Your IP: Newtown Performance & security by Cloudflare. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding To explore opinions of HTT service users on the care they received to guide future research and service provision. Published Care plans could provide more detailed information about patients education status and needs. Staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment. CAMHS Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team - Torbay Back to Mental Health Liaison Team (MHLT) (PCMHT), Home Treatment Teams (HTT), Substance Misuse Services and Housing and Emergency Social Services Team in response to client need; Preston & Chorley. To provide mental health assessments and advice for clients who are in-patients on medical wards within the Acute Trusts, Conduct comprehensive risk and mental health assessments to a standardised level of best practice, To offer advice and support to colleagues within the Acute Trusts, Ensure appropriate signposting/referral onto relevant statutory and non-statutory agencies as identified, including Single Point of Access (SPOA), Perinatal Community Mental Health Teams (PCMHT), Home Treatment Teams (HTT), Substance Misuse Services and Housing and Emergency Social Services Team in response to client need. 4 November 2015. The Treatment Team's Roles and Impact in The Effectiveness of Addiction Treatment - Next Level Recovery +1 (385) 500-4822 Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction, Drug Rehab, Group therapy, Programs, Recovery, Therapy, Treatment The Treatment Team's Roles and Impact in The Effectiveness of Addiction Treatment Health visiting and school nursing teams worked to deliver the Healthy Child Programme and two of the five contacts were delivered using the Ages and Stages evidenced based screening tool. Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team Blackpool (25-65), North West 6 days ago Applied Saved. We can't believe the NWPPN turns 10 this year! How we can help The service did not meet the Department of Health guidance on same sex accommodation. Contact Details: Stroke rehabilitation Team: 01257 245118. Support will be delivered by committed and competent staff who have a desire to work within our core values to achieve our goals for and with individuals. Staff spoke positively about the support they were given by seniors and management within end of life care although staff were not aware of who the trust lead for end of life was. We found that the service had improved and met the requirements of the warning notice. Used a systematic approach to discharge, using routine outcome measures to measure patients progress and time their discharge process. For example, an Imam often visited a Muslim patient. There was good leadership at ward level and above. They made sure that patients had a full physical health assessment and knew about any physical health problems. Careers. The trust data was incomplete in relation to patients who remained in section 136 suites and admissions over 23 hours to mental health decision units. Staff involved patients and their relatives in their care where possible and treated them with kindness, respect, compassion and dignity. Together with local information from partners and the public, this monitoring helps us to decide when, where and what to inspect. There were no clear dates for the action plan implementation following the audit. Some wards were entirely smoke free and some permitted smoking in garden areas. The ward had dementia, safeguarding, tissue viability, end of life and infection control champions. This impacted on the teams abilities to work more proactively, for example, in seeing patients on wards to facilitate early discharge or admission avoidance work. In a three month period 1 June 2016 to 31 August 2016, 25% of shifts had been short of substantive staff. We rated it as inadequate because: We have taken enforcement action against this service which has limited ratings for some key questions to inadequate. At this inspection, we noted delays in responding to maintenance and cleanliness on the Calder, Greenside and The Hermitage wards. Not all staff had received appropriate specialised training. CATT teams aim to help people at home so they don't have to go into hospital. They told us staff were compassionate and treated them with kindness and dignity. The service had met the requirements of the warning notice because: The service had enough nursing and medical staff, who knew the patients and received basic training to keep patients safe from avoidable harm. Staffing levels were reviewed daily and in twice weekly meetings. A patient had been detained at the Orchard without the safeguards afforded by the Mental Health Act or Mental Capacity Act; 12 detained patients had been given medication that had not been included on the relevant consent to treatment documentation; the trusts Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards policy did not give an accurate definition of the meaning of capacity within the Act. We use our system of intelligent monitoring of indicators to direct our resources to where they are most needed. The health-based places of safety provided a safe environment for the risks of people in a crisis to be managed. Also, Lancaster CAMHS had only completed 50% of staff appraisals, and the trust could not give figures for the Chorley and South Ribbleservice. The HBPoS were staffed by nurses from the adjacent acute wards when people were brought to the suite. Staff displayed a good knowledge of both the MHA and MCA. Most teams met the trusts target of 18 weeks waiting time from referral to assessment. Outcomes were monitored to ensure changes were identified and reflected to meet patients needs. Peoples physical health needs were considered alongside their mental health needs. Our therapy team is on the ward 8.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday It is situated close to all the necessary local amenities, such as shops, public transport links, hospital, GPs, dentist, leisure centres etc. However, the provider had carried out a safer staffing review that acknowledged the different staffing needs in the new model of mental health urgent assessment centres and were implementing the review recommendations. During an episode of care you will see varying members of our team. Annual Statement 2009 for - PDF - (opens in new window), Annual Statement 2010 for - PDF - (opens in new window), In Pharmacists inputted into wards on a daily basis. Only one home treatment team provided any input into inpatient services in terms of early discharge or diversion. This is in breach of same sex accommodation guidance where service users in mixed sex accommodation are expected to have individual bedrooms or bed areas which are solely for one gender. People expressed that whilst sometimes they had to wait to be seen in clinic, they felt the standard of care was good and the staff were friendly. Of these responses 99% of patients would either highly recommend or recommend the service to friends and family. government site. The trust had systems in place to monitor quality issues and there was a clear commitment for continuous improvement with involvement of young people and their