The Black men were getting all the women. That has not changed and the enslavement of the poor is as relevant today as it was at any other time in history. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. Its about connecting the dots. This was about 14% of all the recorded Blake's in USA. If you have not already, you need to do some actual genealogical research on your family to see if you are indeed genetically Irish and if so, if that occurred due to your ancestors being enslaved by an Irish family or the Scots-Irish (they both come up on DNA tests as Irish). This is sometimes used to by Irish to distance themselves from the slaveholdinhs in America. The Table shown here gives a listing of the 100 most commonly names found in Ireland and their meanings. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The oldest known Irish surname is OClery (O Cleirigh in Gaelic). Poverty is the great enslaver. There WERE absentee Irish SLAVEOWNERS. the ira was formed so we could have more rights. Not Wikipedia, or self proclaimed historians with B.S. In 1839, Britain finally decided on its own to end its participation in Satans highway to hell and stopped transporting slaves. So if Irish slave girls intercoursed with black slave men, how did the Irish names carry through? But why are these fanatics so triggered and butthurt about this, why they try to deny this crime so obsessively? But you lost me where you said Irish slaves were treated worse than African slaves. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Irish surnames. Bear in mind black African slaves had the stigma of being likened to animals, mentally backwards and being treated as savage- Which was part of the propaganda system to justify black Africans being enslaved. One of the most famous Duffys is rock musician Billy Duffy. Why do most African Americans have British and Irish names and surnames The Romans anyone? Family of three here by underground railroad. Press Esc to cancel. No bagpipes or Kilts) who were part of the English invasion of Northern Ireland. Whereas once the Irish people mainly spoke Irish (Gaelic/Gaeilge) the indigenous language English is now the primary language. Further, the statement, I am offended not by the story and the facts, but by the dishonest comparison. this is an insult to intellect! .History appeared to have been a bit unfair to the Irish, in terms of slavery. .werenot left out..some of those babies are in their 80ts 90ths now..but the whites in this categories are ashamed and dont talk about it..the kkk originated from the fear of free slaves coming to take their some black slaves were doing better than the indentured servants. Maybe blacks were named because they didnt speak english! B. Africa was named after a so-called white man by the name of Scipio Africanus. Famous Clarkes include actresses Emilia Clarke and Melinda Mindy Clarke. Learn more. So no, they werent only raped by the master but any children born of these rapes became the property of the plantation owners. Yes, why were the Less valued Irish allowed to keep their last names, But Blacks were completely stripped of everything, even their identity. The Irish and Scots-Irish did indeed own slaves in America and many of their emancipated slaves took their surname. To review, my points are thus: This is where the resentment mostly lies, in the distinct advantages given to the White people, Irish or otherwise. Saying that the Irish were treated worse because they were Catholic might be so on the occasional individual basis, but as a group, they didnt have their history, their names, and even the memories of their religions and homelands stripped from them. You are full of hate just as the Brits have planned, well done you have fallen for the divide and just by giving us the label of white you are empowering us. Slaves were never considered to be humans, but rather, chattel, and were subject to the whoms of their masters. Captured irish were SLAVES, and nothing but slaves, no matter how these hysterical (fake) leftists are trying to prove otherwise. I love it !! This may have some truth but how does this compare with Jim Crow and the continued racism experienced by Blacks in 2015? Unlike African slavery ,the Irishs story was not widely publicised. Or did the Irish enjoy being slaves and never ran away from their slave masters? Wealthy irish were Protestants who were placed there by England to control and rule the Native population. There is much debate over the original meaning of the term black Irish. it didnt matter whether you were Irish, English,Welsh, Scottish, Black, White, or any other race or colour, you just needed to be POOR. The Celtsarrived on the island about the year 500 B.C. Two of the most famous Gallaghers are brothers and bandmates of Oasis fame, Liam and Noel Gallagher. Period. There were three waves of Irish immigration to America, the 17th century Irish slaves described above, the 18th century Irish immigrants who settled along the Appalachian frontier and were shepherded by Presbyterian ministers because Catholic priests had a 5 pound bounty on their heads, and the mostly Catholic 19th century immigrants who settled in cities and took over the Democrat Party. ^ this. Scots Irish FamilySearch Scott is a very popular surname. In terms of our subject matter, the first major invasion would have been the Norman invasions from European countries in Ireland in 1170 and 1172. It