I would cut coupons and take them to the local independent grocery store who would pay you face value that was printed on them, up to a dollar per day, then I'd go to the 5 & dime and buy a dollar worth of candy. For some people, gluten triggers an immunological response that causes damage to the small intestine. Reminds me of camping. From 1963, a newspaper ad for the Racine, Wis., Neisner Bros. variety store (5c to $1.00). Good times :). As to whether they sold the formula for Mint Juleps remains to be seen. It was so unique to chew. where can i get this great gumnothing compares. I am a 60's kid from Indiana.I am happy to find others who recall Chum Gum. I remember getting my allowance and running down the street to the gas station and buying Chum Gum, then going home and hiding it under my bed so I would'nt have to share. As such, eating gluten-free products in some cases, products that may contain gums . Oh why cant they bring back Chum Gum like they have brought back so many other old time candies?! Though Tendermint is no longer produced, Teaberry is still available. The best gum ever for blowing bubbles. Circa 1953. I still miss that gum and would pay alot of money to have more. Bar none the greatest tasting gum ever. Wonderful flavor and texture . So I brought these Brachs Red Twist and shared them with my wife. Clorets - discontinued in 2016; Conversation Hearts made by NECCO; Cow Tales - Caramel . I am 50 years old and grew up in Dothan, Alabama (extreme southeast. So it's pricy but it's out there. Hopefully, someone will purchase the rights to these iconic treats. It was a sad ending to a fruitful history for the company. Thank you! The gum is made by Fleer and if you want the EXACT taste you remember, they are packing it inside of the Movie cards from the Spirit movie being released December 19th 2008. Maybe the makers of Chum Gum put a special ingredient to make us want it, kind of like cigarettes or something! I think it would be a big hit (with potty-based humour at an all-time high with kids). (3 stick package) Can anybody remember the names of the 3 cent candy bars? It had it's own taste-nothing like it. Fleer introduced the recipe to the world as Dubble Bubble (and yes, we carry that, too). I grew up in Berwyn, IL and my sister and I lived on Chum Gum! I wish they still made it. This preceded Fleer's product by 13 years.
Does anyone remember Chum Gum? - Answerbag Was a cheap bubble gum in a stick. google_ad_height = 600;
Fleer should bring it back. altoids Tangerine sours.
Dentyne Gum | OldTimeCandy.com Chiclets | OldTimeCandy.com Glad to know there are others who remember as well. Hi, I am in Florence SC, and would Ike to find some of these new Unicorn Candy Corn in fruit flavors. They made it into a round barrel shape and colored it pink. I bought grape and Black Jack gum and Sen Sens. 2 for a penny. I well remember Chum Gum. Packaging is similar to the "original" as is the formula. I ask everyone my age if they remembered this gum and no one does. BRING BACK DEM BONES. Live in Indy, would walk past a neighborhood store on way to school bus stop, I always got some Chum Gum before getting on bus. Oh so delicious. In fact, as explained by Chewing Gum Facts, Thomas Adams, creator of the brand Chiclets, is considered one of the founders of the chewing gum industry. Loved it, but you have to admit the taste only lasted about a minute if you were lucky, but it was so good!! I am 63 (10/21/45) and have never forgotten my all time favorite chewing gum. I grew up in Neptune beach Fl. But it was wonderful bubblegum, and so much for the penny! The pie itself was pink, I think.
Gingivitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Wish some bright kid could come up with formala for it!Q, For years I have inquired about this gum not remembering the name and I finally found out!
Whatever Happened To Chiclets? - Mashed.com You could never eat just one stick.It had and awesome flavor. Unfortunately, the manufacturer discontinued all flavors of Certs. Trying to find a company that still sells Maplenut Goodies. Wish I could get the recipe and have it made again.
10 Discontinued Bubble Gums You'll Never Chew Again Best gum ever! Some of my old time favorites are Powerhouse, Big Time, Hollywood, Milkshake and Butternut. Remember the cinnamon toothpicks? Beets have 2.8 grams of protein per cup or .5 grams per ounce. The flavor lasts for a while as well, long after the sugar is gone. Grew up in the western burbs of chicago.we used to go to the corner store every weekday morning.we would buy two things a new rawlings baseball and all the chum gum we could.In addition to the best taste we would all put 4 or 5 pcs in our mouth,and then spit in our mitts and rub it in.you never dropped a ball,it was like glue.After baseball we would go back to the corner store for ice cold Kayo.Boy are those the greatest memories. Chum Gum was a favorite of my whole family. I have looked everywhere for Chum Gum for years. My wife and I were able to enjoy a couple of packages of Brachs Red Twists shortly after that. Re: Chum Gum. The idea was to create a tasty gum that would blow really great bubbles. We used to get it in a little ice cream store called Shorty Simms in Abingdon, Il. It was the best. I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. I read a story on the net that the Scrunch was and is Johnny Depps favorite bar too! I miss the brown jelly bean Brachs used to make. We also used Dippity Doo on our hair and Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific! Sounds like a common experience for many here. (I'm 57 now) Let me know what you think. I am a bubble gum freak and Chum Gum was my absolute favorite. I grew up in El Dorado, Arkansas and remember chewing Chum Gum! Like everyone here I loved Chum Gum and thought I was the only one who remembered it. !WhErE CaN I FiNd iT? My company was stationed 60 klicks from our battalion headquarters in Schweinfurt. Of the many penny candies we bought, we also bought Chum Gum. I talk about Chum Gum atleast once a month. Bubblicious Cherry Cola flavor. I was a child of the 60s & 70s.
