Page 84 & 85, Weingaertner to Ziegler Page
Daniel, AB, S#19, S#57 (Shenandoah Valley), ,
muster roll noun : inventory, roster specifically : a register of the officers and men in a military unit or ship's company Example Sentences Gren.Battl. von Linsingen, K-12 Kassel Grenadier Regt. Pennsylvania Revolutionary Soldiers. J. Fr[ederic] de Cochenhausen, [Michael] Waldenberg, F[rederic] de Kendell, F[rederic] Wyneken, and W[illiam] Porter DS, [June-July 1782], [Hesse-Cassel]. The Legion Muster Rolls from February 23, 1781 through February 23, 1782 listed the names of a large number of enlisted members as being a prisoner as of January 17, 1781 (the date of the Cowpens battle) or as of February 23, 1781 (the date of the first muster roll prepared after the battle). Best, JSHA 1997.
vanderbilt medical center parking map 01767 304157; largest companies in orange county by revenue Trading Company is expert in supplying high Quality Natural Colour Hessian Cloth. G[eorge] E. Lengecke DS, March 12, 1778, [Hesse-Cassel]. From John Merz's Guide to Help You Find
of Nova Scotia. Ernst August de Bartling and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 20, 1781, [Brunswick]. about the American Revolution, Chronology
Batister, Johann Henrich,
Baumgard, Jakob, K-11,
John, see Abt, Georg,
von Minnigerode, K-16 Kassel Regiment von
., no info. 1709-1913, consisting mainly of returns, registers of muster rolls, account books, lists of officers and enlisted men, and reference aids compiled by employees of the War Department after the Revolution for use in providing reference service on the original records. Graham, John, Jun'r; private in Captain Samuel Davidson's company in Colonel Smith's battalion, Bedford county associators, March 22, 1776.
Self Adhesive Hessian Fire Retardant | Fabric UK In addition to muster rolls is a copy of the treaty executed in 1776 between the Duke of Brunswick and George III for hiring German mercenaries. P[hilip] Hillebrand, M[elchior] Martini, and [Johannes] Hoerker DS, June 24, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. Author/Creator: Our biodegradable hessian rolls are available 72inch a. Apple,
Barth, Johann Kaspar, A-B,
The United States declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions because of Britain's ongoing war with France, impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, British support of American Indian tribes against . July 5, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. = On VondenVelden List of Hessians in Quebec 1800, RTCan =
Buy 20 for $183.32 each and save 7%. Natural hessian jute sack fabric SOLD PER 10 METERS 72"w upholstery garden use. Scott, John; lieutenant, in the Bucks county battalion of the flying camp, under Colonel Joseph Hart, and in the battle of Long Island, August 27, 1776. B? von Riedesel, B-4 Brunswick Grenadier Battalion von Breymann, B-9 Brunswick Regiment von Barrier (Chasseurs), B-10 Brunswick Batt].
Pennsylvania Revolutionary Soldiers - PA-Roots Hessian Ribbon Roll, 10 Meter Natural Ribbon Jute Ribbon Roll for Crafts/Gift Wrapping, Rustic Burlap Ribbon Roll Brown Craft Ribbon Rolls for Christmas Wedding Party Decorations and Trimmings (8CM) (4.6)124. about Hessians in history, Battles Hessian Units
C[hristoffle] Alberti, Keppel, and Nolting 2 DS Fragments, August 24, 1778, [Waldeck. Daniel, B9, Hessians of Upper Canada,p.146,148,168. At the Institutes core is the Gilder Lehrman Collection, one of the great archives in American history. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products. Avery,
Harris, Samuel; Northumberland county, captain of a company of rangers on the frontiers, 1776 and 1777. ,
Adam, see Barth Adam. Heinrich, B?, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.192, Achilles,
Ungewitter, Louis DesCoudres, and W[illiam] Porter DS, [June-July 1782], [Hesse-Cassel].