families. We observed several examples of multi-disciplinary working during our inspection, in both health and education settings, with clinicians collaborating to support the planning and delivery of care to children, young people and their families. Welcome to the official Preston Lions FC page on Facebook. The teams are made up of multidisciplinary practitioners . They had a good understanding of the services they managed. We rated The Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust as good because: There was an open and transparent approach to the treatment of people who used services that allowed for identification of safeguarding issues or inefficient practice. We rated two of the trusts 14 core services as inadequate and two as requires improvement overall. The trust did not have a robust mechanism in place to capture compliance with supervision. Welcome to the City of Avondale, Arizona! During the inspection there were two patients with these sub-acute conditions. The routinehealth visitorcontact became part of thehealth visitorcontract in April 2014, however, ithad beenagreed with commissioners that this would be introduced on an incremental scale starting with those deemed most vulnerable (ie highlighted by Childrens Centres and Midwives). The team can initially visit on a daily basis with visits being reduced according to clinical need. Any ligature points were assessed and mitigated for, and reflected in the trust risk register. 29 October 2015. This had been identified at a previous inspection but not addressed. Monitored patients physical healthcare, with links to GP surgeries to respond to any continuing physical health needs. Staff we spoke with were aware of the key performance indicators relevant to their role and individual performance was reviewed in monthly one to one meetings with their line manager. Staff were trained in and had a good understanding of the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. There was good evidence of services and disciplines working together to improve services for patients and included: the intensive home support service, the discharge planning team, the Care Home Effective Support Service (CHESS) Team and the diabetes service. Crisis resolution teams in the UK and elsewhere. the service is performing exceptionally well. This meant that patients requiring a psychological approach were able to access this without delay. Actions had been agreed and a CQUIN target was associated the delivery of the action plan. Patients had access to specialist healthcare where required. Their aim is to cause minimum disruption to a persons life whilst meeting their needs in the early stages of acute psychiatric presentations. Executive management visibility in the community health services was low, although staff felt listened to and supported by local managers. Avondale House is the only agency in greater Houston that serves individuals living with moderate to severe autism from ages 3 years through the end of life. Staff treated concerns and complaints seriously, investigated them and learned lessons from the results were shared. There were not sufficient numbers of suitably trained staff. Patient information was available to staff, it was stored securely, and was readily accessible. Waltham Forest Home Treatment Team Tantallon House 157 Barley Lane Goodmayes IG3 8XJ Tel:0300 300 1882, Option 2 Fax:0844 493 0264 Opening times:24 hours Referrals Email - Some staff used an electronic records system called ECR where as others used a paper based system. Staff showed a clear commitment to providing the quality care which individuals needed. Patients had access to advocacy services and were aware of their rights under mental health legislation. Home Treatment Team (HTT) - West leaflet - Norfolk and Suffolk NHS The crisis support units only had reclining chairs in communal areas for patients to rest or sleep in, which meant patients slept overnight in reclining chairs in communal areas. LD30LU There was evidence of staff following guidance and best practice; an example of which was their reviewing the use of antipsychotic medication for dementia. Staff understood processes to safeguard young people, reported incidents and investigated them. At Hope House in particular, the MHCS was proactive in their approach to gaining feedback from people who used the service. Patients were generally positive in the feedback they provided. There was mutually supportive and multidisciplinary working across all of the child and adolescent mental health service teams. Patients could access psychological interventions across the service. Not all young people had an up to date current risk assessment present in their care records. Patients and carers we spoke with were generally positive about staff. Staff assessed and managed risk well. People had access to translation services. Staff were able to access patients electronic records across the trust. Referral on to other agencies and mental health services, as agreed with you. Melbourne Water is undertaking water main upgrade works in Melbourne's northern suburbs. All four courses fell below 75%. The service had good multi-agency relationships which matched the holistic needs of patients. Staff felt valued and supported by their colleagues and were aware of the senior management team within the trust although the planned move of premises had affected staff morale. Although the same member of staff may not attend every visit, all staff will be familiar with your situation. Records and medicines were appropriately audited . Leave a review Report an issue with the information on this page Information supplied by Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust The trust had also not appointed a board member with a specific lead role for end of life care to ensure executive scrutiny. Restrictive practices were reviewed regularly and patients were involved in the process. There were appropriate health and safety checks. The trust was transparent and open in its approach to safeguarding and reporting incidents. Carers told us that staff could sometimes be difficult to get hold off but that they took the time to discuss their loved ones care with them and involved them in decision making where appropriate. At Pendle House, we saw an electronic notice board accessible to all staff that included an SUI action tracker that showed shared learning and good practice. We saw a piece of work analysing the main reasons for staff sickness absences and considering how these could be addressed. The structure was in its infancy and, as such, was in the process of being embedded in practice. Staff felt able to raise concerns without fear of victimisation and spoke positively about the organisation. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and, Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. the service is performing exceptionally well. We were not assured that service users on Community Treatment Order were being read their rights at regular intervals in accordance with the Mental Health Act and code of practice. The unit designs were not fit for purpose, they were not being used in the way intended and they persistently failed to meet the basic needs of patients.