Bubble gum - Wikipedia . I'm 52 and it was my daily habit after school in East Los Angeles back in the 60's. I grew up in FL, and I remember climbing up on the kitchen counter and standing on my tip toes to reach the shelf in the upper cabinet where my mother kept a box of Chum Gum! I had a collection of about 15 though. Thank you for letting my co-workers know I didn't make this up. anyone else remember them? Do they still make it? Anyone have any ideas of anything that would? Its called the Curly wurly. It was the best!Bring it back! Fleer?Are you listening ? This particular confectionary was in north St. Louis near the Walnut Park neighborhood, just west of Interstate-70. Chum gum lovers - You can make it yourself - no need to wait for someone to do it for you. CandyFavorites sells the Long Coconut Boys, Squirrel Nut Zippers and I think the original Mary Jane Candy. I have searched also for Chum Gum, funny no one I know remembers it either. It was a great gum!! [better source needed] A natural bubble gum flavoring can be produced by . I also thought no one else knew about it, I hope it comes back. Impossible to find anywhere. It was popular for the entirety of the gum because it was soft and easy to chew but also because it had good flavor. P Pam Bush 451 followers More information Chum Gum. God I loved this gum, jusr was talking to my sister about it the other day! WHERE CAN I BUY IT. I keep searching for alternatives, but they all fall short. 4. This bait works best to catch smaller channel cats and eating-size catfish because there is not enough blood to attract larger fish. I'm using my nickname as a kid because Chum Gum takes me back to my childhood! I do remember it and it was quite cute. I,m 67 and can still taste it. Fleer owned the market on bubble gum sports trading cards at the time. The world's most popular autocomplete game. Have never chewed a better bubble gum since. Does anyone know what company produced the milkshake bars. (The Comrades reeeealy didnt like us for tearing up there countryside. We got it at a store near the church it was called the e z buy store. Unfortunately, despite all these memories and many other people with reminiscent feelings just like these, Chum Gum is no longer on the market. WILL CHCECK IT OUT AGAIN. Couldn't blow two bubbles. WOW!!! I'm glad to see other people actually remember this gum.It WAS the best tasting aroundseemed to get it "trick or treating" and YES it was the BEST flavor ever. Phase please please fruit as I have ate for 25 year ! I have so many sweet memories of the penny candy counter where we could piss off the old lady that woryed there by tapping our quarters on the glass counter top. My brother use to comment about it. I am also a chum gum lover. I should be able to find them today. Love Chum GUM! They disappeared quite a long time ago. Clove, Black Jack and Juicy Fruit were expensive, penny a stick! Walter took a recipe that had been founded in 1906 and adjusted it to create this delicious gum. Then went to 2for .01 . The history for the stories behind Chum Gum is limited but to our knowledge, the gum was first produced in 1950 by Fleer Company. Bought Chum Gum everyday at Turpacks store in Endicot, N.Y. across the street from G.W.J. I also have lusted for that special flavor for many years. It was the bested ever!! I remember the two to a wrapper scheme, which is why I thought one should share it with a friend.