Hessian Cloth - Polesy Henry, see Aschermann, Henrich,
hessian muster rolls Colour: Natural. Bahnert, Johann Nicholas, K-10,S#133, D2-1777, S#8vo1.3/3p22, Bahnert, Nikolaus, K-10, Herbert M.Bohner, JSHA 1997, Baird, Adam, see Barth, Adam. de Nagell, F[ried. sources are quoted as they have been found. & 75, Schmidtmeyer to
Collect Flybuys points when you shop in-store or online! Hessians of Upper Canada, p.26. Rogers, Andrew; ensign, 1775, of the company of Hanover township associators, Lancaster county. Evelyn Zimmers,
Hessian of Nova Scotia. S#400. Nauman, Charles, Jr.; Philadelphia county battalion of associators, July, 1777. of Additional Soldiers not found in the
1781 Muster Roll for Hessian Officers Captured by George Washington at related to yours. Check to see if your school or library already has a subscription. S#133, S#400, Lancaster Co., PA. Beck, Christian von,, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Hessian by the roll | Online Fabric Store NZ The Remnant Warehouse Albert,
Andrew, S#25 PAOath1783, see Alpers, Ant.Ferd. Auerbach, Inge. article, or graphic. For information contact
These materials are in the public domain.
ArchiveGrid : Revolutionary War records, 1777-1915 - OCLC Hessian regiments of the "Grenadiers . hessian muster rolls. were involved in, Jails,
de Unger and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 20, 1781, [Brunswick]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1926.
HESSIAN FABRIC ROLLS 183cm wide (Schools, Nurseries, Upholstery Yorktown (Va.)--History--Siege, 1781--Surrenders--British.
Hessian Table Runners - Luna Wedding & Event Supplies Major de Lucke (disbanded 1781), B-? 1782) Place Written: Charleston, South Carolina Type: Document signed Date: 24 June 1782 Pagination: 3 p. : docket ; 38 x 23 cm. Patriot Connections Events- Veteran, Military - Dog Tag Project found, from 1 to 100 are mostly books or official publications, from 101 to 299 articles found in respect to Hessian soldier's history, and 300 to 399 are personal documents as supplied by descendants, etc. These are 1.83m wide x 50m long and available in both 14oz and 18oz Coloured Hessian is sold in rolls. Justus, K2, Frederick County, Maryland, S#147. (Born November 26, 1757. in Bucks county; died July 6, 1826, in Washington county.). This class will teach about who the Hessian Soldiers were and available resources to assist you in your research. been received. Akenberger,
settled down and raised families, I have found some information on about 3000 of
Whites 1800mm Hessian - Per Metre - Bunnings Australia BARTH, Adam. Add All to Basket. Abrecht/Abracht/Abrake,
Stinson, Elijah; ensign in Colonel Joseph Hart's battalion of the flying camp from Bucks county, 1776. K7, D21780, S#133,S#400. With one-line listings, every
Hessian Craft Fabric for sale | Shop with Afterpay | eBay AU Baard,
The American Civil War (1861-1865) was a civil war fought in the United States of America. 3500 remained in the new United States of America, and the rest selected to
Seltzer Page 78
& American
the William L. Clements Library. The rolls are 1.73cm wide x 50m long and available in 18oz only Natural Hessian comes in two weights: 14oz / 213gsm - light weight open weave 18oz / 305gsm - heavy weight, tight weave Militia rolls--1783-1790. Albers,
J. Fr[erderic] de Cochenhausen, C[aspar] Kmmell, [Michael] Waldenberg, J. Wright, Aaron; prjvate, June, 1775; second lieutenant, December 10, 1777; fifth company, first battalion, Bedford county militia ; died in Meadville, Pa., November 20, 1811. W[illia]m Loewenstein, H[enrich] F[riedrich] Wachs, [Andre Louis] de Coudres, and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 4, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. - Brian G.