continues in use. Its not to different to the world we have today. Do you have any references from which I can further research this? Apparently its perfectly OK to disparage the Irish but dont make any bigoted remarks that could be interpreted as racist. This is not new information, I have always known about this since I was a small child, my family has always spoke about it, we always wondered why the Irish themselves did not voice it more, was it to securely assimilate into the other parts of white culture, they have done just that, not sure if it is secure or not, but sometimes you wont know if someone is Irish unless you ask them. (no scotch-irish has no irish blood in them at all,they are descendants of Scotland and England whom were given land in Northern Ireland by the English crown..they kicked out and burnt down real irish villages to establish their land in the north with the backing, again of the crown!!!!! You would be amazed at what all of history has been created. Was that what drove the slave trade in the last millenia? If Irish and blacks suffer slavery together, why is it only the blacks that lost their surnames and the Irish somehow retained their surnames and a knowledge of who they were [IRISH]?!? 1847 was known as "black 47." When the KKK did not get enough traction in the south in the early part of the 20th century they moved North and preyed upon the Irish and Catholic immigrant. And he made a profit out of it. How would the Irish name get passed down, if the Irish parent was the mother. Smh. The reason why African-Americans have irish last names is literally because of the English men, they rounded up thousands upon thousands of irish enslaved woman, so they could breed more expensive slaves..yes, there you go!!! If so then wheres the genetic descendantcy of white besides the colonizing unaltered British or whatever bloodline in the West Indies today? This, by the way, is why Malcolm Little became "Malcolm X". Exaggerated claims aside, Im not sure how unless you give that stuff more credibility than its worth. Norman-Catholic gentry? I think we have a Black and White view of slavery in general that fails to embrace the reality of admixture insistent on purity much like Jim Crow laws. It is possible that the term "Black Irish" may have referred to some of these immigrant groups as a way of distinguishing them from the "Gaels," the people of ultimately Celtic origin. And not just black and Irish, but other races/groups as well. The Huns and Mongols did it. The Black Irish - what are the truths and what are the myths? The potato blight which destroyed the main source of sustenance turned the vital food black. Cole Continued. The truth is African-American is not your true nationality. I can say MacIntyre, I dont know what a Mwanajna is, Ill call you Mo. Similar to many of the Americanized name changes coming through Ellis Island. However, there have been many others who suffered in slavery. I am in no way minimizing the African slave part of history, it is through this history of the Irish to say we can relate and understand an awful part of human history. go and watch the black irish of monsaretti they are proud of there irish hertiage and know that there ancsters were from ireland and africa. The most famous being Sir Walter Scott, the Scottish patriot, writer, and poet. This forced labour was in essence an extension of the English Poor Laws, e.g. that came out of these early times. Heres a case for you to review (take your time): Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves: Law Case, Master Samuel Symonds against Irish slaves. Indentured servitude was a form of bonded labour, whereby a migrant agreed to work for a set period of time (between two and seven years) and in return the cost of the voyage across the Atlantic was covered. Even though our histories converged and should have caused extended cooperation between the groups, Irish Americans have become stereotyped as extreme racists. There are particular surnames associated with the pre-removal period. And why so many Georgians have stories about helping that White boy run to the mountains. 37% of African American men can also trace their paternal ancestors, their Y-DNA, to European men who impregnated an African American female, most probably in the context of slavery. could not agree more british took irish men in the 70s and 80s in belfast beat and tortured them the british government was later charged with crimes of humanity by the european courts. Kelly 3. Our ppl fled into west and central Africa (Khem aka Ham) after Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70 CE. I get so tired of hearing about these damn Edomites (ie the Irish) and how they have suffered. All Caucasians are Edomites. i.e. How so? If a planter whipped or branded or beat an Irish slave to death, it was never a crime. Des Ekins The Stolen Village is about the village of Baltimore where this in particular happened. Id gladly accept a Cajun than a damn IRISH redneck!!!!!!! Do you not believe that the Irish people suffered for centuries under British domination ? Again, just a guess. Stewart is a very popular Irish surname. There were school busses, city busses in which I stood my ground my grandmother let me be she was not of color ,but she wasnt white nor racist.. Oh and as part of an undergraduate class on American History of Business, I spent a significant portion of that