pink and full of that distinguishing flavor and powder sugar. I loved it as a kid. I have looked high and low but no luck of finding any. I am interested in mint juleps and Christmas hard mix. Sure wish they would make this gum again!The Best Gum Ever! flavor and texture was completely amazing. old and remember the great flavor the gum had, I can still taste it today, I also bought a gum called devil gum, does anyone remember that gum? !Not planning to eat them just wanted to have those wonderful memories in my own hand. Bring it back !!! Chum Gum was a Fleer exclusive, there were no past or present copycats out there. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I remember ChumGumit had a sweet and unique flavor. But the original wafers, there is no comparison to them. It was the best gum ever. I have asked a lot of people in that era and they never heard of it. I remember Chum gum and got some in the mid 70s in Folsom at an old town general store,on a family vacation. I bought it in St. Albans. We still have the red licoricered vines. I can smell it! Other people remember "Chum Gum" and the "Happy Hollisters" books. Oh, if they would only bring Chum Gum back! google_color_link = "A74403";
I grew up in East Point Georgia All of us teens sat in the balcony of the East Point christian church We started passing the chum gum around. Youd get two sticks, for a penny mind you, and the flavor literally lasted through an entire day of baseball, hula hoops and other fun kid stuff. (StEvEn iN BoStOn). Would love to find some BIZ!! For years I have been on the lookout for two types of candies from Brachs. Are squirrel nut still produced? It would be great if one of the candy companies could duplicate that great flavor. If you do find any, its certainly just memorabilia and probably not in any condition to be chewed now after having been discontinued 50 years ago. Also coated with powdered sugar. No Luck, UMMM I LOVED CHUM GUM I WISH THEY WOULD BRING IT BACK, HEY DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER "BIG MOUTH" THEY USED TO COME IN A SQUARE FLAVORS WERE GRAPE APPLE AND REGULAR?IF ANYONE KNOWS WHERE TO BUY ANY OF THESE LET ME KNOW:), DO YOU KNOW WHEN FLEER STARTED MAKING CHUM GUM IT WAS 1ST MADE BUY CURTIS CANDY CHICAGO
A. Ahhhhh, Chum Gum, I loved that stuff and can still taste it in my mind. At that time the package was royal blue. I recently purchased some hair products and I kid you not it smelled just like Chum gum. Miss it. I too like Chum Gum but not that much. In the 50's and into the 60's Chum Gum did come 3 pieces for a penny. I loved this gum! Wonka stretchy and tangy laffy taffy. I would always take it out of the sleeve so it would look like more in the little brown bag. I love Chum Gum, too! I'm 59 and still remember the wonderful taste of Chum Gum. It takes me back to a time when life was simple. We would get a couple of pennies and walk about a half mile to buy some. google_color_border = "E7F0EB";
I cant help but think of those delicious little mint humbugs that my grandmother always gave me. I remember leaving Calverton Junior High in Baltimore, MD Whitmore & Riggs Ave with my left over pennies and purchased my gum from the corner store located Mosher Street, to walk home with chewing and blowing bubbles. Well she spoke about this gum and how much she loved it so I just had to go on E-Bay and get a stick for her. Meh.. Im 60 and that was my favorite Gum.The original pack was blue with white writing.I remember that they did package it with the white wrapper. Wow, I live outside of Pittsburgh Pa and loved Chum Gum. I recall the sugar coated blue gum! We still offer the Maple Nut goodies but no other varieties are available. They would kill the market and make a lot of us so happy. It was coated with powdered sugar, and at two sticks for a penny could not be beat! Sure miss the 50's and the way things were. I LOVED Chum Gum!! I bought it at many places in Harford County, Maryland. It was hypnotic, you had to get some no matter what, that and a box of Indian Head Pumpkin seeds and you were good to go! My grandparents always had a candy dish in the living room with those mints in abundant supply, and Grandpa Lewis always had a pack of Blackjack Gum and Beemans Gum for the grandkids when we came over. Chum gum was my favorite. Now the world has sugarless gum, organic gum, all-natural gum, and bubble gum and chewing gum in a full spectrum of flavors and colors. Geez Louise, how I LOVED Chum Gum.
11 Old Candies You Can't Buy Anymore | The Saturday Evening Post Now Im grown and have the cash to buy these products in quantity. As a child in the mid fifties I discovered it at Glazners Market in Carrollton Texas (a Dallas suburb). I grew up in Buffalo New York, and my brother and I would always go to the corner store just for Chum gum. Stay United Chum Gum Lovers! i can still taste that gum, which had a flavor all it's own, sweet, peppery that still reaches me through the ages With THIS many people on a thread reminiscing about a childhood confection, think how many others are out there? Certs. Do u have them ? Adding to my previous comments: Anyone wanting Chum Gum to reappear should contact the Tootsie Roll Company (tootsieroll.com), which purchased the Fleer company in 2004. Dubble Bubble was created by Fleer, through an employee who was named Walter Diemer. I used to buy it at Allen's Grocery. Us and other G.I.s in or out of the field. no one else seems to know what im talking about, so i'm glad I found this page. Blood clot, blood clot.