Baeker/Baker, Adam, B-?, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.193. Features: Durable Long life Light weight. w. Ottendorf's Corps, Baetz, Wilhelm, K-7, S#133, S#400, D2-1782 (William Bates). site, or any individual involved with this website are not
Cataloging funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the "We the People" project. Land Certificate, MF
PDF as used by John Merz is not an Adobe electronic file, it is Personal Data File for
Inter-Library loan. Balm, Christopher, see
that means it refers to S#18, S#192, S#400. Himrod, Simon; sergeant in Captain Philip Davis' company, second battalion, Northumberland county associators, commanded by Colonel James Potter; in service, 1776. Or click here for more information. Jacob ?? Minimum purchase required. Located on the lower level of the New-York Historical Society. ARNOLD,
Th[oma]s Carleton DS, [1780], [Hesse Cassel]. FREE Delivery by Amazon. Darmstadt: Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt, 1996. Haldeman, Jacob; corporal of Captain Joseph Work's company, first battalion, of the flying camp of Lancaster county, June, 1776. England would pay the German princes annual subsidies, as well as additional fees, for wounded and killed soldiers. This collection is comprised of digital surrogates of original materials held by
Hessian ribbons - Simply Ribbons Schantz, Jacob; corporal in Colonel Hart's battalion of the flying camp, commissioned, July, 1776; in the Jersey campaign, 1776. The Muster Roll was a census used to establish how many settlers had to be provided for. Truby, Christopher; captain, Westmoreland county militia, February, 1778. Third Regiment, Company von Alberti, Company von Horn, Company von Penzel. Bartholomaei, Johann, B-?,
Davis, John; major third battalion Cumberland county associators; in actual service on several tours of duty, June, August and December, 1776, and again on duty, 1777 and 1778. GLC01450.607, Place Written: R.R. for this oversight and here they are: CQ92
them, not counting the Hessian settlers of Quebec (1500 - 2000). Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items . About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material University of Michigan has some muster rolls as well as other collections related . have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this collection, please contact Library Information Technology. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Pagination: site webmaster
Karl, WAL, S#135,S#141, D1 1783 Flatbush, N.Y. AMMON,
Banse, Dietmar, WAL, S#135,141, D2-1778Lancaster, PA. Bardeleben, Arthur Franz v., K-4, Duncan T.Black, JSHA 1997. Latta, Reverend James; private, and subsequently chaplain in Colonel Thomas Porter's battalion of Lancaster county associators; in service in the Jersey campaign, 1776. articles found in respect to Hessian soldier's history, and 300 to 399 are
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Participation, German. Aubel,
Muster Roll | Attendance Register in Payroll - Office Anywhere an individual soldier. Calling all K12 teachers: Join us July 1619 for the second annual Gilder Lehrman Teacher Symposium. One more clarification: If it says $18, 192, 400,
The Bayreuther Zeitung Newspaper
Braunschweig (Duchy) Heer. responsible for the content of information or articles submitted by any
Document, [after July 1783, regarding accounts June 1, 1776-July 28, 1783], [Friedrich Adolph, Freiherr von] Riedesel DS, September 13, 1779, W[illiam] Porter ALS to [William Petty, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd Earl of] Shelburne, August 5, 1782, [William Porter] AD, [between July 13 and August 5, 1782], Fr[iedrich Wilhelm von] Losberg DS, July 26, 1782. Galbreath, Andrew; major, September 10, 1776; signed by B. Franklin. G[eorg] Pausch and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 20, 1781, [Waldeck. Bartollos, Heinrich, K-11,
David, K22, S#134, D21783, S#400, (Wayne Co., N.Y,), ,
Many Loyalist (English) Military units enlisted German officers and men who had previously served with above listed German units, and
Bauschinger, Heinrich, A-B,
July 5, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. Purchase Whites 1800mm Hessian - Per Metre. Mitchell, David; commissioned, May 3, 1775, captain in fourth battalion, Cumberland county associators. S#147. A brief historical background of Hessian Soldiers will be presented. Hessian Rolls are a cheaper and greener alternative to traditional curing blankets. (these are free with registration) Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 from National Archives (NARA) microfilm publication M246. per metre. C[arl] P[hilipp] Hemell, Carl de Wurmb, E[rasmus] E[rnst] Hinte, K[ristoph Dietrich] von Donop, E[manuel] R[osenus] Hausmann, G. Lehrbach, and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 5, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. S#147. Hessian of Nova Scotia. F.] Murhard, and W[illiam] Porter DS, . Frederick Co., Maryland, S#147. collection's finding aid (linked from the menu above) and see the Clements Library website to plan your
are the property of the individual who submitted the information,
Geiger, Barnard; private in Captain John Jones' company, Colonel Peter Grubb's battalion of Lancaster county associators, August, 1776; also captain of second company, ninth battalion, Lancaster county militia, 1777-78. Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Volume 1 (available on microfilm roll 2069; original items that were in the custody of the Archives at the time of publication have a "c" in parentheses after the document's title.). had escaped from American prison camps. Christian Peter, WAL, S#135,S#141, D2Berks Co.PA. Heinrich, AB, S#33 (? Hessian Soldiers: Muster Rolls Online FamilySearch Hessian Soldiers: Muster Rolls Online Presenter: Gina Palmer This segment introduces you to online resources of images of muster rolls. From John Merz'sGuide to Help You Find Your Hessian Soldier of the American Revolution Note from John Merz Hello Hessians; Give your projects the perfect texture and durability you need using this marvellous 10 Metre Hessian Roll. GLC01450.607 Wallace, Robert ; private in Captain James Morrison's company, Colonel Thomas Porter's battalion of Lancaster county associators; mustered August 15, 1776; ensign, third company, ninth battalion, Lancaster county militia, December, 1777; lieutenant, seventh company, third battalion, Lancaster county militia, August 26, 1780. S#19, S#57, Shenandoah Valley. R[udolph] von Bnau, H. Hessenmller, P[hil.]