class looking at actual microfilm of ads for at first, RUNAWAY INDENTURED SERVANTS in the USA and had to evaluate what changed in those ads for runaways as the business of getting help changed from INDENTURED temporary workers to ENSLAVED PROPERTY owned by those placing ads. They can reveal locations or even a familys trade, such as a fisherman, for example. Yeah, well done Harrison, first bit I read about James IIs proclamation 8 years before he was even born cracked me up! Irish slavery is not often talked about because its hard to find people who are stupid enough to believe that bullshit. and to the edjit who called the ira terrorists. If you look at it carefully enough, you will see how the Irish escaped their persecution and went into the hills to make their own way, and still do. Who where these owners? Black Irish - Wikipedia One British ship even dumped 1,302 slaves into the Atlantic Ocean so that the crew would have plenty of food to eat. This article tries to make it seem as if black slaves had it far better than Irish slaves or indentured servants. Barbados has an enclave on the island, the descendants of Irish slaves who never integrated with others, they speak with a slight Irish accent but as a race they suffer from alcoholism and diabetes and inbreeding. Then after a time the law change and blacks were considered chattel so therefore were unable to buy their freedom. Thus, welcoming a new wave of dark-complexioned Irish people. They live as second class citizens and are called red-legs and red-necks etc by the rest of the population due to their fair skins getting burned by the sun. Over centuries, as groups arrived and fled, ancient Ireland began to take shape. The truth is African-American is not your true nationality. It might be better to compare them to certain tribes that were all but decimated out would it not? 2. You dont have to accept their politics any more than you should be insisting on your own when interrupting the past. After which they were given the title of white and used as overseers on plantations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Britains solution was to auction them off as well. People who were no longer allowed to speak their own language, practice their own religion, marry who they want to marry, raped, murdered, separated and had absolutely no control over their lives for over 250 years? Irish names and surnames are steeped in our country's rich tradition and centuries of history. I dont care what race you are, if you want to commit crime be ready to do the time and stop crying that you got caught and the other criminals got away. Idiotic! Children sent north. Great to hear the truth that MOST BRITISH dont want to hear COLM MAHER. Dirst the Spaniards/Portuguese outlawed enslaving Christians long before British had slaves in the Americas. Its my understanding that there are still people enslaved, although it is done secretly, and/or the laws are manipulated to accommodate itbut its still happening, yet today. This article is not stretching the truth, it is flat-out lying to you. Youll find that most often the enslaved are identified by age and gender only. I think you should be careful in your condemnation of what you apparently arent aware of, Gaelic Catholic culture of Ireland was subjected to English Protestant Supremacy, and Penal Laws imposed by the English Parliamentarian Cromwell in his brutal conquest of Ireland saw to it that the Gaelic Catholic culture be prohibited. But have you ever stopped to think about where it originates? 150 Popular Irish Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings - MomJunction Could the Irish in specific have something to do with what the most High is doing in (phisical) (black) Israel? A slave was property and could be killed if the owner chose to do so. The largest number of Irish descendants reside in the United States, while in Australia, those sharing in Irish ancestry account for a higher percentage of the population than in any other country, except Ireland. McLoughlin 22. The Mac prefix translates to the son of and is commonly seen in Irish surnames, as well as Scottish. Keiran is an Irish and Scottish name that literally means black or dark. 7. Black (surname) - Wikipedia One such example is that of the hundreds of thousands of Irish peasants who emigrated to America after the Great Famine of 1845 to 1849. You did not do it, I did not do it, you did not go through it, and I did not go through it, you are shaped more by the world around you now, and I am shaped more by the world around me now. 9. Likewise, what makes all Blacks the same? No one in the homeland was safe. Did they live off the land, eat a lot of potatoes? Not only are the facts part of the story but so is the comparison. Indeed this criminalisation of the poor continues into the 21st century. We are, however, disputing the numerical facts posited in this article. But even also his own people as a mere result of the kind of things that happen when the wicked are in rule? And this is how blacks ended up with Irish last names. Was there a negative view of the non romanized world, by the nations of that empire? Throughout history, all nations and races are guilty of slavery. O'Doherty 16. my mother in law was called Shanks, we are Irish from the north of Ireland. Famous Dalys include American actress Tyne Daly, television host Carson Daly, and actress and TV personality Tess Daly. How about the Hellenic slaves in Sparta who were not only slaves but hunted and killed by Spartans in training. As an African American woman with an Irish last name, i knew the Irish were slaves and figured thats how i got my last name. I added the Facebook icon to my blog so you can share the link. The Irish were hated because they were catholics. Schools should teach more about this stuff, because its part of a neighbouring history which may not be NOT told. However, in most cases from the 17th and 18th centuries, Irish slaves were nothing more than human cattle. X-Factor winner Shane Ward is one of the most well-known Wards. English treated Irish deplorably. Where they not forced to build railroads and gassed and burned in ovens? Well my last name is carmickle. 