Discontinued Candy - Candy Favorites Do they still make freshen up gum? - Answers We have red vines, why not Chum Gum Let's ask Mark Summers Host of Unwrapped on the Food network!!!! theres an emty spot in me. Some of the memories about this gum say things like it brings me back to the days when life was good or in my opinion Chum Gum was the best gum ever made. I since have moved east and am always searching for "California Candy"! And yes, just like someone before me said, right next to the hot dog gum. At CandyFavorites.com, we feel your pain and would like to assist in your candy therapy. It was the best bubble gum ever made. Always had a stash of candy and gum to go back to the school. While Chum Gum was a bright spot in candy history for only a short time, its one worth remembering. Today, Bubbaloo is sold in more than 25 countries and in three different continents across the world. Wish they would bring it back, along when life was simple and carefree. Chum Gum Alum. Share across the isle in a diverse world and bring us together with CHUM GUM! 1980 was the last time I found Chum Gum. I lived in Stanton, Calif. We use to go to the corner store with a quarter and by a bag full of different candies to watch Astro Boy and Zolar. Woolworth's on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta, GA. My boyfriend thinks I am crazy and has no idea what I am talking about. A regular size bottle was good for 2 cents. This was good stuff. Unfortunately, it is no longer available as it was discontinued. A trip down memory lane can start with a photograph, a story, or a taste of something sweet. I grew up in Danville, Californiasmall town, still relatively small, and the local 5 and dime store had it. it appears that there is still a HUGE interest in Chum Gum. Xylichew 100% Xylitol Chewing Gum - Non GMO, Non Aspartame, Gluten Free, and Sugar Free Gum - Natural Oral Care, Relieves Bad Breath and Dry Mouth - Fruit, 60 Count 60 Count (Pack of 1) 1,028 Save 10% $988 ($0.16/Count)$11.02 Lowest price in 30 days FREE delivery Wed, Jan 25 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Options: 5 sizes Climate Pledge Friendly :Don't dig that kinda crooning', chum :Don't dig that kinda croonin', chum 053 blood clot. The gambler in me made me go for it but it never paid off. I'm 57 and loved Chum Gum, Dots, Wax tubes filled with syrup, Black Cows, baseball cards, candy cigarettes, paper straws filled with Kool-Aid type power and many more great candies. Fleer originally developed a bubble gum formulation called Blibber-Blubber in 1906. I so loved this gum.Best everon the market. Penney's disbanded the chain after 15 years to maintain focus on its high-end merchandise. Lets take it back to some of the memories of candy from years past. Bought it at the corner market. Its tragic!!! I am looking for a candy from my youth called Pond Scum. God how I miss that smell and flavor, I swear, if I close my eyes I'm chewing on it now! I wish they would bring back our good old CHUM-GUM. Did anyone know the name of these candies? It is the FIRST online candy store backed by the OLDEST wholesale candy company in the nation! My childhood friend and I have been reminiscing about Chum Gum for 40 years now--truly the BEST gum EVER! Cinnamon and spearmint, especially. :-). French Chew is very similar. Directions. While there is a bubble gum "flavor" - which various artificial flavorings including esters are mixed to obtain - it varies from one company to another. The candy they make now sucks. You only gave Gatorade Gum 4 years before discontinuing it. By the way Mack, if we're all losers what are you doing wasting your time reading our comments? Use to buy it at Bailey's Confectionery on Bunker Hill Road in Ashtabula, Ohio. It was pink and I loved that two came in the wrapper. FF, sloppy joes were 15 cents. Sometimes the flavor is decent, but you can't blow a bubble if your life depended on it. OMG just remembered we don't have any woods all the developer's got rid of them. 25 cents went a long way back in the 60's. I also loved Chum Gum and used to buy it in the early '70s. Had to be Chum-Gum. Not sure why I have such loyalty to this particular confection but like other bloggers, it had a distinct taste and smooth texture. The stick would break up in pieces with a couple of bites and took some time to combine into one piece. always had that powder coating on it. However, in 1928, they used that idea to create Dubble Bubble, which is where the true fame and sensation of Fleers bubble gum works began. The longer that plaque and tartar remain on your teeth, the more they irritate the gingiva, the part of your gum around the base of your teeth, causing inflammation. I also could not find anyone who seem
to remember it. Bring back Sqeeze pops, Gatorgum, and especially Whistle pops. Would love to see this come back on the market! Declining profits, and the threat of steeper property taxes, prompted Neisner to close in December, 1971. I bought a pack of "Orbit" "bubblemint" and it brought me back to Jr. When White Front was around. Yum! I have never tasted a gum that compared. Shop Now Project 7 Spearmint Farms. Yum yum chum gum!!! The gum is no longer made in the United States but rather in Morocco. I would walk down to the local store and buy all that I could get. Remember how much of the penny candy and gum was unwrapped. I'm 58 and can remember getting it when I was little. Chiclets Fruit Gum. I emailed you guys back when I did my initial research and never heard. This, along with stiff competition, meant a slow demise (and desire) for Chum Gum as the 1960s passed, quietly disappearing by the end of 1971. I have been trying for YEARS to find some. I've looked for it for years! Bubbaloo Liquid-filled Bubble Gum. We saved our paper route money and walked down to the fruit stand that had a section of all penny candy; waxed lips, squirrel nuts, maryjanes and the all time favorite Chum gum. There are a few random ones available on ebay, but thats it.