Before you pack up the car, check out the official surf zone forecast, the beach advisories and closings, and check your local weather. Jai and a few of his friends traveled to New Smyrna beach Monday evening to surf with Charley Hajek, also known as Gnarly Charley, a surf coach who runs Gnarly Charleys Grom Surf Series. Tallest Waterfall in Florida (4 Impressive Views), 10 Interesting Restaurants in Lake Mary FL, Smathers Beach Florida: The Locals Guide. The 2 to 4-feet-long sharks are present off of Cocoa Beach, primarily around and just beyond the wave break. The destination also harbors unique treasures like The Dinosaur Store and Exploration Tower that will be a source of delight during your visit. said Gene Menchara-Lopez. Menchara-Lopez had puncture wounds to his foot and was treated on scene. Witnesses told reporters the surfer swam to the shore after being bitten near the boardwalk of the Cocoa Beach pier. The reason for your visit does not really matter; whether you come to surf or chill, Beachside Hotel and Suites guarantee you a comfortable place to lay your head and the rest of your body to rest after a long day in the sun. Lucas' family released a statement Monday afternoon that read: "We are so humbled by the thoughts and prayers everyone is offering for Lucas and our family. When it comes to Cocoa Beach, was responsible for 30 of the 155 shark attacks that took place in Brevard county, which is 20% of the total. This resort features a wide range of quality amenities that are meant to make your stay as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Is Cocoa Beach known for sharks? - Floridaing Four shark bites have been reported in Florida with three in New Smyrna Beach and one at Cocoa Beach. From 2010 to Jan. 13, 2023, New Smyrna Beach has seen twice as many shark attacks (32) as any other beach and 10 surf zone fatalities. Florida is the shark bite capital of the world: Here's how to stay safe. A Look at Shark Attacks Reported So Far This Summer in the US To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But if you are considering staying for a while, it would be wise to consider your accommodation options. 7 Good Reasons Why You Must! They were able to make it to the main road and flag down some help., Lakeland woman gets attacked by bull shark after taking her first trip to Cocoa Beach. But on his first trip to New Smyrna Beach, the 12-year-old Cocoa Beach resident was bitten by a shark. 7 Things to Do for the Florida Holiday Season, 19 of the Best Restaurants in Gainesville to Die For. Cocoa Beach Police Officer Adrian Kosicki was walking along the beach with his wife on Thursday when they noticed a shark approaching the boy in the shallows just offshore, police wrote on Facebook. His mother said several tendons were torn, but Carson should be back to normal in a few months. On the second big wave, we saw what looked to be a juvenile bull shark, said Stephanie Yelenosky. If you are feeling more adventurous, try biking or surfing. Thank you, Mike and Heather Vertullo.". I probably got mistaken for a crowd of fish or something.. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. There have been reports of shark bites at Cocoa Beach. Its important to know that blacktip sharks can swim in just inches of water, where toddlers often play. Brevard County lifeguards stopped the bleeding until help arrived. Panama City Beach, fourth on the overall danger list, avoids the shark problem but was named the single most dangerous beach for surfers with 24 surf zone fatalities in the same time period. 27, 2021 A Lakeland woman survived a scary encounter with a shark over the weekend off at Cocoa Beach. Aside from that, it is a great place to go if you want to go shark fishing. Even storms well off the coast can create dangerous waves and currents at the beach, according to the National Weather Service. This beachfront property, constructed in 1965, has gone through remodeling and updates that have restored its former beauty and glory. For a low-key day together, New Smyrna Beach is much more enjoyable. Cocoa Beach is a popular beach destination situated along Floridas Atlantic coast. Westgate Cocoa Beach Resort is a re-branded facility, previously known as Wakulla Suites. As long as you are taking basic safety precautions and not doing silly things to attract or provoke sharks, Cocoa Beach is just as safe as any other beach in Florida. Beach safety tips you need to know if you're headed to the shore. Lees ons privacybeleid en cookiebeleid voor meer informatie over hoe we uw persoonsgegevens gebruiken. Know the location of life stations on the beach equipped with life rings that could be thrown to someone in trouble. Not afraid of sharks? 9 Best Things to do in Fort Walton Beach at Night, 9 Best Things to do in Cocoa Beach at Night, 15 Best Things to do in Boca Raton at Night. How to stay safe:The 10 'deadliest' US beaches for hurricanes, surfing and shark attacks. The Space Coast Freedivers are also holding a silent auction Monday at Time Out Sports Bar Plus from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Dont swim near fishermen as their bait can get the attention of the sharks. According to the National Weather Service, the surf zone is the area of water between the high tide level on the beach and the seaward side of the breaking waves. Lady Glenconner (then Lady Coke, 4th on the left from the Queen) was with the Queen on her coronation day. Cocoa Beach shark attack incidents in 2022 In February 2022, an 18-year-old boy named Gene Menchara-Lopez was attacked by a shark while surfing near Cocoa Beach Pier. Are There Sharks in Cocoa Beach? He ran out there, saw that he had been bit, carried him out of the water and immediately performed emergency aid, said Brevard Ocean Rescue Assistant Chief Eisen Witcher. This is the number one species responsible for biting people along the U.S. East Coast. World shark bite capital: Why is