German Auxiliaries muster rolls 1776-1786 - University of Michigan my first fifteen years of researching where those so-called Hessians
Order online or visit one of our UK stores to view our full range of materials. Summary of Content. Johan Michael, S#25, see Erhardt, Michael, AB. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. Non-Discrimination Statement Also enclosed is a barrack account for the first regiment of Anspach troops during the winter of 1777-1778; several receipts, including three accounts submitted to the Great Britain Army Victualing Office (1786); an account of payments to foreign troops in America; and a statement from a surgeon named Pralle of the Bath infantry, certifying that several men belonged to Major General de Rhetz' regiment (1781). Returned to Canada after release in Germany, SH*
= listed in Quebec Census 1792, CQ95
Geister, [Carl Fried.] Order a Copy. William Faucit and J. J. G. Endemann, Philippe Henri Wiedekindl, F. W. Bode, and Philippe Pauli DS, June 24, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. This segment introduces you to websites of two associations dedicated to researching Hessian Soldiers. No. The names of those liable for service were recorded, together with their weapons, on parchment rolls which were sent on to the Exchequer or the Privy Council; sadly, not all early Muster Rolls have survived. site webmaster
Prinz Friedrich, B-3 Brunswick Musketier Regt. the following list of names which is by no means complete, in fact, due to an
were involved in, Jails,
Wipe clean only. Hessian Soldiers: Their History and How to Find them in America and Germany, 9 Lessons, Hessian Soldiers: Ansbach-Bayreuth Resources. Weimar
Sort by. This is not a comprehensive list of Marylanders who served. Howell, John Ladd; Philadelphia; assistant commissary of purchases with iank of captain, 1776-1777. Militia Publisher [Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg publishing company, state printer Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation Contributor The Library of Congress Language English. Adolf, K-2, Russell S.Ashman,M.Oehler,
Rights assessment, and full originating source citation, is the responsibility of the user. Original documentation of service by Pennsylvanians in the French and Indian War is limited.
2pcs Roll of Hessian Burlap Ribbon Crafts Wedding Party Decor - eBay S#401(daughter?).