9. It is derived from the Gaelic Conchobhair (descendant of Conchobar "lover of hounds"). Presbyterian freeholders? American football quarterback Tom Brady is the most famous person with the name Brady. Amazing people. Slavery is age old and always horrific. The Surname Brown: Its Meaning and Origin - ThoughtCo Otherwise, there would not have been near as many who immigrated, as well as died of starvation and disease, during the Great Potato Famine as there simply wouldnt have been that many left! I got my answer. They are the dregs of the white race. I am not judging anyone here I am just making observations and that is what I have observed. Ryan (30795) I always thought that the Jamaican dialect sounded like a version of an Irish dialect. Racism was a mischaracterization of that content. This is further evidence that despite the evil of Irish slavery, Irish slaves were strangely still seen as human. Something to keep in mind as you read. The Origins of the Term 'Black Irish' It is striking, though, how this tale is very similar to the ancient Irish legend of the Milesians who settled in Ireland having traveled from Spain. They got to keep their last names because they were easy to pronounce.. Its common sense guys. After Cromwell there was such a situation, that later was deemed less desirable in a cost/benefit calculation, because of Irish poverty they could get the same benefit by using indentured servitude.*footnote. I have always found that a fascinating sociological subject, whether its worthy of study is doubtful. Black Last Names: 80 Popular & Common African American, African This story has been circulated amongst white supremacist sites and through social media, has found its way into mainstream conservative consciousness. I agree. Im curious to know how/why the Irish slaves were able to keep their Irish last names?Traditionally slaves had to take on their owners last name. Think about their rage The fighting irish especially 100 years ago you wouldnt have not one Irishman admitting they were ever slaves ( they would talk about it amongst themselves, but never with outsiders whom werent real irish. And there, my friends, you have the truth of the matter. What is NOT true is the absurd Idea that slavers bread African Slaves with Irish women to create more profitable slaves. Lynch 18. You did not cite any sources and Id love to research even further. The Irish were treated HORRIBLY, often just as horribly as Africansbut not always. American blues guitarist B. Did you have some knowledge of your name already? Obviously African-Americans had it worse if you look at it in a way where most of their race went into slavery.yes, their own people were involved in the slave trade..but again Im just stating facts!!!! It does not, however, change the fact that the *numbers* of Irish taken and sold into indenturehood or outright slavery in this article are not born out by any factual evidence. They were abused and belittled for being Irish and Catholic; they were considered worthless and heathenbut they were seen as worthless and heathen *humans*, at a time when being heathen was a much bigger deal than it is now, even while being traded as property. Aztecs and Mayans were no exception. While the Irish did not have it good they had much better circumstances than slaves. Count DanielOMahonywas a general in the Irish Brigade and is one of the most famous people with the surname OMahoney. Black Name Meaning & Black Family History at What may be a mytth, however, is the numbers posited in the original article. Famous Martins include musician Chris Martin of Coldplay, and actors Steve Martin and Dean Martin. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, THE BLACK IRISH: Who were they? For those of you keen to dig a little deeper into your roots, we suggest you check out! If you want to refute the facts surrounding Cromwells conquest of Ireland, Irish rebel imprisonment, British penal system convictions, Barbary slave trade, and raids on mainland coastal Europe and the British Isles Im interested to review your scholarly work. The Irish were treated as less of a person than blacks, maybe not worthy of the slave owners name! [5] It is the masculine version of the name Ciara . British Penal Code offenders, Irish Rebels and, the destitute hardly have the power to enter into voluntary servitude (whether some poor actually did or not), it would be like calling your dog a voluntary pet. The only qualifying factor is; if its dehumanizing and/oppressive then its wrong! The term "Black Irish" has also been applied to the descendants of Irish emigrants who settled in the West Indies. Visit The