New Smyrna Beach the site of so many incidents? In general, you expect to spend about $78 for accommodation with a typical double occupancy hotel room for two people going for $156. And if you love carrying your pet around, welcome to this pet-friendly destination that recognizes your pet as part of the family! However, vacationing families may not be aware the area is known for the visiting smaller feeding sharks. I looked down, and I could see this body between my legs.. Fortunately, as of December 5th, only one shark attack incident had been reported in Cocoa Beach in 2022. Get to enjoy your stay in a condo-style studio, a one-bedroom or a two-bedroom villa with a spacious living room, free wi-fi, a fully equipped kitchen, together with guest laundry facilities, and ample parking space. Get the best experience and stay connected to your community with our Spectrum News app. Beware of Sharks- Cocoa Beach - Cocoa Beach Forum - Tripadvisor 2023 Cox Media Group. The great Cocoa Beach town, Florida, has been called the quintessential beach town, and it is for a good reason. Hajek, 58, said after catching a few waves, he and Jaiwere walking back farther out into the water from a sandbar when Jai told him he thought hed been bitten. Avoid wearing shiny things like jewelry while swimming or surfing as it might attract sharks unwanted attention. Rip Currents: Relatively small-scale, river-like currents in the surf zone that are moving away from the beach. The lazy river pool provides you with the perfect spot to kick back and relax under the warm Cocoa Beach sunshine. Cocoa Beach is a very popular beach destination that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Also, Cocoa Beach is just a few miles away from New Smyrna Beach, the beach that has encountered the most shark attacks in the country since 1882 and is known as the shark bite capital of the world.. 12 Beaches With the Most Shark Attacks in the US Orona, a catcher, was wading into knee-high water when a shark grabbed her right leg. In a childrens hospital room, 12-year-old Jai Villamil is hanging in there after he was bit by a shark. Volusia County, home to Daytona Beach and. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Be carefularound sandbars and near steep drop-offs. Species of sharks have been spotted swimming near cocoa beach. If you're getting food, I haven't eaten here once and gotten good service. Woods says she had to wade through the water to reach her friends for help. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. If you are not taking the proper precautions, swimming in the water may not be the best thing to do in Myrtle Beach. Kylee Orona,12, and a teammate were in Florida for the 2020 USSSA All-American Games. Despite the rough week, Jai is optimistic. If you are planning your visit to Cocoa Beach and want to know more about the sharks that can be found in the waters of Cocoa Beach then you have come to the right place. The coastal town south of Daytona Beach also has been smacked with 120 hurricanes between 1851 and 2020, according to NOAA. About 15 seconds later we saw a group of people in knee-high water and we heard screaming, so we knew that the shark probably had gotten confused or scared and took a bite at somebody.. Video: Surfer bitten by shark in Florida; shark bumps brother the next day The shark bit the surfers left foot and left a minor wound. Avoid swimming in murky waters. Cocoa Beach 12-year-old surfer in critical condition after shark attack Humans, in contrast, prove to be more of a threat to blacktip sharks, who are frequently the target of fishers. The victim, an 18-year-old man, said he felt a bite but was unable to verify that it was a shark. Florida beach ranked 'deadliest' in US due to shark attacks, hurricanes It was one of the worst (shark bites) that weve seen out here in recent years, said Witcher. After his first surgery, during whichdoctorscauterized the wound and wrapped it, Jaiwas transportedby ambulance almost immediately to Arnold Palmer. These are some of the most common shark species found around Cocoa Beach: One of the most common shark species in Cocoa Beach is the blacktip shark. 2 Shark Bites in 1 Day Reported in Florida - ABC News Rough surf, shark attacks lead to beach rescues, drowning in Volusia County By Rebecca Turco Volusia County UPDATED 9:12 AM ET Jun. Confirmed Unprovoked Shark Attacks in Florida Since 1882 as per ISAFCountyTotal Shark Bites(Since 1882)Volusia337Brevard155Palm Beach81St. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, She was able to use her strong legs to kick the shark which released its grip. Brevard County (Cocoa Beach area) records the second-highest number of attacks after Volusia County (Daytona Beach and New Smyrna Beach area) in Florida. It may be because the Indian River Lagoon that extends along Florida's east coast is a critical nursery habitat for baby bull sharks. When is the tide coming in or going out? She was transported to a hospital in Orlando, where surgery was performed on her right foot. During his third surgery, doctors cleaned the wound again and left part of it open for the surgeryMonday. Great job!, Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Theyremy idols.. The bite is believed to be the work of a blacktip shark. Advertisement. Raw video: Off-duty Florida officer pulls boy away from nearby shark. But if youre going to go all out on food, go for the more excellent restaurants at every meal. Such places are ideal hunting grounds for sharks. Considering the number of people enjoying the water, the risk isn't that great, but it is possible. So far, theyve raised a little more than $33,000 out of the $100,000 goal. The shark, which was later identified as a juvenile bull shark, bit Katie Woods several times between her foot and ankle, nearly puncturing an artery. Volusia, Florida - 69 (1882-2016) A1A curves south through Cape Canaveral and then into Cocoa Beach.