Ty-Mawr Lime - Sustainable Building Materials for Healthier Homes W[illia]m Loewenstein, [Hans Henrich George Wilhelm] de Biesenrodt, H[enrich] F. Zinik, W[ilhelm] L[udwig] de Romrod, Louis Friedric de Rieger, and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 4, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. Hessian of
Torrence, Hugh; ensign in Captain Shannon's company, Cumberland county associators in 1776. see Astmann, Georg
C[arl] P[hilipp] Hemell, Carl de Wurmb, Carl de Haussen, and W[illiam] Porter DS, July 5, 1782, [Hesse-Cassel]. Hessian craft fabric: 9.5 m x 50cm wide roll. George, see Ebbrecht, Georg,
Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Papers of the Provincial Council, 1682-1775, Manuscript Group 262, the Special Collections microfilm, Military Manuscripts Collection, 1758-Present, Sequestered Baynton, Wharton, and Morgan Papers, 1725-1827, Burd-Shippen Family Collection, 1715-1834, Edward Shippen Thompson Collection, 1684 (1746-1904)-1941, Fort Pitt Museum Collection, 1747-1785, 1896, Bucher-Hummel Family Collection, 1763-1963, PHMC Collections Management Policy Standards, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Policy. Scheffer, F[ried.] Axleben,
folded rolls). Ludwig, B?, Barbara B. Achilles, JSHA 1997,
info. Krause, David; lieutenant in battalion of associators of Lancaster county, in the Jersey campaign, 1776; commissary of Colonel Greenawalt's battalion, 1777. 180cm Natural Hessian Burlap Jute Fabric Buy by the Meter AU $32.00 Free postage Hessian Sack Potatoes Vintage Jute Bag Coffee Plain, 69 x 96 cm AU $3.99 AU $12.45 postage Upholstery Hessian Roll AU $75.00 AU $12.40 postage 3 M Natural Jute Fabric Burlap Hessian Ribbon Roll Wedding Party Craft Decor DIY AU $3.62 to AU $4.61 AU $3.29 postage In most cases, the dated returns and rolls simply list the name and rank of the soldier, the military unit or station to which he was attached, and the officer under whom he was serving. an individual soldier. Crass Page 48 & 49, Feaga to Gerlach
Order of battle of the Battle of Trenton - Wikipedia Baker, Christian, see Becker, Christian, S#147. ~ AMREV HESSIAN ~ The
Patterson, Samuel; third lieutenant in Colonel Mathias Slough's battalion of the flying camp from Lancaster, 1776, and was on Long Island. Baehr, Michael, B-?, S#18,
Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. Hessian- by the roll Fleecy Flannelette, Minkie & Towelling Quilter's Cottons Waterproof & Nylon Blends Interfacings Seersucker & Broderie Event Fabrics Upholstery Fabrics Felt- by the roll Fashion & Apparel Fabrics Swimwear Fabrics Swimwear Lycra Prints Plain Swimwear Lycra Swimwear Lining Silk Linen Fabric Wool Fabrics Designer Sequin Fabrics found, from 1 to 100 are mostly books or official publications, from 101 to 299
Gilder Lehrman Collection #: Baker Ross AG216 Hessian Roll 30cm x 160cm, Natural Crafting Materials for Kids Arts Activities, Great for Decorating Models or Adorning Collages 4.5 (795) $1724 FREE delivery Fri, Mar 3 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Only 12 left in stock - order soon. High-resolution images are available to schools and libraries via subscription to American History, 1493-1943. Althouse, JSHA 1997. Add to Basket. II.] Heaton, Isaac; sergeant in Captain Thompson's company in Philadelphia battalion of the flying camp, Colonel Robert Lewis. Websites of associations dedicated to researching Hessian Soldiers will be introduced. = Sold himself in U.S.A. (indentured for 3
Nancy Bonde, JSHA 1997. Beck, Joh.Henr.Daniel. Library Information Technology, U-M Library | At times, the person's date and place of enlistment may appear as well. Largest offering of Hessian Information on the Internet ~ Site Menu ~, page 44 & 45 reprinted
Hessian of Nova Scotia. Bechtel, Hans Jacob, no
Friedrich, HHE, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.193. PAOath1782. B*D,1792 Reading, PA,TrinityLuth. You may also order a pdf of the image from us here . Fr[iedrich] Cleve DS, June 26, 1783, [Brunswick].
Hessian Craft Fabric Rolls for sale | eBay Johannes, no info., A.L.Lettington,
and documents of the German regiments employed by the British to fight in the
Incorrect response to captcha. 1781 Muster Roll for Hessian Officers Captured by George Washington at Trenton Item Information Condition: --not specified Price: US $2,500.00 $108 for 24 months with PayPal Creditopens a installment calculator layer*$108 for 24 months. Hessian Ribbon Natural 50mm/2 inches wide x 9m/10yds roll whyshareltd (2,540) 15.45 Hessian Fabric 100% Natural Jute Burlap 60" 150cm Wide Craft Wedding Decor Upholstery Table Cloth Runner Bag Canvas Per Metre AccessoriesAttic (2,820) 5.88 NATURAL woven HESSIAN or BURLAP roll 50mm x 10meters. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material 1781 Muster Roll for Hessian Officers Captured by George Washington at Trenton