found dead in his home under mysterious circumstances. They print it, you think it. Crazy about gin? There is good cause to assume we are being lied to yet again. PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. didn't know his altitude and simply "flew into the ocean". Permission was granted by Washington D.C. with the suggestion that the smear be delayed until Jean's pregnancy was much more obvious. In those innocent times, the American public was naive, perhaps dangerously so. PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. stalled the plane. Star Hill Harper See production, box office & company info Add to Watchlist Photos Add photo Top cast Hill Harper Self - Host All cast & crew This is no accident. That the CIA wields a great deal of control over the media and what it tells the American people was revealed by the heavy handed actions taken in regards to covering up that portion of the Iran-Contra scandal that took place at the Mena, Arkansas airport. FBI documents show that the FBI not only kept watch on celebrities, but kept an eye on movies that might be considering showing the FBI in a poor light. As Richard Salent, Former President of CBS News has stated, media's job is to feed the public what media thinks the public ought to know. This episode pulls back the curtain to expose the secret struggles the music genius faced and traces the early years of his life up to his final days. if I'ld edited it your way, you know where you'd be today? chdir('/home/customer/www/'); Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much The photo of JFK's shirt showed clearly where this entry wound was. Did the reporter later reflect on The NEWSWEEK issue