Information about Irelandsite to read more about Irish history, culture, and heritage. Ever wonder why those hillbillies talk funny? I will never make any claim of who was better off or who had it worse. Salem, Massachusetts. We dont really need to go through all of the gory details, do we? The traditional image of Vikings is of pale-skinned blond-haired invaders but their description as "dark foreigners" may lead us to conclude that their memory in folklore does not necessarily reflect their physical description. On December 21, 1988 Jesse Jackson and a group of other black "leaders" officialy declared their support for the term 'African American'. It remains, therefore, a descriptive term used for many purposes, rather than a reference to an actual class of people who may have survived the centuries. Natives did not participate in the slave trade. It derives from the Gaelic word Ciarn, ciar meaning black, and -an being a diminutive suffix. From a real Irish person, who didnt get shipped over to America but whos ancestors have fought against the oppression of Britannia and ultimately Rome (the Pope) for over 800years. I was born in Jamaica & was told a little about this by an Irish funeral director. Case and point, to her its all about race. Blog where a high school dropout or even a liam hogan can go and change irish slavery to irish indentured servitude on a daily basis lolto those who used him as your source grow up!!!!!! Simply put, they could blend in and have a life. * Originally published 2013. Black slaves were the alternatives because they could bear these conditions, and also knew farming techniques which they carried with them to the New World. The Norman invasions of 1170 and 1172 led by Strongbow saw yet another wave of immigrants settle in the country, many of whom fiercely resisted English dominance of the island in the centuries that followed. Reblogged this on Simply Etta D. and commented: It is not a contest it is a reminder that many people suffered under the ruling monarchies of England. fulfilling government and community contracts for various agencies varying from state to state. No, they liked they Irish accents so much that they took on the names out of respect. Thanks for sharing. So, no, Irish did not get to keep their names, they got to keep their anglicized names, just like African slaves. So if Irish slavery and African slavery the same why arent the Irish suffering the same fate as blacks today. It is said that the first family of Black were converted to Christianity by Paulinus, the head of the family being Prefect of Lincoln, about 628. The Irish were endentured servants. Irish toponymic surnames, deriving from a place where the original name bearer once lived, are rare. Im reading these blogs and Im thinking to my self, what does this article have to do with irish slaves? I think it is dishonest to compare slavery based on race with indentured servitude or slavery based on economic status or country of origin. Reblogged this on Eccentric and Bent and commented: Actress Lauren Graham is one of the most famous Grahams. As far as the name changes it was probably due to pronunciations not so much of stripping the names, doubt the traders/owners cared either way, whatever would be easiest. Another part of history that is not covered in our history books. Irish women were forced to have black children (enslaved first in the West Indies & Monserrat), because black slaves were costly, whereas Irish slaves cheap. At this point eyes are cast around for new slaves, from somewhere that isnt yet a taboo source. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. It seems more likely that "Black Irish" is a descriptive term rather than an inherited characteristic that has been applied to various categories of Irish people over the centuries. There really is no comparison! Several varied groups of multiracial people have sometimes been referred to as or identified as . Thank you. They changed things to cover up the greed, it is that cover up that is racism today. The Normans another group to invade Ireland, Brand new luxury hotel opening in Cashel this spring, The most exciting new projects coming to Belfast in 2022, The 10 BIGGEST St. Patricks Day PARADES in the USA, Hell never get older Father Ted star Dermot Morgans son on 25, Three Belfast men set sights on rowing world records, New true-crime documentary exposes the many lies and lives of GPO girl, Country Clare hotel voted one of the most romantic in the world, Catch yourself on: Irish SLANG PHRASE meaning explained. Unlike Africans, Irish indentured servants could buy their way out of slavery. People dont make it to age 40 there. English landowners would literally pay pirates to come and raid entire villages on the Irish land they owned, to get rid of the renters so the landowner could do as he wished with the land. Although, I recognize that the facts of this article are in dispute, with regard to the treatment of the Irish by the British Empire, knowing what I do about history, it is not entirely unlikely that much of this is true. In 1656, Cromwell ordered that 2000 Irish children be taken to Jamaica and sold as slaves to English settlers. Kiss Me, I'm Black Irish. Embracing Heritage and Celebrating | by After the end of the atlantic slave trade ended in the early 19th century, breeding was encouraged, and more fertile women were preferred over non birthing prolific women.