Discover the best homework help resource for English at Riverside College, Bacolod City. Hudson (NY): Lexi-Comp; 2012. Leading pharmacy textbooks, including DiPiro, Pharmacotherapy (even review quiz questions!) Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc., The monographs in this resource contain traditional sections of drug information, but focus on dosing recommendations for geriatric patients. Pediatric and neonatal dosage handbook. Metformin Losartan Amoxicillin Lisinopril Albuterol Namenda Atrovent Nitrofurantoin Synthroid Desmopressin Miconazole Methotrexate Ibandronate Buspar Gabapentin Sumatriptan PropranololThe purpose of the presentation is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected. What sources should be consulted to determine the appropriateness of this choice? Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press; 2010. Advantages to the use of primary literature include access to detailed information about a topic and the ability to personally assess the validity and applicability of study results. WE. This database is available through a variety of publishers; free access to content is available via PubMed ( It is important to recognize that the information available in an app version of a database may differ from that available in the online or hardcopy forms.86 One study looking specifically at dietary supplements databases highlighted some of the variations which may exist between different forms of the same resource.87 While the specific functionality of an app and the way that one accesses information for most apps may change, the information is generally similar. Perceive and evaluate the medication information needs of patients and families, health care professionals, and other personnel. Identify FDA resources that contain information on drug safety issues 2. MM, Arcara - Used PEERx resources and other information on the NIDA for Teens Web site to educate coalition members about teen Rx drug abuse. One or more of your email addresses are invalid. Saunders; 2010. BK. Electronic and text versions of this reference are available. This database is useful when seeking information about patient care from the perspective of allied health professionals. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, This indexing and abstracting service provides coverage of a variety of types of information, including medical, legal, and business news. Geriatric dosage handbook. Locate adverse event reporting information on FDA's website 3. RK. This electronic resource compiles data from other Trissel publications. This resource is available online as well as for mobile devices. A. RS, Goldfrank The type of requestor may also substantially influence the resources used to respond to a question. Pharmaceutical Press, This classic text contains information about all aspects of pharmacy practice. BA, Pasko Get free membership. For example, databases through the National Library of Medicine (NLM) index terms by their Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms, while the Iowa Drug Information System uses the United States Adopted Name and the International Classification of Diseases.
9th ed. MD. Available from: [Internet]. Conns current therapy 2013. Index nominum: international drug directory. TP, Beizer However, some databases may not recognize the term adolescent and instead use the term pediatric or child.
A EN: English - Riverside College, Bacolod City - Course Hero So a possible search strategy may be to use the terms ginkgo, ginkgo biloba, the Latin name Ginkgoaceae, as well as the misspelled word gingko. This same principle holds true when considering disease states whose names may have changed over time. The resource contains the product monographs for over 5000 FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, USDA-approved biologicals, diagnostic, feed additive, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved pesticide products that are currently available. This text is also included in the Access Pharmacy electronic subscription. Delmar (NY): Apothecary Press; 2010. Division of Drug Information Service, University of Iowa, This is an indexing service that allows retrieval of full-text articles from a variety of biomedical publications. Available from: US Food and Drug Administration homepage [Internet]. These disadvantages include misleading conclusions based on only one trial without the context of other research, the need to have good skills in medical literature evaluation, and the time needed to evaluate the large volume of literature available. Copyright McGraw HillAll rights reserved.Your IP address is
An additional example of search strategy using Boolean operators is provided in Appendix 31. JM, Holstad This resource could be especially helpful for obtaining difficult to access literature if a product is newly approved or for identifying a possible rare adverse drug reaction. Most of the information needed by a practitioner can be found in these sources, making these excellent first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question. After completing this chapter, the reader will be able to. For some requests, it may be necessary to consult news reports or Internet sites to get background information before beginning the searching process. LiverTox provides up-to-date, unbiased and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clinical patterns and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications and selected herbal and dietary supplements. Extended-release morphine is not for use on an as-needed basis for pain. Best deals. The information obtained from this literature is the basis for evidence-based practice. He sees a large number of patients in his practice and is seeking information about efficacy, safety, and appropriate dosing of this product. KA, Seamon dangers of Rx drug abuse in the community. Ansels pharmaceutical dosage forms and delivery systems. Your pharmacy has just begun offering these services and in the dialog the veterinarian references AMDUCA. Supporting the growth of veterinary pharmacy is the concept of One Medicine, a blending of veterinary medicine and human medicine for the benefit of public health, and to better serve human and animal patients alike. Documentation of medication information requests 1.Date and time received. Generally the best method to find information includes a stepwise approach moving first through tertiary (e.g., textbooks, full-text databases, review articles), then secondary (e.g., indexing or abstracting services), and finally primary (e.g., clinical studies) literature. Can the device identifier (DI) portion of a Unique Device Identifier (UDI) be part of a limited or de-identified data set as defined under HIPAA? 5th ed. 2008;42:1592-9. Patent information, manufacturer lists, indications, approval numbers, general drug information, code of regulations, and trade/generic names are just a few pieces of information that can be gathered from this Web site. 6. This reference is also available online and for mobile devices. This information is available in hardcopy, CD-ROM, via online MedicinesComplete subscription, and is also included in some Micromedex Healthcare Series packages. 7th ed.,,,,,,, The generic drugs are listed alphabetically for easy search and reference. 7th ed. Trissel W, Erush Lowry CM, Kostka-Rokosz Cochrane Library, This database has three components: indexes of Cochrane reviews about a variety of medical treatments, conditions, and alternative therapies; abstracts of international systematic reviews; and a bibliography of systematic reviews in worldwide literature. Notice
Chernecky Chapter 5: Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Basics. J Manag Care Pharm. A listing of state board Web site URLs is available at The electronic versions allow for integrated searches of various Lexicomp products (depending on subscription purchased). Neofax 2011. %%EOF
There are comparative monographs of drug classes to help discern differences between agents of the same class.
There is discussion of social issues impacting pharmacy as well as information about the basics of pharmaceutics, manufacturing, pharmacodynamics, nuclear pharmacy, and medicinal chemistry. Taketomo Therapeutic Research Faculty, This resource is available in text, online, and mobile device formats. This list is not comprehensive and reflects only a limited number of resources available. Understanding where to access information is only the first step in the provision of quality drug information. The information found there may be sufficient to conclude the search and provide a response. In order to efficiently perform a search, it is important to consider which search engine would most likely index the desired materials. Also, other resources, including experts or specialists in particular areas of practice, may need to be consulted. Patrick M. Malone, Meghan J. Malone, Sharon K. Park, Copyright McGraw HillAll rights reserved.Your IP address is
The Code of Federal Regulations containing aspects of federal laws is available at Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Dosage Recommendations (General and organ impairment). FP. Veterinary pharmacy as a specialty practice is a growing area in the United States, and pharmacists are interested in obtaining veterinary specific knowledge and skills. This resource also has accompanying texts: Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach and Pharmacotherapy Handbook. 2nd ed. Information from the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) is also available online at or, or for mobile devices (PDRBooks). In this example, a search may be performed for clonidine AND (attention deficit disorder OR attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), this would retrieve articles that contain the drug of interest as well as either of the two disease states of interest. Students and young practitioners may find the sample cases especially helpful.